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I just love punaweb yes sometimes it seems like it's a spitting match about who can spit the furthest....
But all in all it's a great place....Not living full time on the island..... Punaweb..... Is like my best friend..
I don't always agree with every post. And I think some pick on others.. but that's just life.. it happens
everywhere from the workplace to your own backyard..
I have learned so many things.... And I have watched people make mistakes and have read wonderfull sucesse stories..... I hope I can remember half of what I've read.....
Thankfully I can always do a search
Unfortunately there's a lot of "pot calling the kettle black" attitude on here, as exemplified by - well, pretty much this whole thread.
I just love punaweb yes sometimes it seems like it's a spitting match about who can spit the furthest....
But all in all it's a great place....Not living full time on the island..... Punaweb..... Is like my best friend..
I don't always agree with every post. And I think some pick on others.. but that's just life.. it happens
everywhere from the workplace to your own backyard..
I have learned so many things.... And I have watched people make mistakes and have read wonderfull sucesse stories..... I hope I can remember half of what I've read.....
Thankfully I can always do a search
rainyjim, I enjoy your subtle humor and satirical remarks. I know what you mean, though. I don't share my beliefs on here because of certain people who prefer to attack than allow other beliefs. I like to see intelligent ideas, shared knowledge from others, requests for help, alerts of pertinent news that I might miss, encouragement, offers of help and service...the list can go on. But you are right.

I still miss Pam! She always offered an honest, positive conversation. She was always the peacemaker, too. Punatalk sorely misses her and I hope her health improves so she has the freedom to come back in here and chat!

I am not for censuring (except maybe some cleaning up that Rob already does) people on here. I did appreciate Rob's way of stopping the UFO thread. I didn't consider that "censuring" but more like "burying" a dead dog. He was so kind to Bob and no hard feelings, either.

He who hoots with owls at night cannot soar with the eagles in the morning.
He who hoots with owls at night cannot soar with the eagles in the morning.
Comming in late but i would say to punawebbers to hava look @ the first three newby posters as per bringing down the aloha vibe here.

Rob sensibly blocked Vampire.

If there were ever a case of a square peg not fitting in the round hole of our lovely island, I would opine it would be these three, clueless, A-holes.

I only read the Punatalk part of this forum and at least on this section >>> Midnight and Liskir are 'side shows ' but please notice they are ADDING opinion and content to the threads rather than the trolling, packing-the-palm, drivel from these other 3 clowns.
I am still pretty new to Punaweb but have not found a need for a button. If there is someone or something I don't want to read, I ignore them myself. If someone is trying to start drama or take a thread on a tangent, I ignore them too. If I know a thread has already gone way off track, I just don't read it anymore.

I personally would prefer the option to selectively ignore things on my own. You never know - you could block someone who actually provides valuable advice someday!
My opinion is that there are some political/social debates that will never see a middle ground. It's not about education (I once thought that as well but have realized the ones I was trying to convince were already aware and just didn't agree) or debating points to find a solution. The positions are just opposed to each other at a root level (you can't have personal liberty/responsibility and cradle to grave government control at the same time, one has to take priority). It becomes easier to reduce the noise to content ratio by ignoring those people. I've also found that the like/unlike function to be a nice feature on forums. It keeps the back and forth/beating a dead horse process down and gives a voice to those that don't want/need to post "me to" type of confirmations. I've found online that sometimes the loudest are a minority. Just my experience in other more politically/social-debate charged forums.

I find Punaweb a great source as an outsider (only been on the island for 3 years) for where to find things, how to do things in regards to the special environment/logistics issues. I'm finding that I'm in the extreme minority here in regards to political/social issues so really limit my time spent here, and will probably move off island due to the increasing statism (I'm seeing laws passed now that were voted for in California 15 years ago and I really don't like the way interaction with the "system" in California works).
Quite often "blocked" posters are quoted so you might see them. Some people quote just for spite anyway. I wouldn't use the blocking or "ignore" feature.
Puna: Our roosters crow first
Funny, "move off island due to increasing statism" -- yes, I see California's bad examples passing for "law" here too, but where are you going to go that's not like that?

In much the way that California should be three states, I think Hawaii should be two states:

- The State of Oahu (Oahu and the Californicated part of Maui)
- The State of Hawaii (everything else)

Our "elected" State leadership says nice things about "the rural outer islands", but they keep passing laws that only make sense in a big city, then enforcing those laws out in the country where they do more harm than good.

To name but one example: Pahoa has traffic problems, so it's getting the state's first roundabout -- it doesn't matter what Puna "wants", or what the "best solution" is, the nice State Highway people have decided it will be a roundabout. With one lane of travel in each direction, so it can be a bottleneck when the highway is eventually widened (someday, maybe).

Let's not forget the helicopters. County residents managed to pass a ballot initiative that simply states "we have better things to do with our time/money", but the State flies interdiction anyway, because "Federal law always trumps"... but a strict interpretation of Federal statutes would find the NEA guilty of terrorism, if the system would ever permit the laws to be used "that way".

Personal attacks are amusing. State-sponsored terrorism is not.

I agree, the consensus with the average American wants more of the same, so any relocation to avoid it is just running to try and stay in front of the wave (plus i hate winters and the states that are less progressive have winters). I'm leaning towards becoming an expatriate in my search. Politics isn't my only reason to move but is in the top 5. Luckily i am single, telecommute, and live a simple life so i can stay mobile.

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