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Maku'u Market
Just wondering if anyone here was a vendor or has experience with Maku'u. I had some questions but cannot seem to find a contact number or email anywhere. I found their blog, but no one has posted on it since December. I just had some general questions about booth pricing, what you can and cannot sell, booth location (I notice that a lot of people that are there weekly always have the same booth). Just general stuff like that. A few other moms and myself were thinking of trying it out just to make ends meet in this economy. Thanks.
A single booth is $25, unless you are selling food than it's $35/$50 and there are some health regs. You can pretty much sell anything,except drug related paraphanelia.
There are many vendors that are grandfathered in with permanent spaces.
All others are first come first serve.
My wife and I had the same booth for 2 years but only because I arrived at 0300 to be sure I had a low number.
Gate opens at 0500 and they hand you a number as you drive in.
For us it was also a great Sunday social gathering with fellow vendors and also return clients.
The market was very succesful for us and we wish you all the luck.

Isn't it the case that you can't sell cans of soda?
This is a great example of what is wonderful about Hawaii. It sounds like there is almost no administratative oversight of this market. People are free to do mostly what they want. You could even decide to go there "spur of the moment" for one week. Awesome
Riverwolf, wow, 3am huh? LOL I guess I will be stuck in the back somewhere. So I guess I will have to get some of those canopy tarp things so I don't get soaked. I will be going next Sunday so I guess I will find the manager or whoever and get some more info.

Paul, cans of soda, really? That's a bummer if they are that picky. I was going to ask around about that. My kids really wanted to make mochi to sell to try to get some extra money. They would not be making enough to sell to cover the extra booth rental though. Especially since there are probably another 5 booths selling mochi anyway.

Julie, yeah it sounds fun to try it out for a couple weeks at least and see what happens[Smile]
For food items, you might want to check first, I seem to remember that you might need a certified kitchen for the prep (obviously that varies with the food...but still worth a check...) there was a food safety class that probably would have covered that, but I didn't go, so don't know!

Hilo Farmers Market also can be done on a trial basis...
I love the food at the market. Unfortunately some of the folks in those booths have absolutely no customer aloha skills. Sheesh, one could at least smile and be nice.
Food requires a certified kitchen + your DoH paperwork. I believe they require the relevant certificates for bodywork (massage, etc).

No "drug paraphernalia" which apparently includes rolling papers (because you "could" roll a joint with them). No animals. No firearms.

Market reserves the exclusive right to sell canned/bottled beverages; these are a fundraising effort (I think it's even "for the children").

Permanent spaces are still available -- but only if you don't ask for one. They will decide to assign you one if it makes sense to them.
yet, the market sells canned/bottled beverages fund raising.
I bought one, went home, and made a bong.
I guess I got one over on them.

Originally posted by jlgerk

yet, the market sells canned/bottled beverages fund raising.
I bought one, went home, and made a bong.
I guess I got one over on them.

Hah! Niiiice.... good one.

-- rainshadow
-- rainshadow

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