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Police Investigate Fatal Stabbing - Eden Roc
Criminally insane seem to be good to fly ..... its those grandmothers in wheelchairs that need the secondary screening....

Also shows no matter how many police, or how many new police stations we throw up we are always going to have stuff happen. This is another for the county and state, If there going to turn a blind eye in hopes that he re-surfaces on his OWN?. I am not sure who the victim is? My heart goes out to his or her family, and I believe this should and could have possibly been avoided. Are we over crowded in our prisons that some criminals like him slip through priority cracks?. I guess it's easier and cheaper to catch and Hold the Roger Cristies of our county than say David True Seals. Don't want to rush to conclusions or be to negative for some but these and more questions do go through my sunflower seed Brain. P.s I say prisons because when he escaped the hospital if caught he would then have gone where?What else can we as a community do to try and prevent this from happening again? We lost an innocent and someone sick. Who will stand and take accountability? Maybe rape can lead to murder like pot leads to ice.?
I have never seen TSA match my ID to any data base - nor would I want to hear the outcry if they did.

I have been through checkpoints internationally where they check your ID upon leaving to make sure the traveler is out not on bail or sneaking out children pending custody suits or missed a tax payment......

Yes: given the overall "posture", I was a little surprised that "institutionalized" doesn't automatically get you on the no-fly list.

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