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Woman's body found off Kalapana
To answer a few of your questions as best I can.
"I have a few questions also! Why wasn't there any mention of the "other boat" in the police search warrant when they found Brittany's body? I heard that one boat found her, and they dropped the dead body off to another boat to give to police. Why would someone drop a body off with another boat and run? And if it's true, why didn't police write that down in the search warrant?" I do not know why the fishing boat was not mentioned in the search warrant. I have spoken directly to a tourist who was on the lava tour boat that stayed with Britt's body until the helicopter came to retrieve her. He has become a friend now, attended Brittany's memorial and we speak frequently. He also video taped the whole thing, in case the shark took Brittany. So................. the fishing boat either hit her body or snagged it in their line (not 100% sure), the lava tour boat was about 40 yards behind the boat and heard the kid on the fishing boat freaking out because of Brittany's body. He left the scene and the lava tour boat stayed with her body in the ocean until the rescue copter came. It took 45 minutes for this to happen, and in the meantime there was 1 (not a swarm) very large shark waiting to take Brittany. They fought off the shark until the copter could come and take her. Again, all of this was video taped in case the shark took her, for identification purposes. On the lava tour boat there was 3 tourists; 1 man from San Diego and a recently married couple from New York. The captain wanted to bring Brittany's body on board but the couple were freaking out, stating that this ruined their honeymoon and no way! RUDE!!!! It was 6:30 am and from what I have been told the water was glassy and very bright. Again, it was a miracle she was found!
I also find Bananaheads comments a little strange also. After reading his last post, it seemed intentionally misleading or just plain fake. So I clicked his user name and read all of his posts that he has made on this forum, and I was blown away! Every single comment, his words are really really defensive and absolutely OBSESSED with Boaz Johnson being a dangerous murderer on the loose. I understand that a lot of us are throwing out possible speculations, such as Rene, Gypsy, Me, etc, but there is something very strange about Bananaheads relentless defense of certain suspects, and the type of emotion he displays with his comments.

I also find it strange how he is soooo familiar with this kipuka. I'm not saying Fox's Landing a secret, but from reading his words, it's almost like he lives next to it, or frequents the area on an almost daily basis. And then, that comment in which he stated he has actually been to that exact patch of woods looking for Bo's body? What the heck? Talk about WEIRD! I got chill bumps when I read that, just tooooo weird and too involved. Also, explain why are you are looking for the boys body in that same small patch of woods, yet during that entire time you've been screaming that he is alive and hiding somewhere else on the island? Why you looking for the boys dead body while you tell Brittany's parents he is dead? You have an extremely suspicious amount of interest in this case. I don't know, but your comments give me a really bad feeling in my gut when I read them...something isn't right with you bra. I was gonna say something but withheld my opinion, glad the boys sister said something.
Julie, thanks for clearing that up. The media reports and police warrant seemed to indicate multiple sharks, so that raised a few questions.

Have you made any contact with the boat that actually discovered her body? Have their been any reasons given as to why the fishing boat did not wait for officials? It's a rather counter-productive choice, being that most people would want to stay until police arrive in order to clear their name and provide a witness report.
No the fishing boat bailed and left Britt's body in the ocean, the lava boat stayed with her. I can't or will not speculate as to why they left, but I would imagine/hope they were questioned.
Would authorities be obligated to answer that? Seems like you and your husband should have a right to know that part of the story whether or not there is an active investigation on Boaz Johnson. Sorry I'm just trying to retrace everything back to the beginning of this, trying to sort out all the false rumors and work out the quirks. The first big quirk at the start of the investigation, at least in my opinion along with others in the area, is the boat leaving the scene before authorities could arrive. Pretty unorthodox, even for this crazy area. It can probably be easily explained, and we can move forward investigating other incidents/evidence. Until then, it stands out as a big question mark.

Maybe the Johnson family knows something about this? Have authorities told you anything about the initial boat, Sshar or Ruth?

How far off the coast was the body discovered? A few meters, a mile?
It's not a big mystery about the fishing boat. They didn't want to come under scrutiny from the police for some minor unrelated infractions.
I am aware of why but not at liberty to say. I hope you respect that.

Here is where my frustration is and why. We appreciate many people speaking up...For months we have been told offline and in this forum that "There are plenty people down Kalapana who know what happened and are involved." However, until all these people who supposedly KNOW choose to band together and tell the media what happened and who did it (by name), all this talk is useless and very frustrating. If what people are saying is TRUE, then only the good people of Kalapana who KNOW have the power to solve this case and reveal what happened and who did it by speaking up and telling the truth. If the police won't listen or take action, band together and go to the media--big national media is interested in this story and will listen. Otherwise, what use is any of this talk to any of us? It's speculative hearsay at best. Sad. If you can help, please, then help. But telling us everyone knows what happened and who did it without really telling us what happened and who did it is just...well...useless and awfully frustrating for our family.

We have received emails, private messages and letters regarding this. I would say that 80%, if not more of LOCAL people that live in this area all believe that others killed BOTH of the kids. Theories, speculations..................but not 1 person has come forward privately to give names. I know it is scary to say the least, but with all the national attention it would get to the right people. Only the local people of Puna and Kalapana have the power to help this case out, if indeed it was NOT Bo who killed Brittany. I have begged and pleaded for someone to come forward and do the right thing. If the body turns out to be Bo, then it is going to be a **** storm, to say the least.
I can back up what Julie is saying. The local authorities can only work on leads and fact. Hearsay is useless to all. A lot of folks blame the PD but have no clue as to what is going on. And more can post useless blame yet offer no real leads to them. Some blame crimestoppers and the cops...yet crimestoppers is NOT an HPD program and is a local private line. Some blame old crimes....this is beyond worthless to us! It has ZERO to do with this crime. Each crime is different. Cops, Prosecutors, FBI can only work with real leads, real data, and not personal feeling etc. Until real information from CREDIBLE folks come forward then nothing happens. It is so sad that the general public is so clueless as to what is happening. I was the general public before this happened. Now I am not. I can't stand ignorance and this website is so full of it. I know very little more than any of you do. But I know that a lot more is going on behind the scenes and one day we will all know what the authorities are working on. I hear and read " the PD isn't doing anything"....really? How the hell do you know? Do you talk to them weekly like I do? Do you EVEN know who is on this case???????????????? I challenge anyone to answer that!!!! Do you know that the State Attorney General is on it? Do you even know who he is?????? Do you know how many man hours have been spent on it??? Do you know the budget constraints on this case? Yes...states have budgets! I hear such ignorant statements like cops only want to ticket pot folks and speeders...give me a break! Cops do that! Detectives follow cases like ours. It is detectives who work on the non traffic cases for the most part. For those locals who think they dont do @$$@#%..go to the Hilo PD press release page...go back each and every month, go hourly like I do...they work on plenty and solve a lot of cases each and every day!!!! Please let someone come forward with the courage to speak the truth....and not on this page but to the lead Detective in charge! If you want the names of higher ups, including the FBI contact me through my facebook page privately. Don't contact me if you aren't ready to go to court with what you know. I am not interested in another story from someone who can't and won't stand behind their words! To those who think I am uneducated to the local life, trends, local perspective and local beliefs, think again! I know EXACTLY all that goes on and what native Hawaiians think. How can I not after all this??????????? I don't have a side in this..I don't have an opinion either way. The Johnson's have contacted me...the local lava tour contacted me...both long ago....I don't talk to either now. I am impartial. I just want Brit's killer(s)to pay! I will keep reading and posting as I see fit. But if you are going to post your thoughts, at least be thoughtful and if even possible be reasonable. It is clear to both families who have posted with their own agendas. We get it. And it is your right. My last thought is this...when you are told your daughter has been murdered, nothing anyone else says can hurt any more!!!! So to the thoughtless....continue on...the reasonable will take your thoughts for what they are...May god Bless Brittany, Eo,Bo, and both our families and freinds!!!

ted royal
ted royal
One of the problems on this Island, too many of the police officers have friends and family ties here, which (my opinion) is why this investigation and presumed guilt is totally fixated on Bo. If it was Bo that was found, it still would not convince me that he committed this brutal crime.
I am posting just a few links for the families involved in this tragedy, so they can understand why so many of us remain skeptical about this investigation and other past investigations.

link is to a website that is also following and posting on this tragedy.
hikatz, until proof on our daughters case reveals unjustice this is again USELESS!

ted royal
ted royal

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