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Woman's body found off Kalapana
We "don't know" if there's gangs, but...

HELCO recently installed a line of new poles at the very top of Ainaloa; these include the typical yellow reflector bit, so people don't drive into them at night.

Within about a week, gang symbols were scrawled on all of them.
If you were strangled it's doubtful you would be posting here or anywhere else !

Originally posted by HereOnThePrimalEdge

Just a reminder that we don't know who killed the young woman, we don't know if the young man was involved or what his current situation is. We also don't know if Eastern European gangs are presently roaming the Kalapana coast, turning the area into a horror zone after the sun goes down. And if there are gangs, we don't know that the young man and woman had any contact with them.

I walk outside every night in Puna with my (small) dogs. I have never been strangled, and have not seen anyone strangled, and have yet to notice roving gangs of any nationality. All I ever come in contact with are the warm breezes blowing across the island, and a sky filled with stars, planets, and the Milky Way, or sometimes clouds. If I do need to run away from something, it's only the rain.

Eastern European gangs roaming lower Puna. My goodness. In lower Puna, some Eastern-European-looking guy (which could be many of you!) must be laughing his arse off.

Sometime in the last year or so there was a group of young people who were pretty savagely attacked while enjoying a bonfire on the cliffs at the base of Seaview Estates. The attackers were young males, and identified as being Russian or Eastern European guys who had also been causing problems at Uncle Robert's. I think this may be the origins of the Eastern European gang in lower Puna story. I don't recall if they caught the guys, or even had any good leads.

As someone of Slavic descent, I would like to point out that Eastern Europeans are no more likely to be involved in crime than any other ethnic group. Yes, the East Coast has the Russian and Polish mafia in some communities, but that doesn't mean that anytime you see young Eastern European guys that they are in a gang, anymore than all Sicilians are in the mafia, or all Japanese with tattoos are in the Yakuza.


Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb
Pretty much. I am betting this was a totally different crime than a gang assault. Those are usually knifings or shootings or beatings.
Then there was this the other day, maybe it was just a hunter that fell and broke his neck and that is his hunting rifle:
Skeletal remains found in Puna

This woman off Kalapana is supposed to be the 5th or 6th woman that has been thrown from the lava in the past 20 years. For being the equivalent of a rural community of less than 40,000, is this rate of murder "normal" or maybe the new normal? There are the occasional crazy killings up North Kona and Waimeae, usually domestic or drug related, but they seem to be less frequent than Puna, which ranges from domestic to revenge to sadistic to deranged. People that have been here for 3 decades say it used to be much rougher and people would be car jacked in Nanawale, before car jacking became popular. So, things are getting better.

"This island Hawaii on this island Earth"
*Japanese tourist on bus through Pahoa, "Is this still America?*
KITV interview with the family on 5/31, mentioned the couple had an appointment with a realtor to sign papers.

Damon started a database of missing people on the Big Island,
Something that was needed here, as people tend to forget! (not the families or friends)
>Then there was this the other day, maybe it was just a hunter that fell and broke his neck and that is his hunting rifle:
>Skeletal remains found in Puna

Ya no gang killing is going to leave a good gun behind. People are reading a lot into things...
where can this guy hide on the Big Island without the help of someone?

Almost anywhere in Puna... (And just so we're clear, I'm not assuming that the guy is guilty and in hiding...just answering a hypothetical question)

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