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Hawaii's Geothermal Resources: A Reassessment
Originally posted by pahoated

Originally posted by Ken
GEO is Madame Pele’s “mothers milk” to share with all her children.

That is an analogy, not fact or presented as fact. Inability to distinguish the difference would indicate a severe communications problem.

If quantum interactions totally explain our perception of this universe's reality, then the statement "science deals with probabilities" will become fact. What can't be argued is that we are in a knowledge, information and data explosion, only expected to accelerate over the next few years. Discussing what is fact and what is not fact is a philosophy exercise. For engineers, what is close enough is good enough and engineers are always aware there is uncertainty in all human observation and measurement, so crank in a safety factor of 2 to (probably) take care of that.

"It was a majority decision to descend into the Dark Ages. Don't worry, be happy, bang on da drum all day! Onward to Elysium."

No, its a claim, presented as "FACT" by some in support of GEO.

Just as claiming GEO is "raping Madam Pele" is presented as "FACT" by those who do not support GEO.

As for philosophy in this matter, I am reminded of the age old quote that says "Philosophy is questions that may never be answered. Religion is answers that may never be questioned."

GEO is being played by BOTH sides on the "religious" part and not on the scientific or philosophical part.

Confused: how will the price of electricity go down if we're all paying for the $16B inter-island grid?
The cost of all the exotic energy production schemes/ experimentation and the resultant ecological damage keeps going up.

See Chernobyl, Fukashima, and the garbage cooling pipes/ stacks installed in the cali O/C plant.

The east coast still cleaning up from the oil spill - got shrimp?

Geothermal having unexplained shutdowns

Solar at one dollar per watt down from 4 dollars a watt just a few years ago

Which technology seems to be working out best cost wise and has no need for long distance transmission lines......?

Which technology easiest to manage in a worst case scenario?


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