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Woman's body found off Kalapana
It would be great to see many, many people walking out to the lava unguided. I checked public records and there is no one who owns "all 900 acres" of the lava (as Bo and his sister were told). Much of it is small private lots. Do not bother the owners/residents and they shouldn't bother you. Take the coastline. It's beautiful. Bring lots of water. And if you're bullied, call the police. Seems there's a pattern already...
I have been keeping up with the comments on the Tribune Herald article.

Was curious if any others kept up with the comments on this article and what your ideas might be. Could the local police truly be that devious and partial? The Bo Johnson family is reaching out to locals for help. I have talked to them and was dismayed at the manner the police have been communicating to them. I say that they need to reach out to the FBI for an investigation!

He who hoots with owls at night cannot soar with the eagles in the morning.
He who hoots with owls at night cannot soar with the eagles in the morning.
When this story first broke the immediate response on this forum was about how dangerous the lava area is and how it was just a matter of time before someone hurt themselves. Then... it was about a murder. Now its about lava again. It seems to me the person who anonymously posted the same post about 5 or 6 times on the comments may be perhaps not the most credible source for actual facts here. These are strong accusations against a person who has not been implicated in this case in any way. When people do well and make money other people get jealous. I strongly suspect this case has absolutely nothing to do with lava or livelihoods. I think that probably someone out there knows what really happened and its just a matter of time before the rest of us will too.
The area down there could use some kind of patrolling (and not just driving past in a car).

Originally posted by Seeb

The area down there could use some kind of patrolling (and not just driving past in a car).


The same could be said for the entire Puna District...
Hello, my name is Sarah. Bo Johnson is my brother. The day my brother missed his appointment with his realtor was the same day the body of his beloved girlfriend was recovered. The same day we were unable to make contact with him, and had him put on the missing persons list. He would have been closing the deal on 10 acres of land that day. This land would have been where he built his home and his new farm. It would have been the place he brought up his child. He would have supported his family on that land and lived out his dream. He had mentioned to the family, more than once, that he was interested in starting a business on the new property. He wanted to begin a small lava touring business as a means to pay off the land. He had a big smile on his face when he talked about the possibilities to me. He was so close to his dream. It not only breaks my heart the tragic end to Brittany's life, the senseless death of their unborn child, and my brother missing, but they were so close to their ultimate happiness. Too many people need money or success to be happy in life. He only wanted a family and wanted to support them.

Bo and Ruth(sister) opted out of the lava tour service, they were hiking down to view the lava on their own. They were accompanied by a small group of people that were either unable to pay for the lava tour service or unwilling. Whether this group had crossed paths with Ruth and Bo or not, they were going down to view the lava anyways. Before beginning the trek they were all warned about the dangerous terrain and length of hike down to the lava. I would say they were even berated for what they were about to do. Both Ruth and Bo and small group were well aware of the risks, they went anyways. They all came back safe and sound. Afterwards Bo and Ruth had been threatened by a local tour guide owner for walking down to view the lava. He threatened to shoot up Bo's house. I suspect because he was angry about the money he missed out on by them walking down on their own without using his service. He claimed he owned all 900 acres.

I do not meant to judge the authorities in Hawaii, but I am in fear that they are overlooking the threat that had been made by the tour guide. Not to mention, the fact that Bo and Brittany were attacked the day they were about to buy land to do lava tours. If there is anyone else out there who has been threatened by this Tour Guide, please share your experiences. I ask in hopes it will get the police to take a second look at this guy. There are red flags going up all over this case. We need local support! Only locals know about what is going on down there. The rest of the world only knows what the media shepherds them to believe.

I love my brother, miss my brother, would do anything to tell him I love him again. I will hold out HOPE for you, Bo. I am praying for your safe return.
Aloha to you and your family Sarah,

This whole affair is fraught with pain and anxiety. I certainly hope your brother is found alive and safely returned. Our police department is not known for professionalism and their attitude is paternalistic.... they know best.... but facts don't bear that out.

Mitch Roth, our prosecuting attorney is good. Work with him. Mitch is your best hope here.

Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Thankyou Sarah for coming forward and posting your opinions and information. So often, people are afraid to speak up. I am so sorry for your loss.
Also, I just read the letter in the newspaper from your sister Abigail. It is featured prominently on the "opinion" page.
Well actually, a friend of mine who has done lava tours off and on for a while recently purchased property there in Kalapana Gardens. I went out with him on a freebie tour one night and then we sat at his place and watched as the many, many trains of flashlights returned from the lava. He was saying that suddenly it seemed like everybody who can figure out how to turn on a flashlight is now in the lava biz and leading tours. Also, every night there are many local folks who just go out by themselves.

Neither my friend or any of these other brand new tour folks seem to have had similar experiences with someone wanting to mess with them. I have heard that some of the guides will tell people to go back if they're obviously unprepared - which I think is probably good since we saw a badly injured woman who went out with her friend limping back after a bad fall(she told us one of the guides stopped his tour and bandaged her leg for her.)

Its probably plenty to deal with getting a tour group out there and back safely so I guess I can relate when the guides get a little cranky having to try and help other people in distress who are unprepared. Apparently it happens a lot.

The comments the anonymous person made on the Trib website about one particular tour guide distressed me since these are serious allegations that are completely unsubstantiated. I do not know him personally, but I've heard he is well respected in the community and by the other tour companies. On my tour we sat near some of his guides who were polite and professional to everyone there (including one group who was obviously a new - perhaps not so professional - operation since the frazzled guide was trying to find another group to lead them back).

It just seems strange to me that these two people would be messed with for wanting to start a small tour business (by a tour company that is already quite successful) when so many other newer people are doing much larger tours with no problem.

I feel for everyone affected by this tragedy and I do hope it is resolved soon. Until then, I think people should avoid jumping to conclusions based on unfounded information.


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