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Why I am greatful that Hawaii is a "welfare state"
Not once, do I recall, have you provided a citeable fact - just your opinion. Even when you make a reference, it is not citeable, but another opinion. At no time have I ever read you acknowledge how or why we Boomers may have what little we have, like frugality, thrift, hard work - only that we benefit, take from those younger . So wrong, so very very wrong. You have such a high opinion of yourself, but not us. Yes, I too have 3 degrees (none via government loan), I am comfortable, I take the SS I paid for since first working at 18, but I am far far from rich or wealthy, but I am comfortable. My wife and I enjoy a very good life, but neither you, nor others witnessesed our frugality or struggles to get where we are. I personally consider your attitude obnoxious at best. I feel sorry for your parents, whom you must detest that they might benefit from your breathing and your children whom you are destined to burden.
Perhaps troll is indeed appropriate.
Sorry, Rob.

Ninole Resident
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Ninole Resident
My best guess is that UKJ got on the wrong plane.

Edit to add : poser/troll keeps comming to mind .... way WAY too much time spent here vs. the reality of having to raise and enrich the lives of her supposed children.

UKJ ... My advice would be to log out of PW and pay as much attention your children ... We will all be better off for it.
Originally posted by pog

My best guess is that UKJ got on the wrong plane

yea, should have landed in one of those socialist/communist utopia places.


Ninole Resident
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Ninole Resident
Apologies David for edit same time as your reply.


but still ............ yehAP !
UKJ, if you adjust for true inflation they are getting much less then they put in. You would do better to accuse them of voting for a bunch of shill politicians, because thats something they did do. People like Gingrich and Clinton who did work together to rob SS. Your children have been sold out, but SS is not the major problem, your own promotion of wealth redistribution and government managing peoples lives is the problem. Did you vote for Obama? Cause his DOJ is now trying to protect Bush and his cronies over the Iraq war and a perfectly reasonable lawsuit, among many other things as Im sure you already know. Educate yourself on the real root of the mess we are in, don't fall victim to the petty dialectic of us vs them. We are all getting ****ed and we are being ****ed by ourselves thinking we are doing the right thing, or voting for a lesser of two evils when they both play on the same evil team. I have posted more then enough non Puna related information in this thread to get you started down the right path towards answers. Give up this meaningless petty conflict and wake up to the real truth.
Pog you are an odd sort of paranoid late night troll. There is no reason to suspect that UKJ is not seriously concerned about her children's(which no doubt exist) and her own well being and is desperately searching for solutions, even if they are the wrong ones. Her passion seems very raw and honest, I respect it, unlike your seemingly inability to rationalize a world outside of your own and the people out to troll you. Granted this thread is a large conversation about nothing since we really can't address the issues, cause we don't want rain drops in zambia or whatever, so the whole thread is one giant troll. Time to lock it up Rob, since we can't really do anything other then offend people here without really talking about the issues. Taking offense to text on the internet is a whole-nother issue, which is a big problem on this site. People can't isolate their emotions in their minds from the intolerance they feel towards others meaningless speech so they get their panties all twisted up. Its time to grow up and wake up folks and after that lets smell the coffee cause its burning and it sucks.
Afwjam? Speaking of the Iraq War, Hawaii County taxpayers alone will have paid $295,740,000 since 2003.

What could that have bought us instead? 1000 Head Start slots for 10 years ...AND 1000 children receiving low-cost Health Care for 10 years ...AND 1000 household Solar Energy systems in each of those 10 years ...AND 100 additional Elementary School Teacher positions ineach of those 10 years ...AND 100 additional Police Officers in each of those 10 years ...AND 500 University Scholarships in each of those 10 years ...AND V.A. care for 300 Military Veterans for each of those 10 years. ...AND there'd still be $3,030,000 left over!

As Kapohocat so wisely suggested wayyyy back on Page 1 of this thread, the OP's energies might better be spent finding a way to cut back on wars and other stupidity -- I'm paraphrasing here, forgive me -- than going after TuTu's Social Security.

National Priorities Project:: Trade-Offs: Reallocate Your Tax Dollars[]=1|1000|10&to[]=2|1000|10&to[]=10|1000|10&to[]=8|100|10&to[]=3|100|10&to[]=6|500|10&to[]=11|300|10
Social Security meets the very definition of a Ponzi-Scheme, and so does Medicare. People who put in are living longer and ARE receiving more than they put in. It's a fact that I care not reference, but you're more than welcome to do you own due diligence. Again, same with medicare/caide. One of the biggest issues is nowadays fewer people are contributing and people are living longer. Which again, makes it a Ponzi-Scheme and all the more likely to collapse.

Fact is, you cannot rely on the govt, state or federal, to support you in ANY time of need. Whether it's a hurricane, earthquake, civil-unrest, or your old age. You must be self sufficient, and if you cannot are you supposed to dip into SS/medicare. It's a BS system, and I know it won't be there for me when I become of age (whatever the retirement age is at 30-40 years from now)

I'll acknowledge there are many holes in this logic, but it has the least amount of said holes when it comes to other arguments.

Living on the side of creation.
Living on the side of creation.
Aaron, Please keep n mind, that medicare is a system that every working person pays into, but not medicaid. Two very different programs. You do not receive medicare if you do not pay in, but you can recieve medicaide.


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