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Food Inflation
Thank for clarification on Smithfield. I agree it is normally very timeconsumming to grow food, that is why I am experimenting with some plants which supposedly need no cultivation and can survive in a basic clearing in the jungle. I am going to see how this goes. I ordered some seeds which evidently came from some 1400's plants and I thought they grew 2 pound tubers, but evidently they can grow 20lb tubers! - if there is soil of course. YOu can also eat the greens. I'm thinking I can plant one of these, dig it up, hack off a part- and then put it back down in the ground. WE'll see if it rots or not! The other things that I already have growing are some spinach trees and some pigeon pea plants. I'll soon get a moringa tree to add to these.
With 4 kids and a job how do you find the time to do so much bellyaching on Punaweb? Couldn't the time be spent more productively? Time seems to be focused on all that you DON"T have, try spending time focusing on what you DO have, you might find yourself a bit happier!
I have 3 kids. I have gotten some great information off of this message board, so it's a good read. I think I am blessed with way more than many people- including NO STRESS about eating totinos pizzas!
There's always time to criticize others for their choices, right?

"I am right and you are wrong,
that is why I sing this song.
I will sing it day and night,
until you admit I was right."
Mahalo Spencersmom, read my mind ...

Tonight ... KTA Gortons Fish Sticks 19.something ounce bag 8.99 ... Hold off buying 'till go to Target for other stuff. 24.5 ounce bag Gortons Fish Sticks 4.99.

Back in the day you could buy 200 fish sticks in a box for just a nickel.
Back in the day you went fishing for free...
Nothing left to do but
Back in the day ....
Can just fish off Red road for free fish right?
A lot of this doesn't have to do with a specific scapegoat store. It is the crazy shopping here and knowing how stuff gets here. The major container ship from the US arrives in Honolulu on Monday, the Young Brothers tugboat it over Tuesday and it's stocked Wednesday. All the stores raise their prices from the 1st to the 5th, the 1st for SS and SSI, the 3rd and 5th for EBT. Then, there are just crazy prices for the same product in different stores. And wild fluctuations in the store. An example, Malama has a regular price for Breyer's ice cream pints of about $5 for a pint. Then, they will have a sale on it, 2 pints for $3 or $1.50 for a pint. So, what will be unbelievably high in one place will be half the price someplace else. That's why Hilo is such a bustling little town, it's everybody going from store to store to get the best prices. Very little percentage is air freighted in, and at an even more premium cost, so of the 92% Hawaii is importing, it's almost all container ships, all floating on oil. The price of a barrel of oil has gone up almost 11% in the past two months, so that gives a rough idea of the shipping cost increase for the next few months.

"This island Hawaii on this island Earth"
*Japanese tourist on bus through Pahoa, "Is this still America?*

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