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one room school house?
OK, I will say up front I am probably just fantasizing here, but could HPP support a one room middle school? I would love to teach 10-20 middle schoolers in a one room school where I could get them ready for High School, and eventually college, without all the administrative issues with working in a big system. I know I can teach, I know I can help students love learning and discover their individual strengths, but so much of my time is taken up by extraneous demands and paperwork proving that I am doing my job that I feel like it hurts my students learning experience.

So what do you punawebber parents think, could there be enough parents out there who would invest directly in their child's education that they could support a teacher or two?


Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb
Ten hundred hurrahs for you, Carol!
A teacher who likes to teach!!

Enough (10- 20) students? Probably; and possibly more than you would want.

Spoiler alert: More paperwork!

Special use permit for the site if on a regular 1-acre parcel.
Also for the 20-acre parcels "deed restricted" for education and recreation, but zoned "Agriculture."

Super fantastic idea, Carol! A teacher did that very thing with several children in the area I previously lived. The group of kids studied together for years, from GS through MS.

He who hoots with owls at night cannot soar with the eagles in the morning.
He who hoots with owls at night cannot soar with the eagles in the morning.
Great idea. The system is not doing you or any of the children any favors. Make sure you teach them that.
One of my favorite islands has a one room school house - I used to walk by on my way to work in the morning - The county department of education funded this one.
there are a lot of kids and plenty of parents that dont want their kids in the regular schools in HPP. but the state is not going to make it easy
maybe you could get together with one of the private / charter schools already in HPP
I already work in a charter school, and I am working 60-80 hrs a week due to state mandated paperwork and brecause charter school teachers have to work extra hard to make up for the fact that we get so much less funding than the DOE schools. It would only be worth it to give a guaranteed salary, health insurance for my family, and a retirement plan is if I could run my own show. I was thinking I might be able to fall under the home day care category as a day care or support center for home schoolers. I know there are parent who want something different for their kids, I just don't know if those parents could afford to pay me tuition.

Like I said, this is probably fantasy, but I really would love to have a little one room school house for middle school kids.


Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb
DOE should have data on the number of home school kids?
For some reason this resembles the "healthcare is so expensive due to the huge administrative overhead of processing the insurance claims" problem...

Assuming there were enough interested parents to fund it ... write an "agricultural" curriculum, so it's not a "special use" ... and if County/State insist on crushing it: embarrass them in the press while turning the whole episode into a "teachable moment", maybe later those kids will build a better government.

The whole "we won't give you what you need, nor allow you to do it yourself" is getting old.

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