07-19-2013, 07:51 PM
This shooting is just part of the grand plan of the New World Order?? Spare me.
Just another fool with a gun and an urge to use it.
Just another fool with a gun and an urge to use it.
Over-armed Deedy meets Ha'ole hating Elderts
07-19-2013, 07:51 PM
This shooting is just part of the grand plan of the New World Order?? Spare me.
Just another fool with a gun and an urge to use it.
07-19-2013, 11:40 PM
It's not that the "moneyed interests in the world are tightening their grip"- It's that the worldwide poverty level has actually dropped significantly since the 1970's and this has led certain groups in the united states to feel very threatened. The value of the dollar dropping worldwide has ultimately made the dollars in this country go less far. Some of the "moneyed interests in the US" are tightening their grip because they feel unstable. (which of course we all are) The wealthy in Hawaii feel that "they deserve to have what they have", and no longer feel any personal responsibility because there are govt programs to help feed and house the poor. The problem is with everyone holding on to their cash, being too afraid to have kids/more kids, being afraid to start large projects (I'd even put marriage in the category of large project) etc- then the US economy becomes more stagnant. In many ways we are "in retreat". Statistically, lower socioecononic levels are associated with higher rates of crime.
07-20-2013, 05:24 AM
So...how does a security agent in the islands for a few days - probably reasonably well-paid but not exactly rich - because one of the "wealthy in Hawaii [who] feel that they deserve to have what they have, and no longer feel any personal responsibility"?
I know, I shouldn't try to make sense of Timecube logic...
07-20-2013, 05:49 AM
This case if more about bullying than race.
Both are Guilty of being Bullies. No one should have to die though. Deedy is a pretty lame agent. Aren't Feds trained in hand to hand combat? Seems like he was getting his butt kicked and the humiliation drove him to shoot. I'm just guessing though.
One Thing I can always be sure of is that things will never go as expected.
07-20-2013, 10:57 AM
I don't know poop about this case. I do know that it was again demonstrated in the Martin/Zimmerman trial that what is portrayed in the media bears little semblance to the facts as they are revealed at trial. Keep that in mind.
Pua`a S. FL Big Islander to be.
S. FL Big Islander to be.
07-20-2013, 03:26 PM
quote: Eating 3 cans of pork & beans will turn you into a explosive device of mass destruction! [ ![]()
08-02-2014, 03:57 AM
The only way a gun will do you any good against another gun is if you shoot yours first. So if everyone has guns, the only way to be safe is to walk around with the gun IN YOUR HAND ALL THE TIME.
If you shoot someone without a gun just because they piss you off, or say something, or throw popcorn / soda on you, that is murder. Of course with the new 'coward laws' you can shoot an unarmed person dead if they make you feel 'threatened'. So its OK to shoot someone for giving you the stinkeye? Murderers are scum who should hang. Geo. Washington, A. Lincoln, etc. had no problem with hanging murderers, but modern judges consider themselves so much wiser than the men who founded the country.
08-02-2014, 04:19 AM
Couldn't agree more, cold bloody murder is what Deedy did. Deedy was trigger happy, under the influence of alcohol who made a bad judgment call when he brandished his loaded weapon as a possible deterant. He could have taken a beat down for a minute or two if he truly could not defend himself with all that high cost training he recieved?. The situation was not handled professionally because Deedy was part the instigator as well the retaliator and the executioner when he simply could have observed the developing situation. Scared for his life?, is a sad excuse for the lost life he caused and pain he brought on to so many. Now he is truly scared hopefully for 20 years.
08-02-2014, 06:26 AM
I'll be interesting to see how the latest trigger happy HPD incident plays out.
JMHO, but 99% of time cops don't need guns and shouldn't carry them. That said, those that use guns against cops should be dealt with swiftly and decisively. David Ninole Resident Please visit vacation.ninolehawaii.com
Ninole Resident
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