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Hiring just might be picking up!
The reason I ended up in Hawaii is actually because the economy here is better than where I was living in Texas. People are still having kids here, and people are still moving here and building here. I look at the newspaper everyday and it seems like there are definately more jobs posted than last year. Also, when I went to Hilo Medical Center's JobBoard yesterday, I saw about twice the number of jobs there, compared to last year! Today when I was at the library, working on my "new and improved resume", the girl next to me was in the process of getting hired somewhere today. Anyone else see things picking up?
Yes, I have 2 interviews coming up after a year of nothing.
Oh DoryGray that is great! I hope you get one of them.
We don't want this info to get out. This isn't growth, it's coming out of a deep slump. But there are a lot of positive indicators around the Hilo area. The governor released almost $200 million for the Hilo harbor upgrade that has been years in the making. While the contractor will probably bring their crew from the mainland, they will still put dollars into the local economy while they are here. This upgrade is going to allow better cruise ship access and more tug/barges. There are lots of other improvement projects going around.

There isn't any real fear for growth in Puna. Nobody is going to try to start a major construction project for several years while Hwy 130 is being worked on.

"This island Hawaii on this island Earth"
*Japanese tourist on bus through Pahoa, "Is this still America?*
Hey, don't forget the "paint the downtown campaign". That will really spruce up the downtown! WE are in a good spot.
Waiakea Villas is also getting a facelift, finally!
Some people are going to be very disappointed, no downward spiral after all. Maybe next time!
It's a downward spiral: most new employment is part-time at a non-livable wage, subsidized by public benefits (food stamps, etc).

But don't listen to Mr. Anti-Science, what would I know?
Heck, I even just got a job! It looks like I will be teaching two after school chess classes at E. B. Desilva Elementary School soon. I wasn't even aware of this school. Looks like a Really good one.
Hiho, hiho, it's off to work I go......

Jon in Keaau/HPP
Jon in Keaau/HPP
Hey, birdmove. I am about to meet you! Where will you be for the chess classes? My kids are at A+ at DeSilva most days. So glad you got a job!

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