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Woman's body found off Kalapana
I would like to give my sincerest thoughts to the Johnson's. Regardless of the outcome these past 7 months have been agonizing. I think about them every day, pray and wish this wasn't the way it is. No one should have to go through this.
Yeah I heard about this on the Hawaii News Now app and when I googled for news links I found this forum. Right when I saw how early all the links were posted I was wondering and praying the families didn't find out like this. Now to find out they found out on the, another level of tragedy to soooo many levels of tragedy already.
Originally posted by reni

my heavens people. Why would you print such graphic "speculation"???? knowing that both families are reading this thread??????????????? Have you never lost someone? We've lost someone we deeply loved to murder..... right here on this beautiful Island. It does unfortunately happen .

Couldn't agree more.. followed this story for months...

Kinda pisses me off Dateline wont do a TV story until there is a conclusion.. Kinda seems the point is we need Dateline coverage to get the conclusion-

Even if the unidentified body is BO, I don't believe the murder suicide theory for a second. Maybe facts will be revealed to change that.

I do believe a very good outside Private Investigator needs to be hired to track down all the leads, and conduct and honest outside investigation and look at the facts. HPD seems incompetent and corrupt and if a polygraph clears lava tour operators who made threats to BOs sister and local real estate agents that's not good enough for me.. whole thing stinks to high heaven.

I know the family has created a fund for a reward and raising money for a private investigator but I was thinking its time to do a kickstarter fund raiser. If anyone is willing to do edit a video for the site and help create ribbons for those who donate with the family's permission I would gladly set it up.. Kickstarter is a great way to raise funds from people all over the world who prob don't know about this case..

Kickstarter is a good idea! There is enough of us down here to help it get started and would contribute. As someone that lives down here, I'm sick of seeing HPD fail to investigate things thoroughly. I don't know if they are corrupt or jus incompetent but something has to give after years and years of violence. Not just random violence either, but organized violence, especially in lower puna! We need to fund investigation from the outside to find any real answers or actual investigative work
If not a kickstarter to hire a private investigator, how about a kickstarter for a documentary. Id love to see someone with the balls to go around asking the tuff questions to , bartenders, tour guides, real estate agents, neighbors, friends, family, assualt victims (identy conceled if need be) Police, prosecutors anyone with knowlegde of events or know whereabouts and last known hours of this couple. Including the first 48hrs of work by police, as we know the first 48 is the most important in solving murder.. So So many unanswered questions. lets get people on tape on the record with where they were, alibis, its only been 7 months and stories will change and memories will fade.

Only problem I see in making a documentary is who is willing to talk on the record? Can they with a ongoing investigation? who has the balls to go track down this threatening tour guide and stick a camera in his face.. Would need some serious security, and even then prob no guarantee you would return from an ambush interview. IF someone (flim student?) has the balls ill produce it thru kickstarter... just a thought I only want answers like everyone else. Not meant to offend anyone with my comments or ideas for support/resolution ..

More people in the area need to know about this forum! They need to come out with stories about their experiences or other experiences dealing with violence down by the lava flow and lower puna. It would make a great documentary. I hope the family can hire outside investigators, but those people should be fairly warned about the danger they are stepping into. Go asking the wrong questions in wrong areas of kalapana right now and you'll probably end up in a puka or the ocean really joke!
Very difficult time right now for so many, especially the families involved. The waiting is long and probably sleepless also. I don't want to speculate as I have to often previously, (Shame on me). Just wanting the families to know we continue to have faith that sooner than later you may find peace in the truth of this tragedy. Thank you for your strength thus far and really teaching so many, And under some of the most trying unimaginable times both families have really been a ray of light. Peace and love.
To the great folks who care so much I say thank you. I have sent reward money requests to both Senators, and to the state with no response. I did that over a month ago as I am unemployed and our families don't have that kind of money for either a meaningful reward or a PI. We have had PI's contact us and they aren't cheap. So if this gets started by the locals I am grateful. And will do whatever I can to be there at least to show support if it gets somewhere. I too feel horrible for Bo's family as I know what it is like to lose a child. In a recent interview I was only partially quoted and I think he too could have been murdered and it could very well no be Bo's remains at all. Personally I hope that is the case. In any case thank you all again for your thoughts and prayers. I spend a lot of time in the background talking with all the authorities involved. Months ago I filed a request with the FBI to get involved. Again with no luck. But I can say that we don't know a whole lot about the actual facts of the investigation. I hope that will change very soon. But I have been told that for over 7 months now. So we wait and pray and give hope for justice. As of now that is all our family can do.

ted royal
ted royal
I was about to post a response to bananahead's comment but Ruth Johnson's post was a tough act to follow. Nothing to say handyman? Maybe because you know she is right? You seem so attracted to this case, to this blog? Why? I know you live there, I get that, but still why are you so passionately defending the lava tour company/guide(s) and relentlessly implying Bo did this? I think you are paid to/work for the lava company/guide. I think that you have something to gain by defending the killers. I know I have said this before, I will say it again, because I truly believe this. I am involved because it is my Brother they accuse, yet they cannot find him and prove his guilt and with the surrounding circumstances it's obvious corruption. Corruption on whose end? I am not sure, on many different fronts. Starting with you. It's as if you are some sort of wannabe public relations cousin or bruddah representing the tour guide company. You make it too obvious, just saying. On another note; I am angry, angry with you, with people that think like you do. You may think that you will crush these fragile, grieving family members with the crap that you post. Expecting us to just lower the head and walk away quietly with the shame of what our Brother has done. On the contrary, you have only pushed me and enraged me to the point where I will do my absolute best to expose the crap that goes on down there and bring my innocent Brother his justice. Open your eyes and open your heart, you know the truth of what goes on down there, of what happened to those three innocent kids and many others.

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