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Hele On Bus $2.00 one way starts next week
Bill 86, on its final reading, raises bus fares, beginning July 1.

By bus or by car, your ride is soon going to cost you more.

The Hawaii County Council on Tuesday advanced bills doubling bus fares and car registration and vehicle weight taxes.

The votes came in the face of opposition from about a dozen people, several who said raising money from the poor is especially distasteful at the same meeting where the council was to vote on 4 percent raises for council staff.

“It just doesn’t sit right to think about the hardships some are going through while others are sitting pretty with raises,” said Tina Floyd of Pahoa.

Readers spoke about making the bus system more efficient, and several said if fees are increased to levels similar to Honolulu, then service should be as well, particularly adding Sunday service. Others talked about the effect the increases will have on students and the working poor.

“What are we even doing in this county pretending that we can’t afford to give disabled people a free ride,” Rees said. “To try to tap money out of disabled folks for riding the bus, I find it reprehensible.”

Hikes to bus fares are expected to bring in an additional $617,500 and hikes to vehicle registration and weight fees will raise about $2.8 million annually, according to the county Finance Department.

“To improve the bus service, we need something called money,” said Puna Councilman Greggor Ilagan.

The bill will increase bus fares by $1 per one-way trip, doubling the rate for regular riders to $2 and ending free rides for students, seniors and people with disabilities. It also raises the age for the senior discount from 55 to 60.

Ya know, when I visit Oahu and drop $2.50 for fare, I don't mind? Why? Because it's totally worth it. They have thousands of buses all on time for the most part and if you miss one? Big deal, another one will be by in 5 minutes or so. Miss the Pahoa bus? You could be in for a wait of 2 hours or more! That is if one even shows up at all. And most the time (depending on who is driving) they are early or late. I don't take the bus very often but when I have there have been a few times when the bus breaks down and doesn't even show up. Yeah it happens tho it's kinda ironic I've taken the bus on Oahu MANY MANY times and I can't even remember a time when one broke down.

I wonder how many council members that voted this in have actually ridden the bus? Service is absolutely awful and completely unpredictable. Let's hope things improve with the price hikes but something tells me it won't.
I had heard about this fare increase and I think it's completely idiotic. Let's see if they raise their 600k, or if enough people get fed up and hitch rides in other ways. I never did hear if the monthly rate was going up also. If they leave that alone, then I might moderate my view a bit, because then at least the frequent riders are not penalized, But students and the disabled and elderly should still ride for free. What percentage of an increase would it take to rake in 600k from absentee landlords on this island if they raise taxes on them? I'll bet it would be a miniscule amount. I just cannot believe that raising the cost for the poorest of the poor, is how our leaders decided to legislate this.
[:p]In my opinion...

The $1 for disabled riders is fine as long as there is a program to sell a monthly/yearly pass at a big discount to those who need them.

However my experience is that will not happen.

Walking is not crowded....
In the past, there were monthly HeleOn passes... and there have been special needs passes..Interesting to note, the HeleOn website has not updated the fare info...

nor is there any info on the fare on the "News" section of their site: seems that the bill has yet to be signed, BUT the fares are to go into effect on Monday... so they cannot update the site... so WHY INFORM THE PUBLIC... It also seems that no one in the office is positive of any/everything.

ADDED: Tiffany just called & they just updated their website:

Note that there is a monthly pass & there are bus tickets - 10 for$15 students and other discounted 10 for $7.50
Originally posted by Carey

In the past, there were monthly HeleOn passes... and there have been special needs passes..Interesting to note, the HeleOn website has not updated the fare info...

nor is there any info on the fare on the "News" section of their site: seems that the bill has yet to be signed, BUT the fares are to go into effect on Monday... so they cannot update the site... so WHY INFORM THE PUBLIC... It also seems that no one in the office is positive of any/everything.

Carey, you always have such detailed information. Thank you for taking time to research and make phone calls. This post is hilarious. My thought is perhaps all the officials and gov. employees are hiding because the heat of the phone complaints has raised too high. "No See, No Hear, No talk" syndrome!

$4.00 RT seems too high in my opinion, even for those who work. I believe many have cars that can do the RT from Pahoa area to Hilo for about $5 a day. Sadly, my car is a $10 RT trip to Hilo but thankfully, I only go once a week. I think a voucher system should be set up for commuters who work, giving them discounted rides when used daily.

$2.00 okay for one-way; $3.00 for RT.
And for in-town Hilo rides (or any metro area) should continue to be $1.00.

I would like to get access to the "study" Greg talked about that calculated the cost to the county to take one rider costs $7.00.
I have to presume he averaged all the rides, including the long distance work commutes and the short house-to-mall trips. Make the long-distance commuters(those who go from east side of island to west side) pay the $4.00 RT. That is still a bargain for them. But scale down the RT prices based on distance of ride or commute.

As for me, well, I can give up one large Diet-Coke from a local business and take a ride on the bus for a day. [8D]

He who hoots with owls at night cannot soar with the eagles in the morning.
He who hoots with owls at night cannot soar with the eagles in the morning.
So I emailed Greg...

Called him out on his quote -- “To improve the bus service, we need something called money,” said Puna Councilman Greggor Ilagan.

Pretty much told him he won't get my vote next time if things don't improve.

On that note, I like your idea about making the people that go from one side to the other pay the 4 bucks and keep the prices down to a 1.00 for everyone else that is within a 25 mile radius of Hilo or Kona towns.
Originally posted by ericlp

So I emailed Greg...

Called him out on his quote -- “To improve the bus service, we need something called money,” said Puna Councilman Greggor Ilagan.

Didn't each Councilor get $100K "slush fund" to sway the votes in their district?

Seems easy enough to use this money to fund a "Puna special" bus fare...
Or a special tax on the Hilo / Kona business district,................ if we want to consider subsidising ridership - after they (Hilo / Kona retail and commercial sites) derive the economic benefit

I'd also refrain from calling it "public transportation" until the bus stops at the airport - grin
I just checked and it appears that the bus passes are now $60 per month. Does anyone know what they were before the increase? Students and the elderly now will pay $45 per month- instead of riding for free. I watched the entire city council meeting on tv last night about all of this. Just so disturbing. The income disparity between the rich and the poor has grown so much over the past 30 years, and this type of increase just fuels that growth.
Maybe I'm out of touch but $2 one-way seems to me to be a very very reasonable price.

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