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Okay I need someones advice as I am having a bit of an issue! The home we bought 4 months ago is bordered by a neighbor on one side, happens to be the side where me catchment tank is. Now this neighbor had a much bigger lot then us, a long skinny lot and his home is on the very far end of the lot away from us.
The lot is severly over grown with that tall horrid grass and when we moved in it was creeping into our yard. Also the first day we were here he came over to introduce himself, tell us his property is zoned for aquaculture and that he lives in the large ag shed at the far end which he has converted part to live in. He also stated he likes to run around his property nude, he hated the "gays" that resided in our home previously and other horrible things on that subject and that he smokes lots of pot,and "in my opinion grows it too" but to each his own, I didnt even say anything as hes standing in my front yard and lights up a doob as he is talking to he hoped we would get along.
Now we are quite keep to ourselves type of people, I know there is no burning here however he tends to burn outside every few days and with the trade winds it come right into our home, I havent said anything as I wish to live peacfully with my neighbors.
Well after a few months he stopped waving as we drove by and when he was out working near the road we stopped to say "Hi" neighbor and he turned around and walked away.
So hmm whats up. finally today my husband stopped to ask him whats up and he said hes mad at us and will come over this afternoon to discuss the issues, issues Which were:
He is very upset that our catchment tank in his opinion is 2-3 feet into our own setback and that he had such problems with the prviously mentioned tenents he wants us as far away as possible, and he has "2 choices in this matter either do nothing or do something and he doesnt like either." He is also mad that we havent finished clearing the back 10 feet of our yard of his horrible elephant grass that is creeping over here. However 3/4 of his acre from my home to the other end of his lot is covered with it 10 and 12 feet high. also he has a huge old talpia pond which is stagnent and breeding mosquitoes by the thousands. Its all I can do to beat the grass back into his yard weekly.
I have a son and disabled mother with us and I feel this is creepy behavior at best, and I am somewhat unerved by him.
I may be 2-3 feet into my setback with my tank,but I dont quite understand how thats his business unless hes one who just likes to start stuff. I cannot move the tank at this time but I feel if he wants to file a complaint and get a survey he can.
Not sure how to resolve this as we have always been and had great neighbors, so not sure what to do?
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This is my opinion. I am sure others will share theirs. So, I think you just have to deal with this head on. First, call Evan at "Island Boundaries" and ask him to survey your lot and flag it. Then, if you are indeed over the line- call the planning dept and ask them what you can do. Maybe they can grant you some kind of exception, to give you time to comply, or whatever. Then you will have to go and tell the guy, "YOu are completely right! Thankyou so much for pointing this out! I have already called the planning dept with your concerns and I have been granted "1 year" or whatever to move my tank. I will do this ASAP". Basically, if your tank is over the line, then I think you will have to acknowledge it and move it at some point. His pot smoking is irrelevant. Then, you can sit there and wait. OR, you can do it "Hawaiian STyle" and WAIT and WAIT and WAIT- and before you know it, 10 yrs will have elapsed, and you'll need a new catchmant tank anyhow and you can move it then.
Seperate issue is the misquitos. Buy "misquito dunks" and secretly throw them in the pond. They are all natural and will kill the larva, but should not damage the environment.
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I am not over his line, boundries are 8 feet on my side then the line and 8 feet on his side. I may be 2-3 feet into my setback not his.
who does that and how crazy is he! I just dont know why it bugs him as he cant even see our property or tank with the weeds he grows and his whole house is not code  Point is I can stir up a mess with his burning and his homes code violations if I wish but I do now want to get into the hatfield and macoy thing  But good advise am going to call tomorrow. But he seems like hes the type that even when this is over it will be something else totally obscure.
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And the pot thing is never irrelevent when hes smoking it on your lawn in front of your children.
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sounds like he did too much smoking that day. also, you approached him. seems like he was keeping to himself and i would do likewise. i would just keep being polite, let this possibly quietly go away and not stir the pot...(no pun intended). he does sound like a nut case, neighbor problems can be horrid. he stated to you he wanted you to be away as far as possible, sounds like good advise. if there is no question on property line then fense that line or plant some fast growing shrubs and try to not "see" him out in the yard. i certainly wouldnt involve the county at this point. nut jobs usually dont care about facts anyway.
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My opinion:
Voice your concerns to this individual. It sometimes helps to have a third party present. In this situation I wouldn't recommend calling the police or any county department right off the bat. Take your concerns to him first. Try. If he freaks on you and goes off on crazy tangents or makes threats then its time to call the police and if you have a third party with you then they were witness to the guys crazy behavior and or threats. I'd try and find a neighbor that both of you know to act as the third party.
About the marijuana...
You are entitled to your own opinions on it and certainly its up to you to decide how best to protect/shelter/raise/etc. your kid. But, seriously, did you not expect marijuana smoking neighbors when you decided to move to puna? No hostility here, but, maybe this isn't the place for you if you aren't 'down with that'. On the other hand I wouldn't want freaks like you described around my kids, for that matter I wouldn't want to raise kids in puna or the big island either.
Regardless I hope you solve this issue for you and your's sakes.
Aloha mai kakou
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The pot thing does not bother me as most have had a back in the day at one point, however when a stranger comes over that isint the first thing I would do is to light up a joint wheather one is okay with it or not. Pot and other drugs are everywhere as well as most other areas of the country and every town and neighborhood in america I dont think Puna is that special on that front. it is something that is too common to avoid however there is things you do and things you dont do when visiting neighbors.
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Welcome to Puna. I am sorry this was a bit shocking, but a person I met for the first time ever, basically told me all about his "commercial growing plans" and trials and tribulations- and this was in front of my kids- and I was totally horrified as well. I don't think people even remember that it's supposed to be illegal. Anyhow, times change, and pot will be legal everywhere in 25 yrs. We all have to adapt. I was just saying that the pot is irrelevant to housing, not to your feeling uncomfortable around this guy. I call planning all the time and you don't have to identify yourself. Just say, "what are the guidelines if someone's catchment is accidently put into a setback? Does someone have a reasonable amount of time to move it?" Knowledge is power. And yes, most certainly put up some fastgrowing shrubs. I tried podocarpus in Orchidland, and they haven't done very well without large amounts of cultivation- so clumping bamboo might be a better choice- if you have the space. A fence might antagonize the guy, since it's so obvious. He evidently enjoys your company on some level, if he's coming over attempting to engage you (albeit inappropriately). How old is your son? Is he in public schools? How is that going?
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He wants you to leave so he can get neighbors who will smoke pot with him. Be wary because if he follows suit as another street has in Nanawale, the problem could intensify. I know a lady who is terrorized day and night by two neighbors, one behind her and one across the street, who want her gone so they don't have a sober person watching them with their meth. production habits.
Yes, the police have intervened but the criminals keep coming back. Meanwhile, this woman who is in her 70's put up her own fence, added another dog, put up security lights and lives in paranoia now because of the unbelievable terroristic activities the neighbors have done to HER! I don't know why she doesn't just sell the house and leave.
When you bought this house, obviously, the sellers were aware of the neighbor, especially if he "hated" them for being gay. Too bad for you. Now you have to find a balance and live your lives the best you can. There is no harm in talking to Robert at the long house and see if he has any information about this man historically. Sometimes, Nanawale will report a problem and the neighbor can be led to believe the complaint is from the citizens who drive the Nanawale streets (our own neighborhood watch team). I feel so bad for you already because you are the family who lost two cats you brought from the mainland. When things seem to pile up in my life, the best medicine (well, a notch below reading my Bible) is watching waves at the ocean side in Kalapana. Spend some time there whenever you begin to wonder why you moved here. It will get better.
He who hoots with owls at night cannot soar with the eagles in the morning.
He who hoots with owls at night cannot soar with the eagles in the morning.
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Yes, We miss our good neighbors. Used to tick me off to no end that my neighbor Terry would get his lawn mowed before me. and now we have this. Well, gonna make some calls today check some options and figure out my plan. Truly you never know how good you really had it until it is gone. Sad thing is, that this was going to be our wonderful adventure in our new house in paradise. But instead I get a crappy neighbor.
Well when you roll the dice they say. It will be interesting how this panns out.
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