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Big Island Pop Warner Club Funds Stolen – $150,000
Adding insult to injury: HTH print edition headline uses the word

LOST if the $100K slipped down between the couch cushions, oops, they'll find it later...

At least the online edition is more accurate: "ALLEGEDLY STOLEN".
Turns out she had been using the funds to play online poker for quite awhile!
I bet more would be implicated with hands in the cookie jar. There is a reason this has not come to light before now.
This is so offensive! [Sad!]

Please help our keiki to go on their trip. Apparently, Bank of Hawaii has an account set up for donations, but I also request that all of you please write to our island representative for OHA, Mr. Bob Lindsey, and ask him to get funds from OHA for these kids.

After all, OHA received millions of dollars from geothermal royalties, and there is no better time to show support for the keiki (who are also beneficiaries of OHA)! PLEASE write Mr. Lindsey and ask for OHA to contribute to this cause.

Mahalo in advance.

Phone Contact: #(808)-936-6795
Email Address:

So let me get this straight Opihikao, You would like someone else like OHA to fork over the funds someone else stole?. Well what happened was truly unfortunate for the kids, but really to ask a specific group to cover the loss wouldn't be right. Just because they made millions does not give us the right to expect anything or ask for handouts. The reason I pulled my boys from this football organization was because of the shady atmosphere I saw with my own eye's 5 years ago. I guess I use the word shady because of the faces I saw that were involved in this rebuilding program were the same as the ones I didn't trust 15-20 years ago. What I would like to see is more than a slap on the wrist, maybe an example set for the future out here?. These parents and kids should come together to hold even more car washes, beaches need cleaned, and as a community can we set up a recycling bin for the kids of this program?. Instead of me taking my bottles back to the dump, could there be a large bin set up at our local supermarkets to support these broken hearted kids?. And maybe in a short 6 months or so these Kids can earn back every dollar that these ADULTS gambled away. Crime does not pay and deserves punishment, and everything in life worth having is certainly worth working for. THE kids of tomorrow will have better character and work ethic than the group who was teaching them yesterday. Golf and soccer can also teach these kids plenty, oh I'm sorry we don't offer those sports for the kids out here either. If OHA made millions maybe they can help relocate the people who have been on the relocating list for years now?. Or help fund a new health study, or help fund a new hospital while were asking?. Again I am not proud to say I am from PUNA, or the fact I went to school with some of these gamblers. The writing was on the wall for years though.
"Private profits, public losses" is the new order. Example: "someone else" (taxpayers) forks over welfare checks after the corporate raiders "steal" jobs out of the US economy...
Can someone tell me what the age group is of the team who are supposed to go to Florida? I thought Pop Warner was little kids, too young to play HS football, but I had one of the kids on the team in 8th grade at least 2 years ago.


Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb
gypsy69, I respect your opinion. Unfortunately, these kids don't have a lot of time as their travel schedule is close (within the next few weeks as I understand). Merely suggesting that an organization that has more money than the State of Hawaii, come to the aid of these keiki.

All the other issues you raise are for another day's (or thread's) discussion, most of which has been discussed ad nauseam. JMO.
Opihikao, I respect your opinion as well. For I can see the same good intentions. Yes the game in another state is in only a few weeks, but what would the kids be representing?. Let's be proud of our state and programs. Right now its frankly hard to be?. Pop-warner is a giant program themselves who should and could come to the aid of these kids, if the game MUST go on. The state of Hawaii has been a big playa in earmarked money for years now, thanks to AKAKA, and INOUYE. These kids would be representing HAWAII, if I am not mistaken. We all know the state and county lead by example right?.( I call it the trickle effect). The recycling program here is a crime as well in to many ways to note right now for they probably have been nauseam threads here as well. So I will save you. The rug has been pulled out from under the kids feet out here for years now for many different opportunities, so why should a Football program get a special treatment now?. I know the story is out... What would be the news in Florida if we don't show, and what would be our excuse? This would be interesting to see how it's covered, I believe we get a fine of $$$ if we don't send a team? NO excuse is a good excuse if you ask me. JMO.

"Private profits, public losses" is the new order."

Truly is bad enough to stomach what goes on with Congress, Investment banks., with FRAUD , EMBEZZLEMENT ACCEPTED
as the new NORM for our country.
And now... OUR kid's LOCAL little league ? !!!!! I understand that first and foremost on everyone's mind is to finance the trip for the kids but you parents ,all must STAND UP AND DEMAND PROSECUTION.

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