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Crime Wave
Saw quite a few PD up on Saddle Road yesterday giving out tix. Just an observation.
I love the words "speed trap". It's not a trap! If you are speeding, and you get a ticket, it's your fault. No one made you do it or trapped or tricked you into it!

And like another said, if a death or injury is prevented by pulling over a speeder, good job Police!

Dayna Robertson
At Home Hawaii
Real Estate Sales and Property Management
Thanks for the responses... Sort of.

I thought maybe we punawebbers would want to discuss the recent crime wave in one thread rather than bouncing back between the 10 or so recently made posts.

Instead it looks like you want to talk about speed traps and my use of word choice...

Very well. I brought it upon myself bringing up the speed traps. I do find it amusing however all the interest in my derogatory reference to "police officers"... Even oink admits the adjective applies!
I'm not sure we are having a crime wave. One thing I do know is that clusters of crime seem to come and go. It's the normal flow in all cities.

Get to know your neighbors. Communicate with them about weird stuff.

I think Puna is very safe. I've lived in some scary places. Puna, I feel comfortable in. I think it's just a cluster of bad things, that is probably not a trend.

Dayna Robertson
At Home Hawaii
Real Estate Sales and Property Management
I feel fortunate that our "crime wave" here over the last few months is typical of a single day in many places.
I agree with Dayna. It just feels like a wave when its really more of an isolated cluster. This too shall pass.
Nothing left to do but
Even if this recent mayhem is just statistical clumping of some sort, am I the only one who finds the local criminal justice system to be amazingly lenient? Since moving here 12 years ago, I have seen:

1. Several DUI fatality cases where the perp is released on own recognizance "pending further investigation."

2. A high ranking public safety officer (fireman, I think?) who killed someone while DUI, left the scene, lied about who was driving, and then got to serve his very light sentence on weekends.

3. Numerous felons released on remarkably low bail.

4. Plea bargains for ridiculously light sentences due to poor police and/or prosecutorial work.

5. The election of a Prosecutor who actually said, "Prison isn't really the answer. If I send someone to prison, they just have to release someone else due to lack of space." Really?

6. A police force which selectively enforces the law under a variety of contexts which can include who the victim is, who the perp is, or the ever-handy "we're too busy to respond to your call."

Yet, somehow all this is acceptable because this is "paradise."
Originally posted by Chunkster...
1. Several DUI fatality cases where the perp is released on own recognizance "pending further investigation."

Years ago on Oahu I missed the envelope with my ins bill in it and it lapsed for 2 days. On my way to ins office to pay it - i got a tix for no ins. But no other tix. Okay dumb luck I know.

I go to court and judge gives the people in front of me fines for DUI, driving with no license, etc fines of $100 to $250.

I got $500 fine. I said right to the judge "so its okay to drink and drive without a license as long as you have insurance?" Judge threatened to raise it to $1000. I shut my mouth but clear example of not fair application of laws and fines.

Cops are lenient here but I kind of like that. Traffic wise that is. Whenever I go to the Mainland it seems that Cops are too hot to ticket you and just looking for any excuse to pull you over.
One Thing I can always be sure of is that things will never go as expected.
Chunkster you are not alone in those realizations, but thank you for being aware.

Kapohocat, if you don't mind me asking are you caucasian and fair skinned?

Kimo, totally agree on your points. In my limited experience of first habd encounters of hawaii police... While incompetent they are not total assholes trying to power trip on you! - which i've experienced all over the mainland.

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