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Woman's body found off Kalapana
Los Angeles prime time news? Wow. That's going to stir some things up, for sure. I think whoever did this has underestimated and messed around with the wrong families on the mainland. **** is about to hit the fans around here. If
Bo didn't do it, somebody better confess up real fast or cameras and investigators are going to be EVERYWHERE.
Julie, you are such a brave woman. Your daughter is permanently residing in the hearts of many Puna people here. I pray for justice and closure for all of you, which includes the Johnson family.

I have noticed new posters coming in and making comments. Whether or not the comments are constructive or passing on sympathy to all of you, the news is getting out there. More people are seeking answers. The story will not go away. Pressure is being placed on this community. Hearts will be convicted. The truth will come out. I am elated to see the possibility of a federal investigation in the horizon.

He who hoots with owls at night cannot soar with the eagles in the morning.
He who hoots with owls at night cannot soar with the eagles in the morning.
Can anyone upload an aerial map to show key points where Brittany's body was found, where the exact campsite was, and where the new body was discovered? I know where the campsite was, but other GPS coordinates I've been running seem to be off, or my software is. Could anyone with skills upload this?
After reading the actual article related to this latest video post, as a local citizen I am a bit confused. I'll quote the news video/article:

"After months and months of getting little to no information from the Hawaii Police, the Royal family is still unsure as to who killed their daughter"

Wait, didn't the father of Brittany recently say today, on this very forum topic, that the local police have been very cooperative and very informative with the investigation, and go further to even defending their reputation against the critical remarks directed at local police in this post (page 44)?

Yet, on the otherhand, members of the the Johnson family, along with this recent Los Angeles news report provided by the Mother of the Royal family, claim otherwise by saying police have given little to no information, as well claiming the police have been mostly uncooperative?

I understand emotions are running high and change one week, or even one day, to the next. But just in the span of one day we hear from the father that police are totally helpful, then a couple hours later the mom is saying police have given little to no information?

I apologize for asking, but seriously, what's up with the sudden contradictions said in this forum and the things being aired all across the mainland? This should be addressed, because most of us in the local area have been under the impression that police have somewhat intentionally or carelessly screwed up this whole investigation from the beginning, (which makes total sense, given their present reputation. At solving crimes) been mostly uncooperative, and that's mostly what we have heard from the interviews with both families in the mainstream press, as well as prior forum posts. Has Brittany's father received a different attitude from the police as opposed to Brittany's mom, or the Johnson family?

Despite the differences, this was one of the best interviews I've seen about this case. Julie deserves a lot of credit for reaching out to the other family and bringing this story to national media. It takes a lot of understanding and strength to do what she is doing, and our community praises you for it.

Well said, Punatickz. I can speak for my whole family when I say that the detectives on the Brittany/Bo case have been very hard to get ahold of from this end of things. We have never said anything otherwise. We have never flip-flopped about the lack of communication between this family and the HPD. There have been times in the past where I fear to speak out against the shoddy police work and say what I really want to say about the HPD (not all officers there are bad.) So I have kept quiet and figure if I speak out against them they may take it out on my Brother and not investigate his case to their best abilities because of my ungratefulness for their questionable work. We all know how many times Ruth attempted to get ahold of the HPD to speak to them about the threats made by the local lava tour guide on Bo's life, they still have never interviewed Ruth. To answer Punatickz, we still standby our complaints about lack of communication with the HPD/detectives, unlike Ted, who has continued to switch back and forth with his opinion about the HPD. No offense meant, Ted, but I am so confused with your string of comments on here and certain Facebook pages. I just wonder what the HPD has done to re-re-gain your trust and respect, Ted. I want to know, cause after reading earlier posts by you, and all of the sudden you defend them again, I wonder what they must have told you to get you back on board with them. Maybe they are respectable and honest, but from this end, it does not look so. CONFUSED
"But just in the span of one day we hear from the father that police are totally helpful, then a couple hours later the mom is saying police have given little to no information?"

There are many possible explanations, e.g. that one person is being kept better informed than the other or (more likely) the press has got its facts wrong, as happens all too often.

As for the fishing boat, not everyone can be expected to act rationally when faced with a body.

Calm down.
Originally posted by PaulW

"But just in the span of one day we hear from the father that police are totally helpful, then a couple hours later the mom is saying police have given little to no information?"

There are many possible explanations, e.g. that one person is being kept better informed than the other or (more likely) the press has got its facts wrong, as happens all too often.

As for the fishing boat, not everyone can be expected to act rationally when faced with a body.

Calm down.

Paul, for starters I think these are all rational questions.

Whether or not the boat that discovered the body had "concerned" reasons to leave a crime scene is simply non-negotiable from not only a legal standpoint, but a local perspective. It's a dead body. Until that odd behavior is explained and legitimized to the public community, it obviously remains a HUGE question mark, and will be viewed negatively. Until that's cleared, don't act like we shouldn't be surprised by such a weird occurrence when responding to a dead body. It's a young girls dead body, forget about your stupid warrants or whatever, much less leaving the scene of a murder which makes people question you more (exactly like what's happening now). We hope that the witnesses response can be explained and fully justified, but until then, it remains to be something worth questioning as opposed to overlooking. Just a fair assessment that would be given to any case, please respect that.

As for family members being treated differently, it is understandable that a "suspects" family would receive less input than a victims family. Yet, in just today's events on this forum combined with the statements on Los Angeles media, members of Brittany's family (victims family only) have given contradicting reports on how helpful or helpless the local police have been. I honestly believe Julie's statements with the media, just my opinion.

With so many twists and turns in this case, I'm sure both families have had to swap back and forth about what they can believe, and who can they trust. It's totally understandable, but there are some very serious contradictions recently stated that should be clarified given the attention of this case.
I hope and pray 2014 brings the answers to both families!! My deepest condolences are truly with you all. I PRAY everyday someone somewhere will finally come out and speak, that's all there is and SOMEONE KNOWS SOMETHING and that guilt will follow you FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE if nothing is said. please IF ANYBODY KNOWS ABYTHING just write to the families anonymously!! I pray everyday that were getting closer to the truth!! Much Love! <3
I agree with you Ssshjar_johnson!
Ok, so obviously Sshar and the Johnson family has stated their stance.

Could both the wife and husband of the Royal family clarify their position in this, and why there's seems to be a bit of a difference between recent posts and recent media statements specifically pertaining to police cooperation?

Other than prior comments made by the husband, I've seen multiple mainstream news videos (good morning america, khnl, nbc, fox) that have strongly indicated that Julie has been frustrated with police efforts and even considers Bo as a victim as opposed to the actual killer that is still at-large.

(Look, I feel like an ass even asking such a question. I fully understand how media can misconstrue things, but then again, we have dead bodies popping up here, so let's just get this straight. Once again, no offense to any family members, and all of us on Big Island are sympathetic with both families, 110%)

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