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Puna Watch Forum? Rob?
I'm posting this again to generate more support: "Maybe we should have a forum to share specific information about crime in Puna. There are a few lowlifes taking advantage of the majority of good people. Lets put them in the spotlight. I would love to have more specific info on neighborhood crime other than what HPP crime statistics provides." Information is power.
I agree 100%... I am hoping the individual subdivisions put a page on their websites.(I believe they all have one.) For just that purpose.

But if not, this forum would be my next choice.
Rumor has it that some of the subdivision neighborhood watch groups are going to restart the old Puna Watch meetings, so this is apparently not even a new idea.
If more people invested in cameras( they're getting cheaper) those pics online...
You would think people wouldn't want their picture on the world wide being a prowler.

..might be a deterrant.
It would probably be better to have some kind of instant text alerts by neighborhood that you sign up to by attending something in person like a neighborhood watch meeting. you could be more specific,have people more involved and have a better idea who's you dont broadcasting to the planet and getting endless options from people that dont live in the neighborhood
THIS IS AN EXCELLENT IDEA!!! one thread that posts all!!
If everyone could post suspicious activity or known break ins.....loose dogs causing a disturbance , it would be extremely helpful to us all. A follow thru , "suspects caught, dogs picked up by the humane society" etc. makes us all feel good about our effort.
There are formal neighborhood watch programs. Some are bound by certain criteria and not able to post helpful info immediately. Other NW programs post info determined by the administrator (ONLY) to be worthy of being posted.

I got a call from a friend who's close friend worked in the Emergency room (Hilo) and knew about the infamous "Pork n Beans "criminals before my neighborhood watch. I passed the info on immediately...asked the administrator to verify w/ police and post the info. Submitted the Web site coverage of the break in to her the following day. She did not post the info until AFTER the suspects were caught.
Guys, if you must add your two cents about your guns and ammo...whatever...JUST DON'T HIJACK THE TREAD so people are so turned off they no longer want to read the updates. Leave this lane open for situations that merit it .
My question.

What information would you post? Same stuff the PD would post? Reason I ask, is can you be sued (successfully) for libel if you are wrong in the information posted?

Dayna Robertson
At Home Hawaii
Real Estate Sales and Property Management

how bout ... some one kicked the door of my neighbors house in and looks like some stuff was taken...libel?
I fail to see how posting information about known break ins, loose dogs ,etc. can get anyone sued. But, Suggesting you know who the culprit is, falsely accusing is a different matter.
Gee. Looks like I better get back on this forum.
We had Greggor Ilagan at our last NW meeting and he is trying to get a contact person from each of the NW groups in Puna, to start a 'Puna Watch' group. I'm not entirely sure of his goal, but here is the content of a follow up email that he sent to me...
Thank you for your interest in Puna Watch. The idea is to have an annual convention for all Neighborhood Watch Groups in District 4. There are so many people who volunteer their time to make our communities safer. It’s my belief that we should do our best to provide an event to not only educate the community and our hard working volunteers, but to also recognize their hard work. I’m looking forward to working with your representatives on this Puna Watch Committee. For more information please contact my office at 961-8265.
I'm soliciting from my neighborhood (Kapoho Beach Lots) to get someone other than me (NW Coordinator).

I personally like the idea of a venue to notify other neighborhoods in Puna of suspicious activity. I really don't see that libel would be an issue, as long as the information is merely the details of what has been reported to NW people or personally observed. Let the Police do the naming of the suspects.
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