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Originally posted by ourdoc
Originally posted by ericlp
yeah this so called "WAR" is pretty sad.... These are the same problems that Oahu had. I personally know one of the "feeders" in Waianae.
Personally these people aren't doing any favors by feeding the cats. They are full of ticks and fleas. Plus they have no one to care for their well being. If they get a wound or broken leg or some other problem, then that will certainly spell suffering for the rest of the animals life. That's no way to live being covered with ticks and fleas and no one to take the animal to a vet for regular checkups including shots etc...etc....
So should we head out into the wilds of places like Africa and start killing all the cats with ticks and fleas??
Its part of life, they bother US more than they do the cats
Uh, when do we have a bunch of feeders going to Africa? You do know that the Dump and Africa are TWO TOTALLY different places right? One is out in the wild and yes, Mother Nature takes it toll on cats from social diseases and pests.
Cats in Africa are native to their environment... Cats in puna are not native and are a man made problem.
Can you see the problem that WE created? I saw a person trapping cats and taking them to them next door on a one way ticket. Soon, the problem will be solved at the dump anyway.
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The irony is that cats are carnivores themselves.
Jackson, I support your vegan lifestyle because it means more animal products for me.
The only reason I asked was because you stated ALL life was sacred, when it obviously isn't, not even to you.
If Vegans love animals so much, why do they eat their food?
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Had not responded to this topic, " been there done that" For new punatalk members if you use the search button and enter feral cats, or any other topics you can pull up a lot of information of previous discussions.
I personally think it is stupid to remove a managed TNRM cat colony at the Keaau transfer station, they do help keep the rodents down. (my opinion)
Interesting, native hawaiian birds also are under attack by the yellow jackets wasps.
There is a difference between feral and abandoned pets, abandoned/lost pets, with food, patience and attention can learn to trust again. Do you know how frustrating when you find a pet and try to reunite them with their previous owners, it's almost impossible, only twice have I ever accomplished that!
All my critters are rescued pets, over the years it's been a lot of work and vet bills. No Regrets!
Jackson, I've learned you cannot change opinions, and when people try to goad me, I just let it go,
(FYI I also try not to kill insects or spiders)
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Originally posted by hikatz
Jackson, I've learned you cannot change opinions, and when people try to goad me, I just let it go,
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Helicopters. That is all.
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Originally posted by terracore
Helicopters. That is all.
Thanks for the chuckle.
Nothing left to do but
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Originally posted by Canuck
@ourdoc the roosters are only allowed because of the zoning laws in HPP. In order to change the rooster situation one has to change the zoning laws. In residential areas one is only allowed to have 1 rooster.
However people aren't willing to give up their zoning rights.
Actually it doesn't take changing the zoning laws at all. It has been done in many counties throughout the country for the noise abatement, the County Council could just pass a regulation that limits roosters to one per acre period. There is no legitimate reason for more than one rooster unless you raising them for illegal activities. One rooster I could live with. But our current and last County Council representatives refuse to even look at it as it might offend the criminal constituents they have that enjoy cock fighting including some of them. Its the same reason the HCPD does little to deter it. My neighbor has been caught selling and fighting cocks so many times over the years, now they tell him one more time he is caught fighting them he goes to jail (which should have happened the first and every time as required by law), so now he just sells them. I have video taped him throwing down cocks to fight for a few seconds in order to sell them, but this isn't enough for them to even investigate, and I'm retired from HCPD.
Of course none of this takes into account all the loose chickens running around everywhere that can get quite annoying, he doesn't want chickens, just roosters...
Sorry for going off topic but after 20 years of this..... We are tired of trapping chickens...
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My experience is only a small one compared to the dump cats.
We had one cat - our beloved Kitty - she did a fairly good job at keeping most of the feral cats our of our yard. After taking 6 feral cats to the HS, we did acquire two that moved in that were "pettable" - my hubby feeds them, they are neutered and kept the rat/mice problem down to a low roar or so we think by the "presents" they would drop at our back stairs. By feeding them, he kept them out of our trash cans and from spraying up on our deck.
Kitty passed away 2 months ago and now we have 4 more feral cats that have moved in - back into the trash cans and spraying. I guess the "sorta ferals" do not do as good a job at protecting their territory as Kitty did. We again are going to start trapping and taking them to the HS. What we found out from the HS is that if the cat can be socialized they will try not to kill it. If one of the ferals can come to eat and be petted we let them HS worker know that.
In our little world, we are trying to balance what we can afford to take care of - feed and nueter, etc the ferals - and what we can't do. Any of the ferals that have feline leukemia the TNR program will not release back.
We do not let litters of kittens be born. We did have to take one sick pregnant feral cat to the HS. But better that then add more kittens to the population and expand the feral cat problem and not be able to adequately meet more kittens needs.
I understand that this method will not work for the huge population at the dump. It breaks my heart to see them killed but it also breaks my heart to see them suffer and be malnourished and sick too.