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afwjam, Please don't make suggestions on how I spend what little free time I may have. This is your cause du jour, not mine. You say there is no harm in being informed but you are not informing me.... you are just raising an alarm.
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
You were the one asking. I am raising a concern that the situation is worse then people thought.

This is what we are talking about - these Tuna are also being caught in our waters:

"He was like, 'You're not going to believe it, but here it is,'" Madigan said.

The tuna had tested positive for cesium-134 and cesium-37, both known waste products from Fukushima. For Madigan, it was "a real discovery moment, like in the movies," he said.

A second fish also tested positive for the isotopes. So did a third. And a fourth."

"In May, Fisher and Stony Brook postdoctoral researcher Zofia Baumann published a paper in the journal Proceedings of the National Academies of Sciences detailing their findings. The team believed it was the first time that anyone had demonstrated that migratory animals could transport radioactive contaminants across the Pacific."

interesting as its printed as more of a human interest story than a heads up - spin? Did earn the guy a doctorate - so it aint funny science....( we hope- grin )
"From the models I have seen, it will be about another six months to a year till we see effects in Hawaii, we can start preparing and educating people about the potential threats to our safety now"

You can start by preparing and educating us here on Punaweb right now. What, *exactly* are we going to be seeing here in Hawaii in 6 months? What do you base this on, besides conspiracy theories?
Bullwinkle, thanks for the interesting article but I think you are misrepresenting the tone. It's a story about a scientific opportunity, not an attempt to scare people about a non-existent risk.

"The amounts the fish carried were minuscule — far less, ounce for ounce, than the amount of naturally occurring radiation in a banana — but possibly enough for scientists to gain insight into animal migration, the team wrote in their report."

My point and the point of the article I believe - I that these guys proved in 2011 that cesium could be transported across the Pacific - debunking the "its 3000 miles way " theory -

comment: seems so ground level that its hard to believe this was ground breaking

what I am watching for - the appearance of strontium 90 in the fish

when I talk to my doc about wanting an xray here or there - his first line of advice is "even though each individual x ray is safe - there is a total one can absorb - so lets save the dose ' till you really need it" - good advice

but its ok to absorb low levels from what we eat?

there in lies my concern.... each his own .... I like the fact we have no helmet laws - I get it ... I'd like to opt in or out when it comes to any radiation ....... and or helmets
My point and the point of the article I believe - I that these guys proved in 2011 that cesium could be transported across the Pacific - debunking the "its 3000 miles way " theory -

comment: seems so ground level that its hard to believe this was ground breaking

what I am watching for - the appearance of strontium 90 in the fish

when I talk to my doc about wanting an xray here or there - his first line of advice is "even though each individual x ray is safe - there is a total one can absorb - so lets save the dose ' till you really need it" - good advice

but its ok to absorb low levels from what we eat?

there in lies my concern.... each his own .... I like the fact we have no helmet laws - I get it ... I'd like to opt in or out when it comes to any radiation ....... and or helmets
So you don't eat bananas?

Every risk has a number attached.
I decide how many Bananas I eat

Tepco has been care less if not criminal. To achieve cheap energy decided how much extra radiation we in Hawaii will all absorb, either through the air / milk or sea / fish

The company has provided no mitigation or solution, today to be replaced by the Japan gov't - after a warning from China btw.

there in lies the difference
You also decide how much fish you eat. Whether you ate that fish in the study or did not, it would make no difference to your state of health.

The threat to the health of the people in Hawaii from Fukushima, judging current data and the experience of the last 2.5 years, is zero.

If you want to worry about minuscule amounts of radiation in fish, that can't possibly harm anyone, then you're at risk of dying from stress long before anything else gets you.

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