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Woman's body found off Kalapana
I can't think of any reason to have confidence in the local police department.
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Rob Tucker's comment pretty much sums it up. In my work, I often have contact with the police, and the local cops are a train wreck. Oh, there are some good ones, but they face pressure to conform to the lower standards of their peers. I have been told this by several cops in the 11 years I have lived here. Two of these guys moved to the State of Washington to accept better jobs in more functional forces.
so it means that this awful crime will remain unsolved unless someone in the public knows something and reports it, but to whom? the police?
Perhaps a call to a newsperson, a newspaper, anonymously (or not) would be more effective at this point. Who is the chief of police? Does he have the qualifications to train a better police force? Does he have the ressources? What about social responsability? Someone out there knows something. How do we make it possible for that person to report what he/she knows without fear of reprisal? Just thinking if it happened to my daughter.....
I just have a couple concerns. I am a former law enforcement officer and kind of got some concerns myself. As for the Hawaii county police department, they are try there best to solve this case. I am sure they will. They might know more then everyone think. Do you actually think they would reveal 90% of the evidence that they have gathered? I don't think so. That would jeopardize the investigation. But by there actions you can kind of make a sense of what kind of evidence they have gathered. They have a suspect in mind already. So let them do there job. As far as for me I have some concerns. Why is the family staying in Kona, so far away from the crime seen? As for a fugitive stand point, You would go as far away from the crime seen as possible. On recent posts on other sites I have seen pictures taken from the family who was staying in the King Kamehameha hotel with police on there tail. The actual crime seen is almost completely on the other side of the island. The family could know more then what it seems. This would raise some concerns. Next thing I have noticed. My wife is a TSA officer at Hilo international airport. She came home and told me the brother of Bo and his friends were at the airport snooping around. Airport police were watching them the whole time. They did not catch a flight. That raises a flag. Why are you at the airport snooping around? In my eyes, they might have been looking for a way to get there brother off of the island. Testing the system or looking for way. Looks pretty weird to me. Just by looking at certain things would raise flags.
As for as all of the accusations of the tour company who were pist about Bo buying a property because of lava tours. I did some research on that. To my conclusion, there were couple properties purchased in the last few months. There were a property of 22acres purchased and the owner of the property is doing Lava tours at this time according to Lava beds, who is the neighbor, and also the Johnson's property was right next to it.Wouldn't he get the same treatment from the tour company? There is still many questions that needs to be answered. As for that accusation of a Lava tour company being angry because of the land purchase is pretty much a way to blame this individual and his company. We have to look at the big picture. Bo wasn't the only person who purchased land and wanted to do tours from it. There are individuals that had done it within the last couple months. How do I know this? Pay more attention to the facts then the accusations because the accusations will make you view this crime from a one sided point of view.
Yes, these are all valid points. And the police probably knows more about Brittany and Bo's personal relationship than they let on. Hopefully both families will get the answers they are seeking and deserve.
Opihipicker, You have forgotten some important facts. The lava tour company may have never found out about the other properties sold. No one knows what’s going on with real-estate until it is recorded on the tax system and that can take 1-6 months is Hawaii. Bo most likely was talking about what he was doing and the company found out about it. Also, other people have backed-out of real-estate in the area because of threats so, YES other people were treated the same. The fact is this; you shouldn’t threaten people because you might land up in jail for murder!
The police have informed the family that they are following them for their safety. If the police are following them because of suspicious activity…then the police just lied to the family.
If I threatened my neighbor and they were found dead or missing…I would be the first one picked up by the police. Threatening someone doesn’t equal murder but it needs to be investigated. I think the family just wants to make sure that everything is being investigated. For the negative information about the tour company, they caused this to happen. Everyone found negative information on them and boxed it up in a nice package. In their defense, they do have a lot of positive reviews.

To Minette-Yes we are hoping both families will get justice for such actions.
As for Lavadg- If you threatened your neighbor and they were found dead does that mean you killed the person? No, It is just an assumption. Yes police should investigate. I agree. What if they did already because of all of this accusations and ruled them out. Only one way to find out. Ask the detectives on the case.
As for the accusations, give me facts to believe such things. I am neutral at this point. Yes a lot of people had said this, and had said that but I need facts that is true. For threats done to people, where is the proof like police reports or arrests. If I got threatened for my life I would call the cops and get this man squared away. And yes don't blame the cops on being family members of his person. Because that will not fly and saying the cops are useless, because that is a sign of hatred towards this individual or company. I WANT SOME HARD FACTS to believe you.
And also to Lavadg. If you threatened your neighbor and he was found dead does that mean you had killed this person? What if they have gathered evidence that did not point to you. Still it has to be look at but that is possible. What if you wasn't on the island at that time. This accusations don't add up. From my investigations, the online forums have made this guy the suspect by false accusations. I NEED FACTS to make my decision. I'm a neutral individual at this time. Blanking out any assumptions at this time and look at the hard facts.

Another point, he is still missing. He could be dead. That would be a hard investigation. It would be a long process. Justice would be almost impossible but could be done because there would be many scenarios. Someone killed him would be a scenario, He killed himself after the murder, they were fishing and fell off the cliff and she got stuck in a rope, or she hanged herself cause of certain circumstance's and he killed himself after. All valid circumstances that needs to be looked at.
If he is alive then he is the murderer. Why is he hiding?If he was a target of violence and he escaped from the killing why would he be hiding that is my question. If I was in his shoes I would run straight to the cops and have this guy in jail as soon as possible. I would be with my family right now for healing and comfort. Many Questions. Seems like a lot of people have the answers without facts.
Godbless everyone on this Sunday.Aloha

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