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Woman's body found off Kalapana
Britts Mom - I know you are really incredibly hurting to the point that no one could even understand.

If someone knows something and posts here, yes they should have also made a call to HPD. But HPD doesnt follow up on every tip. But someone may say something here, and it sparks a memory for someone else and all of a sudden dots start connecting for a third person.

Use every available option and let people talk because somewhere someone may all of a sudden do something like post a FB pic of the lava hike they went on and there will be something in the background that their mind didnt pick up or something else like that, and it will be another clue for the HPD.

And now that I say that - I would pursue getting pics that day/night that hikers to the flow may have. If you get on Dateline, that might be a good thing to ask viewers if they were hiking there that day or night for too.

Most everyone wants this solved too. I told my relatives visiting not to go to the lava flow until we could go with them.

And again, our deepest sympathies to you.

+ 1 Kat.

Its EZ to think that Minette but I thought the description said a LOT .. Especially the posture part ... Its an observation one human noticed enough about another to put down in their description ... And SOMETHING about this other guy stuck out enough to imprint on the reporter so I would think it may just strike someone else the same way and one thing can always lead to another.

Can never discount the "gut feeling " factor we all have and should not ignore.

Originally posted by Minette

omg. Hopefully the police is investigating this issue? It would be pretty important to know who was in the orange tent? Someone knows and yet and no one is talking. Hmmmm.
"A guy named Leif was involved with Brittany during the beginnings of her stay in Hawaii. His last name is unknown to me, maybe the police have that info."

how was he involved?


FACT: I do not know the extent of the relationship between Brittany and Leif. I do not know the correct spelling to his first name, or the last name. Pronounced L-ay-f.

I do not wish to harm anyone emotionally with this next paragraph. I only wish to be truthful and bare all with anything and everything I know about Bo and Brittany. We know that Brittany is dead and Bo is missing. We know her cause of death. We don't know the murderer or her/his motive for doing this. Until we know that, I feel that EVERYTHING is relevant and should be shared, especially with the Punaweb Forum.

Originally posted by Minette

omg. Hopefully the police is investigating this issue? It would be pretty important to know who was in the orange tent? Someone knows and yet and no one is talking. Hmmmm.
"A guy named Leif was involved with Brittany during the beginnings of her stay in Hawaii. His last name is unknown to me, maybe the police have that info."

how was he involved?

I would like everyone to know that this information is secondhand, and that I am only writing what I have been told. Brittany had a personal relationship with a man known as Leif. I do not wish to blast their relationship on the internet, but because it is information about her few short months on the Big Island, it may be relevant.

Do any Puna Folk remember a man named Leif living on or near the Lava?
Originally posted by Minette

the guy on the bus is described like many people look like anywhere in Puna.

It is an extremely generic description. It just came as a surprise to our family, because Bo or Brittany never spoke of this mystery person that traveled on the bus with them. It may be nothing, or everything. We just need to throw ideas and any info out to you, locals, in hopes you can help connect the dots.
For the families of Bo and Brittany; I think it is important that you understand that things work very differently here within our police services and justice system than where you are from. It may be helpful for you to look at the work of Mayapple McCullough in victims advocacy here on the Big Island to see what it takes to get resolution and justice. I believe the Johnson's are right in not relying solely on the police in their efforts and taking a grass roots approach. I honestly think that a private investigator is needed. I feel certain that you would find many sympathetic souls who would contribute and participate in any fundraising efforts you might pursue toward this end. My heart goes out to you.
I have started a memorial fund for Brittany. We appreciate the support and love. This is to help with memorial services, costs incurred to fly to Hawaii and possibly a PI.
Peace and Love
If the police coordinates are correct, those two tents are over two miles apart. However, the first one (orange) is described as being 15-20 feet from the shoreline (and at the same time 2 miles north of the staging area; the ocean is to the south), while that point is over a mile from the shore, and the second (yellow) is described as being in a forested area makai of the flow, and the point is on the flow. See the link below for a Google Earth map for the coordinate locations (the white box is the Bo Johnson's land parcel).

Frankly, it's rather disturbing that they could be so far off (not to mention that they don't seem to know the difference between feet-inches and minutes-seconds).
The Yellow tent described in the forested area makai is the tent they stayed in. I know this to be true since we visited the area a few days after she was found and I know that the tent they stayed in is Yellow/Grey because her dad bought it for them when they visited in CA. You are correct about the other tent being miles away. The place that you marked on the map (based on the GPS coordinate) is not where their tent was. Their tent was right about where you have the land Bo was purchasing. Very close to the brushy area and the cliff.
It's great to get an idea of the space between the tents. It seems like a very long ways to drag a body over sharp lava. The person would need to be strong, in shape, and agile to avoid cutting his own legs and feet. I wonder exactly where the drag marks originated and if they were constant all the way to the water's edge.

So these tents were spaced far enough to wonder if this orange tent was involved at all. My question- why the police searched the orange tent. I think they did this because it was closest to the staging area. This tent could be anyone's, it could have nothing to do with this case, but it might. Could it have been a separate tent of just Brittany's. She was known to do yoga/meditation and to do these exercises in close proximity of the lava.

Was it possible for the body to travel down the coast like that? Was it possible for the body to last the time it would have taken to make it that far down the coast considering the known shark activity in the area? Any ideas, or known irregular tide behavior down there?

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