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Woman's body found off Kalapana
My heartfelt condolences to the family of the victim, and big aloha to the family of the missing young man. I can't imagine what you are all going through right now.

It's very distressing to see that this discussion has disintegrated into an attack on a very reputable tour company. Whether or not the claims about one of their tour guides acting inappropriately turn out to be true, that issue is unlikely to have anything to do with the young woman's murder, which was, according to police, a strangulation. Statistically, that's a very rare type of murder, and almost always is carried out by someone who has some kind of relationship to the victim. Strangling a stranger over a perceived threat to a tour guide business seems extraordinarily unlikely.

KGMB news aired this story again tonight.

They Mentioned that Kalapana local guides are threatening people there. And that some Realtors have pulled out of land deals there because they were threatened.

They even showed this Punaweb online thread on the subject.

Seems obvious that there is something really wrong happening down there. And if the Local police can't handle it. The Feds should get involved.

If in fact this one Guide is this out of control he needs to be shut down. Seems like some credible accounts of terroristic threatening have already been reported.

Where's the investigation? Has this Guide been questioned.

This all looks really bad for Puna.
One Thing I can always be sure of is that things will never go as expected.
Hawaiian Lava Daily blog scroll down to the comments, Elaine also posted about the harassment by tour operators!

This is heartbreaking, the murder of Brittany and disappearance of Bo. I am so sorry!

Reading some of the posts here, I agree there has been intimidation and threats, people say a lot of things when they are angry! But that does not mean any of the tour operators/guides were involved in this tragedy.

There is the possibility someone was aware that Brittany and Bo were buying the 10 acres, had an appointment with the realtor to close the deal, and could have made the assumption, they were carrying a lot of cash.

Has the families considered offering a reward for information that leads to the arrest of the person or persons who committed this crime!
Not one you tube iphone video of this tour operator?

I dont go out there much, but was going to in two weeks with my nephew and his new bride when they come to visit.

I guess I had better take my redneck with me for protection. or not go at all.

I agree with Hikatz. Maybe there have been angry words from tour guides or other residents of the subdivision. (There are definitely folks there who are a few malasadas short of a bakery box). But it still doesn't mean they had anything to do with this tragedy.

Here is the reply from Leigh, the blogger and lava photographer who is out there A LOT about the incident on Hawaiian Lava Daily from last December.

Sorry to read of your experience at the entrance to Kalapana Gardens area... What you went through is not any way near the norm. I live right there and know all the Janguard Security people who oversee the visitors coming to see the lava flow... I have never heard of any of them ever do anything like you describe; they work for Hawaii County; overseen by the State. I also know nearly every tour guide that is currently operating tours; also none of the legit guys would intimidate you by letting the air out of tires.

There is only one guy that lives right near the entrance gate that has been caught letting air out of tires; he is a bit deranged and has been in trouble for this before. Again, I am very sorry you had a bad experience but I must stress that it was a very rare occurrence and is definitely not what locals are doing as some regular thing..."
Originally posted by ssshjar_johnson

I am interested in reading this book, more interested in speaking with the author.

You can find the Text here:

a few months ago a group of about 20 internatiol visitors were hiking out to the ocean entry before sunrise, and while they were out someone broke into their cars by smashing the windshield and stole all their stuff.

someone needs to shut this terrorist down - regardless of if he had anything to do with the murder or not. i know for a fact those tour guides make real good money - and they need to be thankful for that - at the very least.
anyone threatening violence to achieve a political goal (claiming sovereignty over land) is by definition a terrorist - it's thin but it might be able to get some Federal resources
nonsense! lol

save our indigenous and endemic Hawaiian Plants... learn about them, grow them, and plant them on your property, ....instead of all that invasive non-native garbage I see in most yards... aloha
save our indigenous and endemic Hawaiian Plants... learn about them, grow them, and plant them on your property, ....instead of all that invasive non-native garbage I see in most yards... aloha
a few months ago a group of about 20 internatiol visitors were hiking out to the ocean entry before sunrise, and while they were out someone broke into their cars by smashing the windshield and stole all their stuff.

someone needs to shut this terrorist down - regardless of if he had anything to do with the murder or not.

So if I leave my valuables in my rental car parked in a remote location at night in Puna and somebody smashes my window and steals my stuff- that's proof positive that there's a terrorist conspiracy to kill all haole? Lol!

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