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Home Invasion in HPP Fri night 30th Ave
Yep and yep, + how long does it take an intruder to run across the room at you ?

Wow. The safe is for when I am NOT at home. Common sense is not so common these days. Let's just admit that some of us are prepared and some of us are not. If you think that a 3M raise will increase response time then you are in for a surprise. For shame.
Nothing left to do but
similar break in happened to our neighbors when i was a kid. They attempted to flee and husband was shot and killed. Stand your ground and Defend your home. nobody else will. I'm sure most people would agree that lethal force is acceptable in a home invasion like this. Like another poster said, what are you supposed to do, put a siren and lights on top of your house to alert neighbors? Hit a panic button on your alarm and wait for Hawaii 5-0 to save you? and how practical is it to grab your kids and attempt to flee in the dark down the street???

give me a break. You don't know if the robbers are there for money, or blood. NEVER wait to find out. Shoot to kill.
Way back in high school I had a social studies teacher who said he would never own a gun because if someone breaks into your house you typically have less than a second to decide whether to shoot or not, and most people don't, then the intruder takes their gun from them.

He lived in a crime-ridden neighborhood and kept a baseball bat by his bed, and he said hat he had sent 3 different intruders in separate instances to the hospital for broken ribs, but he was only able to do that because he knew he wasn't going to kill them.

When criminals are asked what they fear most about robbing someone their answer is generally "dogs", not "guns". If you actually live here and look around your neighborhood you will notice that lots of people who don't get robbed have dogs.
Fido is a good measure as well. But i wouldn't bank my wife's life on the guard dog. And now thats she's pregnant, i don't know how id live with myself if an intruder broke in with a gun, and all i had was a baseball bat to defend my family.
A bat isn't going to save you from multiple intruders, let alone an intruder with a gun.
Doesn't matter if its Big island, south dakota, or london England. If someone breaks into your home, IT IS YOU VS. THEM. You're neighbors won't save you. The police won't make it there before the intruder finds you. And if you've chosen to arm yourself with nothing more than pepper spray, or a baseball bat, you've taken a huge gamble. A bat leaves a lot of room for error, as does a gun in untrained hands. But with the size of some of these boys breaking into homes all iced out, for me its an easy choice. You get 3 crazy local boys like this story above breaking into your house, theres a small chance you're going to take em all out with a baseball bat. Its possible, yes, but why take the chance?
I think theres a much greater possibility of 2 intruders wrestling a baseball bat away from me and then beating me to death with it, than getting a gun from me and shooting me with it.
NOTHING gives you better odds of surviving an encounter with armed or violent intruders like a gun.
My Daddy always said " If you pull out your gun you had better be ready to use it"
One Thing I can always be sure of is that things will never go as expected.

A wise man indeed. However "using it" does not have to be fatal. Plenty a charging attacker has been stopped with a well placed shot. Knees, shins and feet are all very effective areas. If you think those areas might be hard to hit in a high stress environment then you would be right. You would also not be going to the range enough!
Nothing left to do but
There are over a million people who live in Hawaii. How many were killed by a burglar breaking into their home in the last year. One? Two? Three? Any? I don't know the exact number, but I do know that almost zero out of a million means that it probably won't happen to me or you, with or without a gun. You buy home insurance and car insurance because damage occurs to homes and cars in the real world many times a day in Hawaii. People evaluate their fear, not their risk when they buy a gun.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Originally posted by HereOnThePrimalEdge

There are over a million people who live in Hawaii. How many were killed by a burglar breaking into their home in the last year. One? Two? Three? Any? I don't know the exact number, but I do know that almost zero out of a million means that it probably won't happen to me or you, with or without a gun. You buy home insurance and car insurance because damage occurs to homes and cars in the real world many times a day in Hawaii. People evaluate their fear, not their risk when they buy a gun.

You are right - the odds are slim that I ever get to clean the gene pool of some home invading scum. However, I have spent thousands of hours at the range and I'm ready. Better to have and not need than to need and not have!
Nothing left to do but
You should try to enjoy Hawaii instead of cowering in your home with pistol at the ready.
I don't even bother locking my doors at night and I've never had a problem.
This is one of the safest places I've ever had the pleasure of living in.

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