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Woman's body found off Kalapana
Great news, BrittsMOM. I admire your tenacity.
Nothing left to do but
Thanks dragon2K, gotta do what I can to keep this alive so it doesn't go cold. Please continue the dialog and maybe someone knows something or has seen Bo.
What have you heard lately from the P.D.? If I may ask....

Are they keeping you informed?
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Well since the investigation is still ongoing we don't know too much. I spoke to a well respecected pi (LA sheriff homicide) and he said this is common for us not to be informed with everything.
The police are no doubt monitoring Bo's assets and must be coming to the conclusion that he was murdered too.

The police should question all the lava tour guides that were in operation during Memorial Day weekend. Was a list of guests on those tours generated? Questioning them might be of help. Any little thing could help solve this case. Helicopter pilots could be asked if they noticed something unusual.

A rumor is going around that some bloody clothes were seen out on the lava close to the campsite. The police were infomed but they didn't go out and collect them. Has anyone else heard this?
Question: Does the cliff area, where they believe Brittany was taken to, drop directly into the water? I am not familiar with the coastline or how the tides are but it was about high tide when she was found, would that 1-2 ft tide fluctuation mean that she would have hit the rocks a few hours earlier? How about the 2 tents-nothing has been mentioned in the media-have they determined the "orange" tent belonged to Bo and Brittany or someone else? The GPS coordinates do not put any tent 20ft or so from the cliff-has anyone else found this? How many people were on the lava that evening/night? My mind is full of questions, so sorry for both familiesSad
Yes, the cliff is close to their campsite. No idea if anyone else was out there with them. There was talk that others were camping with them but nothing has been mentioned to me if that is true or not. The GPS coordinates are all wrong, I know this because I went to the emptied campsite on June1. As for 2 tents, I believe they are both one in the same. @ Lisa where did u hear about bloody clothes not being collected????? I have talked to a lot of people who live or c work in puna and the talk is all over the place. Many theories no one willing or know facts, just speculation
One tent was searched on the May 28th, I would think that tent would have been removed with all evidence before the other tent was searched, which would make me think there were two tents for sure. There was no reason to be concerned about Bo when searching the first tent as he wasn't missing at that point, so was his ID found at the first site or 2 days later at the second site? If he had wanted to leave the islands, he would have needed that ID and he would have left before Brittany was identified if he had done this and known she had been found. I can't imagine that he would have ditched his ID and stayed on the islands-white dude wanted for murder on a Hawaiian island? So if there are no records of him leaving the island with another form of ID, I do not believe he did this and I do not believe he is hiding out somewhere. Wondering how the tidal currents flow - satellite photos make it look as though anything going off the cliffs along the area of the tents, would hit rock. Is anyone familiar with the shoreline along that stretch? Would something dropped off the cliff actually land in water and float away with the tide? Which way do the currents run on an incoming tide and how fast? How far offshore and what direction from the tent(tents)and how far from the beach was Brittany found? These are questions I hope Dateline can answer and will answer with help from locals or experts that are not involved with any law enforcement.
Originally posted by Island girl

So if there are no records of him leaving the island with another form of ID

If he left with someone else's ID there would be no record of it as they would not be looking for that particular person, only Bo.

He could have easily left on a ship. There are ads on Craigslist all the time for sailing.

I'm not saying he did, I'm just saying there are other ways off the island, including using someone else's ID.
OK, lets squash the 2 tent idea. There was one and only one tent. I have read and re-read the court documents. On May 28th the helicopter (after rescuing Brittany) noticed a tent on the cliff and the detectives were sent out and observed the following below. They did not have a search warrant at that time. On May 29th the search warrant was requested and on May 30th they did a search of the campsite. Yes, the colors of the tent have been recorded as yellow and grey and orange and grey; however that could be a very common misinterpretation of colors. It is CLEARLY the same campsite. The documents show this.

On 05-28-13 at 0905 hours, Detective GRANT TODD conducted aerial
checks of the area within HFD Chopper 1 to locate evidence and identify this female
party and witnesses of this incident.

On 05-28-13 at 0910 hours, Detective GRANT TODD located a campsite
approximately two miles north of the staging area located at GPS coordinates
N19.20.799, W155.0.769, approximately 15 to 20 feet from the shore/cliff area in
Kalapana with a view of the ocean and shoreline. The body was found in close
proximity to this campsite. There were no other campsites nearby.
On 05-28-13 at 1000 hours, Detectives ALMEIDA and TODD arrived at
this campsite located at N19.20.799, W155.0.769 and observed an orange and gray
single vestibule Ozark trail tent approximately 6' x6' with several items of clothing
hanging from a clothesline strung up between two trees directly north of the tent about
o o
five feet away. Detective ALMEIDA and TODD also observed a second clothesline
which was approximately 20' away from the tent which was tied to two trees in the
southeasterly direction. The second clothesline was observed to be cut with nothing
attached to it. Detectives also observed arecently used fire pit at this campsite. During
their area checks/investigation, Detectives TODD and ALMEIDA looked at the clothes
on the clothesline and the back of the tent and observed possible trace blood evidence
on these items. Detective GRANT TODD, attempting to locate witnesses to this
incident, called out to any possible occupants within this tent and received no answer.
Detective TODD, in an effort to check on the welfare of any other possible victims and
for the safety of officers, then looked into the tent and determined that there were no
occupants/victims within but did observe a bundled nylon fiber-type rope within the tent.
The width of the rope was consistent with the marks found on the body. Detective
TODD also observed bags and other personal property within the tent that may be belong
to the victim.

On 05-29-13 at 0800 hours, an autopsy was performed by Dr. ALVIN
OMORI; and he determined that the cause of death was asphyxia due to strangulation,
and the manner of death is a Homicide.

Your affiant is requesting the issuance of this search warrant to recover
the tent, an orange and gray single vestibule Ozark trail tent, approximately 6' x6' and
its contents for articles of personal property such as identification, cancelled mail

That on May 30, 2013, at approximately 1050 hours, your affiant, accompanied
by DAVIS and ELARTH, proceeded to walk in a southerly direction through the lava field for
approximately 10 minutes whereas at approximately 1100 hours we came upon a yellow and
gray colored tent approximately 7'x7' in size in a cleared out forested area on the makai side of
the lava field. This area is located at GPS coordinates 19 degrees, 21 feet, 21 inches north and
154 degrees, 58 feet, 44 inches west. It is in the vicinity of TMK 3-1-2-42-14. It is in a cleared
out area of a kipuka just south of a recent lava flow.
That upon arrival at the campsite, officers announced our arrival and called out to
any possible occupants within the area and received no answer. For officer's safety and in an
effort to locate any possible victims, witnesses or people in need, a cursory check was made by
unzipping the tent entry and glancing in. No one was within and tent was resecured.

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