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State supremes rule against low priority marijuana
Saw this in West Hawaii Today but not in Trib. Thanks to Dave Corrigan for his always excellent coverage of our island on Big Island Video News. Here's the link:
It's amazing how the local police can be selective about laws they enforce when they want to be, but are totally against the concept of selective enforcement when the people try to set the priorities. I'll never forget when the police chief was quoted in the paper as saying the cops were too busy to enforce the laws against darkly tinted windshields and hugely oversized tires. His suggestion to the concerned public? "Take down the license number and write us a letter." Yeah, right.
basically the county has no right to enact laws that would run counter to state law. but what about the bag bans or the smoking on the beach laws?
what was effectively a tentative stepping stone towards changing the antiquated and somewhat hypocritical (addictive liquor and nicotine anyone?) state and federal laws on marijuana, stricken down. i wonder when these laws themselves will finally become updated out of the 50's to 80's and into the 21st century.
when the people from the 50s stop voting.
This wasn't a council action; it was an ballot initiative that was voted on and approved by like 54% of the voters in Hawaii County. Read the article in West Hawaii Today, as the ruling has implications for other county home-rule issues:…/hawaii-supr...-rules-aga

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