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Woman's body found off Kalapana
The phone records, if this ever goes to court and used as evidence, wouldn't have the actual phone call voice audio recording? Would it? Wouldn't it just have a time/date stamp and the phone number of the caller and receiver? I am not sure how that goes. Anyone?
Just wanted to thank everyone on this forum for keeping up with this story and all the contributing of ideas, facts, and kind words to the families.Things like this are all too often brushed to the side and forgotten. You people obviously give a hoot about your home and want to make it a safer place over there. Justice for Brittany, Justice for Bo. Please pray for the healing of the families and for Boaz's safety.

Innocent until proven guilty.
Brit and Bo families .... Are you guys talking together ?
Thank you to everyone who has reached out to support Brittany via her Facebook site "Justice for Brittany Jane Royal" or with message through this site. Our #1 goal is to find out who killed her, bring them to justice and have them be tried for this heinous crime. A senseless crime! Brittany had everything going for her; she was smart, funny, loved music and trusted in people. She was 3 months pregnant and excited to have a baby and raise this little one to love the things she loved.

I can speak for myself when I say that I have tossed around so many different scenario's about what happened; bottom line is that we only know little but trust in the detectives to solve this. They are determined to find justice for Brittany and bring her killer in!

The good news is, living in Southern California we have media galore. Dateline reached out to me and I am meeting with me on Monday to go over the case. They then have to "pitch' it to the higher ups. Hopefully they will run it and help work this case.
pog, we don't talk. Hopefully Bo is safe and not the killer. If that is the case we will work together one day down the road to bring justice to whoever did this.. but for now for obvious reasons we can't communicate.

ted royal
ted royal
I have sent emails to several people at CNN, ABC, NBC & FOX. I hope this story gets picked up and soon! We need closure and more attention means more resources.
Nothing left to do but
dragon2k....YOU HAVE NAILED IT! We were told (by the Hawaiian prosecutors office) that the HPD doesn't have a big budget for this kind of thing. Therefore how much they sent out for DNA etc, etc was limited to budget. In reality, they spend less to find the truth on cases like this then they would if it was a bigger story. Say like a celebrity. But if it were a National case, they would have to spend more RESOURCES...we the victims family don't have the resources to do much either. So I personally want to thank you for reaching out to the National media. We need to move this forward, and not get bogged down in local frustration. YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE! We had one person email CNN and they wrote back immediately and said they would look into person...can make a difference.

ted royal
ted royal
To all:
If you choose to help us get National attention remember a few things:

1. when presenting your thoughts to the media, remember what is in it for them? They want audience and ratings. So present it so they know that a lot of folks will watch. There is a nationwide ADP out now. Another mainland women murdered on a tropical Natalie Holloway in Aruba, Dana Irland, etc etc etc..
2.We have multiple reasons for this death. It is at the very least intriguing from many angles.
3.We have an unborn child who was killed...
4.We have a history of murders going cold, in a place where murder is very uncommon.
5.We have huge local and mainland TV, News print attention already..all you have to do is Google Brittany Jane Royal and all the pages of news reports and TV videos are there...
So I hope we can make a difference! NO...I hope you all can make a difference. In the end this will go away...but your community will stay to live another day, unlike Brit..hopefully it will live with a strong local PD and Prosecutor who will make those who kill pay!

ted royal
ted royal
I have had contact with Julie over FaceBook, but as far as the parents talking, it's not the easiest conversation to have. We also have been in touch with Brittany's biological father, Todd, who lives in the Caribbean. It's the most terrible circumstance to meet people under.
I am meeting with Dateline on Monday to talk about the case and Brittany; tell the story. They need to pitch it to the higher ups, but let's hope!

I have to say that the support and love on all levels has been amazing. Total strangers who didn't know us or Brittany have reached out, including one local woman who took a lei to the ocean locally for Brittany and her baby. Makes me cry and warm at the same time knowing how many people Brittany has touched, in her life and tragic death.

As I have said, there are so terrible monsters out there, but the good outweighs the bad. People are good!


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