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UKJ seems to be completely ignorant of the fact that most "BBs" as she calls us, are still working and are far from being old enough to collect SS. The first of the boomers just started reaching the common retirement age of 67 this year, so "rich" baby boomer retires taking social security are not the problem she imagines. Those of us born at the tail end of the boom have as much as 20 years until we retire, if we ever can. This is the generation born between 1947 and 1964, the bulk of that generation are still working, and still paying the taxes that pay for the public University she attends, and roads she drives to Wal-mart on, and the schools her children attend.
It amazes me that someone who claims to be working on her 3rd college degree doesn't even understand that a generation born between 1947 and 1964 are not all retired yet. It makes wonder what field her degrees were in.
Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
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It's dead Fred......
This thread reminds me of the reads where some folks were being paid to spread a political opinion online - what I did read over there didnt make sense either ... had to delete a life long buddy "on the take"
what it does do is raise the number of hits, which gets better google ranking for site and poster.....
the new normal seems to be "T" Truth being based on hits - not accuracy or reason imho
hip boots and body condoms for online activities a must - grin
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CSgray, People who are 62 are in the babyboom generation. Many of them are applying for social security right now. If you, as a boomer, would like to now start in on the "Greatest Generation", you are free to do so, but I sure as heck am not touching that with a 10 foot pole. I do realize that the older a person gets in this system - the more they are likely to be drawing out, and the less they probably contributed- comparatively. There are huge amounts of wealthy Baby Boomers here in hawaii, and it may be that they are not "using Hawaii" as their "official address" because they go back and forth, or "own property in another state" or whatever, and these are the people who I would like to not take money out of the system. It sounds like you need the money, so please take as much as you need!
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quote: Originally posted by csgray
It makes wonder what field her degrees were in.
I think we can rule out English. The word, unless you are referring to the Dead musical group, is spelled "GRATEFUL"
><(((*> ~~~~ ><(("> ~~~~ ><'> ~~~~ >(>
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Thankyou Lee! my spell check was alerting me, and I still couldnt figure it out on this site. I am definately NOT an english degree person.
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Horatio: He waxes desperate with imagination.
Marcellus: Let's follow. 'Tis not fit thus to obey him.
Horatio: Have after. To what issue will this come?
Marcellus: Something is rotten in the District of Puna. (with apologies to the Bard)
Horatio: Heaven will direct it.
Marcellus: Nay, let's follow him.
HereOnTheEdge: LET'S NOT.
(Hamlet Act 1, scene 4, 87–91)
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
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Like I told you, what I said, steal your face right off your head.
More lyrics:
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this whole "need" thing being applied to SS is misguided...SS is about the gov. putting out a edict stating to employers PAY FICA OR GO TO JAIL and when your employees reach the defined age they each shall receive income from said gov. in an amount determined for that time. there is nothing about NEED...i might as well go tell Shipman "give up that right away for a lower road from hpp to hilo thru your land, you don't NEED it
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I work for a living, have ever since I was 14, including when I was a single mother with 2 small kids. "Taking a break" from working was never an option for me. It was work or let my kids go hungry, so I worked. I didn't spend a bunch of time on the internet blaming others for my situation, or that of my generation, though. I also was not, and still am not, in a position to own land in Puna and a house in Hilo, in fact I drive in to work in Hilo and back every day because I can't afford a house in Hilo. You own land and just bought a house in Hilo, while "taking a break" from working. I don't understand exactly what you think the "greedy boomers" have taken from you, you seem to be doing pretty well.
Very few people I know can afford to retire at 62, my retirement will not be until I am at least 72, due to the way the Hawaii Teachers' pension system works, and anyone who does take SS at 62 gets a reduced check, so they probably truly need it and can't afford to wait. I just don't understand where your deep seated derision of an entire generation comes from, did some boomer do you wrong and you want a whole generation to pay for it?
Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
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I have never ever used the word "greedy". I did say "hoarding resources and jobs". I don't think the boomers have taken anything from me, aside from maybe a few payroll taxes, and some potential job openings. I consider myself very lucky actually, and this is not a personal subject. It is just a subject about "where the money is going"! I am happy to pay directly or indirectly for other people who can't make it on their own. I hope you can retire soon! Somehow!