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Where to buy 3 gallon water bottles??
We have been using the 5 gallon water bottles sold at Walmart to get that sweet dump water from the transfer station. Problem is, as we get older, they are getting harder and harder to stoop down and fetch out of the back seat. I want to switch to 3 gallon bottles but can't find any.

Any ideas?
AMAZON HAS SOME (sorry, just had to) in their free delivery selections, but most are not the trad. round - they did have a 1 and a 3 Gallon round on the first page...:

Ace has had theem in the past & WallyWorld...but Wally looked (& smelled) kinda threadbare this week when I visited...
iI have seen them at wallys world when looking for 5 gallon.

you could also just put 3 gallons of water in the 5 gallon bottles.

><(((*> ~~~~ ><(("> ~~~~ ><'> ~~~~ >(>
Lee ... That's too EASY! Smile
If you check with camping supply places, you can find all sorts of water carriers. Most of them are collapsible for easy storage.

If you shop around, you might be able to find one that had wheels and a handle to pull it, for easy moving.

What? Put 3 gallons into a 5 gallon container, and waste all the space that would hold more water? Logic be dammed. I couldn't make myself do it. Not any more than I could waste that last donut by not eating it.
When buying water containers be sure to check for the BPA rating stamp on the bottom. Should be a Triangle with the number 7 (Higher numbers are better)stamped into the plastic
One Thing I can always be sure of is that things will never go as expected.
I looked at Walmart and could only find the 5 gal variety. I want something that is a drop-in replacement to the ubiquitous water dispensers that everybody has. I will keep looking. I don't want to put 3 gallons into 5 gallon containers because of storage issues, and after brewing beer and making wine for almost 20 years, I understand what a huge "head space" does to the flavor of a liquid.
If the issue is transporting heavy 5 gallon bottles, here's another out of the box extra 5 gallon bottles, fill them halfway with water. When you get home, put the bottles on your counter (an easy lift) then combine two bottles to completely fill another 5 gallon bottle (eliminating headroom that affects taste). When the in-use bottle starts running low, go back and half fill the spare bottles again (or like it says on my shampoo, "rinse and repeat"). It'd probably a lot easier to store the extra empty bottles than several somewhat-filled bottles.
Steve I saw 3 gallon glass and plastic bottles in the island naturals in pahoa today. They were super expensive

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