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wait, I am suppoused to believe that blogsite ?
We're all free to believe whatever we like.
But we don't have to believe something, for it to be true.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Great point.

I have a hard time believing that one of the largest nulear explosions in history isnt effecting the waters that its still pouring into.

I dont need a blog to tell me basic science.
One of the largest nuclear explosions in history? I think you do need some basic science.

Would a thimbleful of bleach affect your swimming pool? No, it would not, in any meaningful way.
Bullwinkle, this forum is about Puna and Hawaii. Since you keep giving us Fukushima updates from unreliable websites I assume you think that somehow Fukushima will affect us here. I assume also that you think this won't be in a good way.

So, what effects should we expect? When? It's been 34 months now and still nothing. At what point do you admit you were somewhat over-anxious? Four years? Five? Six?
good question....

havent made up my mind whether this is truth or fiction.... I do know that there is a very real star fish die off going on the west coast

I'd be looking at how the, tuna, monk seals and our other top level critters (thats us) are doing

we cant change what happened - we can manage / monitor the consequences to keep everyone honest.....

7. Experts have found very high levels of cesium-137 in plankton living in the waters of the Pacific Ocean between Hawaii and the west coast.

edit - keeping it local
I can tell from the title that it is fiction.

Tell me more about these "very high levels" - you didn't give a source. Given its short half-life, it seems very unlikely.
agreed - cesium has a very short life..... the reason one sees it so often is because its easy to isolate - and there fore used as a marker for the nasty stuff they dont report.

we will all see how it plays out - the star fish really weird however - the flesh turns into goo.... we may dodge the bullet because of currents - but "something wicked this way comes" - with apologies to mr. b was it? ..... if you ask me...
"nasty stuff they don't report"

Oh no, you're becoming one of them! It's getting like Day of the Triffids around here.
Physics determine how we measure radiation......not conspiracies - imho

some telescope folks about - amazing what they can learn from a few emissions - same kind of thing I would think.... any thoughts on cesium vs plutonium and other oniums and how they would be found by themselves or as a group of isotopes....

In the ocean water headed our way.......

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