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silly thumper music
It's a white SUV. The first time I encountered it was at the bypass choke point. The bass vibrations were so amped that it sounded like it was coming from inside my vehicle. It literally made my rear view mirror vibrate. It was creepy. At the time I didn't know which vehicle it was coming from but the white SUV was a suspect. They wound up getting 3-4 cars ahead of me after the merge and my mirror was still vibrating.

Since then, we've seen AND HEARD the white SUV in Orchidland many times. There is no way to punish your eardrums in this manner without suffering permanent hearing loss, which is probably why the bass seems to get louder over time. I've never heard any music coming from the vehicle, just a horrible bass vibration. I can't confirm that they even have a stereo installed and that it isn't just some foul invention. Maybe they have found a way to propel the vehicle using appalling sound waves and they get 250 MPG. That would be the only reasonable explanation for the atrocity.

IMHO I don't believe talking to them would help. They didn't spend thousands of dollars on their perverted bass system to not use it. And frankly with its output I can't think of anywhere on the island that they could use it where it wouldn't annoy somebody. Besides, with their 95% hearing loss, talking to them would require using sign language, which I don't know.

I bet when they drive over to Kona (bass thumping the whole way) people on some Maui web forum ask what that horrible sound is.

I'm working on a solution. I have a rough sketch on the back of a cocktail napkin of a ultra high output treble beam. My theory is that if I can amp the treble up high enough and focus the beam on the white SUV, the sound waves will cancel each other out. The only problem is that the machine will require several gallons of treble fluid and the only known reserves are in North Korea and Iran, with smaller amounts rumored to be in Chechnya. If I can get my hands on that treble fluid, I KNOW it will work.
My point is actually that it's a sh*thole partly BECAUSE of cop's inaction.
I have a right to peaceful enjoyment of my property; nobody has a right to blast music so loud that it disturbs people that far away.

Originally posted by Midnight Rambler

Shorter pog: "You should just accept that Hawaiian Acres is a sh*thole and quit whining!"

><(((*> ~~~~ ><(("> ~~~~ ><'> ~~~~ >(>
Yes, there are laws.

Orchidland, Hawaiian Acres, HPP, etc are all zoned "agricultural", under which code the noise limit is 70db at all times.

How unfortunate that we who pay the taxes do not get to set priorities for enforcement.
Thanks Kalakoa; Terracore, what a great invention, that treble beam. I'll have one.
Cheers, da f up. Smile

-- rainshadow
-- rainshadow
Coqui frog attack !

My neighbor in HPP who actually lives 3 lots away from me gets a ride to and from work with a thumper car. It used to bother me but now its like a time check, 8 am and 5 pm when he gets picked up and dropped off. Would be interesting to read what effects that noise must have on kids over time!
TC - have seen similar vehicle parked by us...last time, I cranked Wagner "Ring", SUV left posthaste...I guess they do not appreciate all music (OK, Bruenhilde is tough for me too, but she is effective ;~)
Originally posted by mac nut

My neighbor in HPP who actually lives 3 lots away from me gets a ride to and from work with a thumper car. It used to bother me but now its like a time check, 8 am and 5 pm when he gets picked up and dropped off. Would be interesting to read what effects that noise must have on kids over time!

Wonder if you could ask your neighbor what it is like to actually ride inside this type of vehicle.

-Veritas odium parit”(Terence 195–159 BC))-"Truth begets hatred".
-Veritas odium parit”(Terence 195–159 BC))-"Truth begets hatred".

Be sure to bring some scratch paper, you'll probably have to write your questions down.

I use gangsta signs.

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