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There in lies the argument - fruits of your (our, my) labor - using whoms roads, grid or educational system - its the no man is an island concept
If you are good at the game - you get to retire early - if not wal mart the only option these days it seems.
I keep waiting for the 3 d printers to become house hold items - no more waiting for parts to arrive from the mainland ...... prototyping out here in the boonies as well - no cnc machine required.....
What will that technology / onsite manufacturing do to the last few good jobs in that industry......... more Oprah viewers?
What the boomers are / were good at is replacing people with machines -automation, spell check, selling air line tickets online, instant online reference to facts online, instant tellers - have displaced how many workers.... I still say the inventor of spell check needs some kind of grand prize.......
In the process we have created a class of unemployed folks - east side being a prime example -
what replaced the sugar industry? - this is where social democracies shine.....
interesting times - takes more than just being clever these days.... happy I'm done (for now) .....
We will all need to return to the work force at some time if the life extension - 3d printing of organs really takes off - it could happen
interesting times we live in....
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quote: Originally posted by Bullwinkle
- What will that technology / onsite manufacturing do to the last few good jobs in that industry.
interesting times we live in....
Why so glum? There will be plenty of jobs in the future. Just wait until you combine flying cars with Puna drivers. We're talking multiple types of insurance agents - - aerial & terrestrial, repairs to everything in sight - flying cars themselves, the roofs of non flying cars that get landed on by flying cars, buildings, fences and livestock on the ground...
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
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love it - cant wait for the print your own flying car kit...... kind of ticks me off the kids today having all the cool stuff ...sure happy God made grandkids.......grin
more age appropriate for the rest of us:
no more waiting 6 weeks for parcel post to get that widget to Hawaii
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I normally avoid commenting on some of the really stupid statements that appear here from time to time, but this one gets my goat. I'm 67 years old, I go to work every day and see new faces because the 20 somethings have the work ethic of a slug. Now ukj wants me not to draw out the money that I have paid in so the government can give it to some useless piece of crap who won't work. Let them starve. its evolution at work, hopefully they starve before they pass on their useless genes, if not they can starve too. The whole idea that we are responsible for every idiot in the world who is so busy making babies they can't work is absurd. I intend to draw every penny of my SS, and if some idiot starve because I do. GOOD, Actually as I re-read my post calling them a slug is an insult to hardworking slugs everywhere.
dick wilson
"Nothing is idiot proof,because idiots are so ingenious!"
dick wilson
"Nothing is idiot proof,because idiots are so ingenious!"
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Glad the discussion has begun. I dont hate old people. I do not plan on taking social security unless I absolutely need it- just as now I dont have a Hawaii EBT card. I believe in selfsufficiency whenever possible, but if people need a hand, then we are a wealthy country and should provide it. I just want people to realize they have a choice in whether or not they decide to take social security or not. This is not directed at the people who are just scrapping by, it's directed at the people who dont need it, but take it anyhow, and there are many, and it is wrong. IT started out that I got outraged about the older people dissing the young people on EBT and housing and other assistance, and then when I read more and more- I realized what has happened to takehome pay and how much the wealth has been concentrated in certain groups and I felt compelled to write.
You really should learn to quit while you are behind UKJ, but its still amusing watching you flail around with your foot in your mouth.
self employed, tax paying, pog
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""it's directed at the people who dont need it, but take it anyhow, and there are many,""
names, I want names
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Define need, Does that mean that after I have paid into this so-called retirement fund that the government has raided to spend money like a drunken sailor I should not take it so we can be comfortable in our retirement and do the things we put off while raising our family,so that someone else who's only contribution to society is more mouth to feed. can spend the money I worked to earn and have the government take and give to some 3rd or 4th generation welfare recipient. If you want to feed them, stop food stamps and put the money in a food bank with real needs based standards. Until that happens I will gleefully take the money I paid in back to use as I see fit. And by the way we gained what wealth we have, the old fashioned way, WE EARNED IT.
dick wilson
"Nothing is idiot proof,because idiots are so ingenious!"
dick wilson
"Nothing is idiot proof,because idiots are so ingenious!"
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Besides, UKJ, some of us need it to raise our grandchildren.
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quote: Originally posted by Kapohocat
UNJ - you do realize that social security recipients are taxed on anything over the base amount of:
$32,000 for married couples filing jointly.
$25,000 for single, head of household, qualifying widow/widower with a dependent child, or married individuals filing separately who did not live with their spouses at any time during the year.
According to multiple sources, Hawai'i does NOT tax SS benefits.
"There are nine states that exempt all federal, military, and in-state pensions as well as all Social Security benefits from income tax: Alabama, Hawaii, Illinois, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Michigan, Mississippi, New York, and Pennsylvania. Alabama, Hawaii, and Illinois also exempt income from certain types of private pensions."