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Drug Dealers on Pahoa Main Street
Took the survey - thanks!

-- rainshadow
-- rainshadow
Well.... although I dont smoke weed, just like almost every one else in Puna we know who has it and where you can get it if you want some so this is a sad story I will recount...

One of those punks took some fairly naive 21 yr old kids for $360 on Saturday. He told them he was going to get them some really good weed. The punks name is curtis brown with a tatoo of a flag on his arm.

Yes, I agree it was a really really stupid thing for the kids to do - buy weed, and also accept an offer from the punks in front of Cash N Carry. When they told us, we just were 1) dumbfounded that they gave this punk any money 2) that they didnt seek a better source.

It is a lesson for them, but I do feel in some ways sorry for them.

Also took the survey. Thanks again for posting the link.
Leilani Estates, 2011 to Present
If you want to engage in criminal activity then you have the pleasure of dealing with criminals. I hope they learned THAT lesson.
YEs, this is exactly what I tell my kids. "The danger to your body from drugs is bad, but the people you might associate with in the process is probably worse". I wish they would teach this in schools. They only focus on the drugs. Things like meth and heroin kill people's souls. They are just an empty shell while they are using. Aweful.
I have seen first hand the damage drugs do. In Iowa Meth is so common. You can see a Meth head every trip to town at Walmart or anyother store. The pock marks, agitated can't stand still, vacant stare look. Just empty inside.

Now weed on the other hand, I don't smoke it anymore but it needs to be legal, or at the least decriminalized. The cops need to get these druggie folks away from the businesses and into their own area like we do on the mainland. It is not the best situation, but at least they are not hasseling the citizens that are trying to navigate life without harm.

Just my opinion....

I started out with nothing and I still have most of it.
I started out with nothing and I still have most of it.
So why don't the police do anything about this?
Oh, but the police *do* enforce the laws -- haven't you seen them joyriding helicopters all around Puna? Those "seatbelt checkpoints"? That's the police at work!
Originally posted by PaulW

If you want to engage in criminal activity then you have the pleasure of dealing with criminals. I hope they learned THAT lesson.

I hope so too.

I told them if smoking weed is your thing, do like 4000+ other Big Island residents have done and get a medical marijuana card.
I think Colorado just signed into law the exact proper means and methods to make this type of issue go completely away.


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