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Why I am greatful that Hawaii is a "welfare state"
here is the reading list to help this become a relevant discussion - quiz on monday - grin

and my favorite read on the topic: - for free - no excuses
as a retired contractor had to match every ones SS Money on ther checks, pay into unemployment fund !!
I want to live to 108 to collect what I put into SS !!
"I've seen some surveys with employers who talk about problems finding workers with traditional workplace skills--showing up to work on time, having basic literacy, needing workers who can problem-solve. That's not new technology in play--some employers have always complained about these skills being absent.

It's interesting that you mention those basic skills, because it's definitely not what we think of when we hear "job training."

Yeah, those are some of the job-readiness skills that some people still overlook. There are employers who now work with community colleges to develop certificates that help show that a worker is ready. The National Career Readiness Certificate basically tests those kinds of skills I was talking about--can they read for information, locate information, do math? The standardized test is administrated by the testing service ACT and evaluates a student's preparedness for the workplace. Bison Gear, a manufacturer in Illinois, makes sure all of its employees have passed the NCRC as a requirement of employment."

Problem is - the new crop of employees just do not have the skills - jobs go unfilled every day - we cant find good hires to replace the boomers leaving the work force - that is really why unemployment is as high as it is

If I may ask you to wear your employer hat - given the way many folks deal with issues on this forum - would you hire them to deal with your clients? even in an entry level slot......
bull quote - "The standardized test is administrated by the testing service ACT and evaluates a student's preparedness for the workplace."

for your reading pleasure -
Like i said - who is going to work today - or are we all sleeping in after a late night tinkering with an Ipod.....

My buddies grandson at 18 "Work is for loosers - I'm going to be a rock star" has a third grade reading comprehension - enough to digest the reality shows........

- grin
could it be?...we're spending inequitable amounts of money on the wrong programs?

for your reading pleasure...
Originally posted by macuu222

Alaska is the only state that opted out of Social Security over 30 years ago. I am probably the first generation of retirees from Alaska that worked for the state my whole life that will have absolutely 0 social security benefits (because I paid in nothing) including medicaid when I reach 62 1/2. (not there yet). But I do have a state pension with medical coverage for the rest of my life.

Railroad employees also do not take part in social security. When SS was started the railroad employees already had a better pension system so they are exempted by law.

Alaska is not exempt from SS. It may have been at one time, but isn't anymore.
It's easy enough to be generous when you are giving away someone else's money and not your own.
welfare states work - if every one is onboard - we do need good eldercare as well as good education - it is in the national interest

Its when the funds get routed thru con agra or blue cross for their piece of the action

Some social democracies take it to the extreme - assigning a shrink to long term recipients to help them understand their in ability to function normally in society.... the knife cutting both ways

One little cold climate spot I am familiar with assigns doorman (door person) duties at public buildings for those able bodied - its about net working and having a place to go every day .... not just plopping down in front of Oprah and gaining body mass on corn syrup based foods provided by con agra.

Hawaii's values may lend it self to this kind of social democracy - what we have now almost seems schitzo as it plays both ends of the system against the middle to no ones advantage in my opinion -

I won't be collecting social security, despite paying into it my whole life if that helps? There won't be any left.

I just want to be left alone, is that to much to ask? Leave me out of all your forced plans of what to do with the fruits of my labor.

Hope I can get some in return.

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