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Almost lost my breakfast in Waimea....
Went into the Parker Ranch food court area thinking I'd take a bathroom break. See a sign about temporary restrooms out back and thought ok, it's the plastic ones with the purple water. Opened one door and well "it" was mounded all the way up to the seat[:0][:0][:0].
Check another and it was the same. Last one was also the same.
Don't they ever clean these things?
So it turns out they were remodeling ALL THE RESTROOMS AT THE SAME TIME.
And to add to that, this is during a rodeo AND a big craft show! Of course there's a huge crowd. So they cut the number of restrooms by 2/3.
What were these people thinking???
Could they have done the men's side and THEN the women's?
Maybe they could have scheduled it at a time that half the population of the Big Island wasn't there that weekend.
After a lot of effort, I did manage to keep my breakfast, but it was touch and go for a while. [Big Grin]
Puna: Our roosters crow first
Sounds like they need a hazmat team.

ETA: less gross
Why should women have to deal with less "poo" than men? That's equality, right? Thank goodness it wasn't in Pahoa, where you have to use the closest bush on Main street.

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