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conditional use permit proposed for HPP
Well then let's ask again:

Does anyone know what happened at the planning commission meeting today on the proposal to allow Diamond Drilling to build a base yard somewhere in mid to lower HPP?
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
I've got one: could this possibly be related to Kenoi's game of "musical chairs" that reshuffled his Cabinet?

If they do, in fact, issue an SUP for this, then I expect ever other pending SUP to also be granted, because none of them are anywhere near as inappropriate as a baseyard in an are that pretends to be "residential".
Might need a better definition of '' base yard''. Because there are lots of with a bunch of garbage trucks and trash cans, one full of boom trucks, Porta pottys, heavy equipment parked everywhere. So don't get in a knot because someone is trying to do it right.

Side note : Also I think the HPPOA Board trying to regulate anything else but road maintance is a illegal regulatory taking
Originally posted by csgray

...note that the planning commission meeting is NEXT Thursday the 6th, so there is still time to submit comments

Carol, can you post a link (or appropriate contact info) to a comment page for this? I would like to share my opinion re this prior to 6/6.

-- rainshadow
-- rainshadow
Originally posted by Seeb

Side note : Also I think the HPPOA Board trying to regulate anything else but road maintance is a illegal regulatory taking

Not just illegal, but likely incompetent as well.
Application for a Special Permit to allow the establishment of a baseyard for parking, storage and maintenance of well drilling equipment, materials and supplies on a 0.43-acre portion of a one-acre parcel situated within the State Land Use Agricultural District. The property is located between Paradise Drive and Maku‘u Drive on the makai (northeast) side of 32rd Avenue, approximately 1,500 feet from its intersection with Paradise Drive, Hawaiian Paradise Park Subdivision, Kea‘au, Puna, Hawai‘i TMK: 1-5-17:112.
At least it will make a good "test case" for the PCDP.
I think that is a commercial zone in the pcdp
There's a dozen businesses between there and the hiway they payed to pave the road in front of their businesses
Looking at that stretch of road using Bing maps (Bing has it marked as Diamond Drilling), it looks like they are applying to legitimize a pre-existent use behind their home that appears to be the only obvious non agricultural business on a stretch of road with mostly developed lots with a mix of residential and agricultural uses. It always help when someone is running a commercial operation in a residential neighborhood if they live with it too, they tend to be more considerate of the neighbors. It is definitely more piece meal rezoning by conditional use permit though, which is not the best way to make land use decisions in general.

When we lived on a narrow, sidewalkless, quiet, dead end street, and had a landscaper move in and start using their place for a base yard with a fleet of trucks running in and out 6 days a week, it was not fun. The back up beeper on the trucks starting at 6 am was the worst part of it, with the lead foot employees who didn't worry about the safety of the resident herd of kids on bikes and foot running a close second. It just depends on how much and what kind of traffic they will be generating. At least 32nd is close to the highway so wear and tear on the roads from heavy trucks will be less.


Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb
Exactly my point: PCDP seeks to harmonize land-use by designating "industrial zones" (etc), thereby preventing the mix-n-match checkerboard of "zoning by SUP".

Then again, this same PCDP says that Ainaloa subdivision should have a "neighborhood center" in the middle of Ginger Lane -- assuming this ever happens (ha, ha) I wonder how those people will feel about the traffic when their "dead end" street suddenly has a 7-11 and a Verna's.

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