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Food Inflation
Walmart pays at or above the legal requirement - minimum wage.
If that isn't enough to live on then the minimum wage should be raised.
There is no reason to demonize Walmart for doing what it can to keep prices low for everyone.
Walmart has done more for the low-income people of Hawaii than any politician.
I was actually thinking about this more today, along the lines of what Carey was pointing out. It was really only predominantly the white boomers who had it easier. I think minorities could be marginally better off now than they were, in spite of the economic problems. I dont hate boomers, it's just that I truly do hate to be lectured by them! I am only slightly younger than boomers, and I benefited greatly by being married to one. It was during this marriage that I came to realize the easier time that they had with acquiring eduction, getting jobs, house appreciation, generally good stock gains and now, generous social security. I am an older "Generation Xer" and was called a "slacker" on the cover of time magazine if I recall correctly. I am almost 45 yrs old and am going back to school for my third college degree because the older people wont retire and the younger new grads dont have families and can work 80 hrs a week, or nights or whatever. I am one of the lucky ones! I have a good employment history, good credit, and I'm also good in school. So many of my generation have really had a horribly difficult time!
Originally posted by PaulW

Walmart pays at or above the legal requirement - minimum wage.
If that isn't enough to live on then the minimum wage should be raised.

There's no question that the minimum wage is too low. If it had kept pace with inflation through the years it would be over $20/hr today. And according to a Living Wage calculator I just consulted, a living wage in Hilo for a single parent with one child is about $21.75

There is no reason to demonize Walmart for doing what it can to keep prices low for everyone. Walmart has done more for the low-income people of Hawaii than any politician.

Actually, if you read the articles I linked to, there are many valid reasons to demonize Walmart, and their driving down the average wages in the area, and paying employees so little that they depend on government assistance to live are just two of them. And that's without even getting into how much of their merchandise comes from China, and how their profits are taken out of Hawai'i.

IOW, their low prices came at a huge cost to taxpayers, and to the community at large.

I'd say you're known now.
"please keep in mind that 80% of WalMart employees are on at least some kind of public assistance"

Reputable source, please.
The family farmer is 99% GONE. The family grocery store is 99.9% GONE. The family restaurant is 97% GONE. It's all corporate. (By the way, a corporation is not a company.) Colleges are being corporatized. The news reports NOTHING anti-corporation because ... it's been corporatized. But, Americans LIKE corporations. Why? (Beats me, why.) They say things like "corporations are going to take care of us" and and "we shouldn't regulate the corporations — fewer carcinogens in their products would hurt their profits."

America, stand up and fight for your "Small Totino Pizzas."
Originally posted by Adam-I-Am

America, stand up and fight for your "Small Totino Pizzas."


Pretty much sums up the post minus the baby boomer shenanigans
Originally posted by dragon2k

Sounds pretty defensive to me. A bunch of excuses. The bottom line is has this country benfitted from the boomer generation? Are we better off now? America is a nation in serious decline and the inheriting generation has a right to be critical. Seems to me we went from the 'greatest generation' to the 'good enough' generation. Just my two cents, YMMV!

"the inheriting generation has a right to be critical" of what? boomers? how bout the inheriting generation has a big decision to make...bitch or do something about the situation...
Originally posted by davidr

It really sucks that we have food inflation...I think we all agree...but...
How many posters complain about inflation but still spend money on non-essential items, such as cigarettes, booze and pot? I can't believe how often I've seen people driving around in super big gas guzzlers and then they still complain about the high cost of fuel. Granted, some of these vehicles are necessary for work, but that's not what I'm talking about. Let us hear from the posters who are concerned about inflation but only spend money on necessities.

Last week, I was in a local store, lady in front of me got her food items via SNAP, paid cash for her 2 packs of cigarettes.


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LOL ... A penny 'saved' David : )


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