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last one for the day - current and radiation tracking from the nerds without an ax to grind - adds to sell....

note our location

Good article. If you actually read it you'd see it says there is no threat at all to Hawaii.
This quote is from that article that was linked.

Observers on the west coast of the United States will be able to see a measurable increase in radioactive material three years after the event," said one of the paper's authors, Dr Erik van Sebille.
"However, people on those coastlines should not be concerned as the concentration of radioactive material quickly drops below World Health Organisation safety levels as soon as it leaves Japanese waters."

I liked the bit about Terry the radioactive Tuna too.It seems Terry completed his travels in 2005 well before the earthquake.

Tuna tested in San Diego had levels of U-237 that were less than the radioactivity that naturally occurs in a banana.
O.K. I lied .... another good article here has a neat real time link to released radiation. Note that a normal background is about 80 and "under review" means censored by tepco. All the releases end up some where

have you ever read as many disclaimers? grin ... its gonna be ok - but we really don't know.... is what I read....

here is the hourly data, the articles all assume the event is over and static and finite.... a real flaw in logic imho

If we could just get a handle on how much is headed our way and how much is is being consolidated and being consumed on the way up the food chain and on to hawaii - just the cloud over fisheries enough to cause us impact.

speaking of which -the record blue fin tuna went for 1.2 mil last year - 700k this year, similar weight - japanese demand down?

Readings by hour (air - gamma radiation ) :

What are researchers finding post-Fukushima?
Dr. Ken Buesseler, a world expert in marine radioactivity with the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution in Massachusetts, is leading an international research team tracking Fukushima's trails in the Pacific. He -- and other scientists -- have found radiation up to 600 km off Japan's coast. The amount they've found thus far does not pose a risk to humans or marine life, they say, although a few scientific voices are raising doubts.

But Buesseler warns there is a problem: The reactors are still leaking, and the radioactivity levels in the ocean at the power plant have not been declining in recent months. "Levels of radioactivity found in fish are not decreasing and there appear to be hot spots on the seafloor that are not well mapped," he said. He calls the trend worrisome and is encouraging scientists worldwide to work together in order to understand Fukushima's full impact.

"We still don't know the answers to many important questions concerning the impacts of Fukushima radionuclides on the oceans. For example, we still don't have a good handle on how much radioactivity was released, and we don't fully understand where it has ended up, and that holds for the ocean waters, seafloor sediments, and for marine biota, such as tuna," he explained in an email interview."

DR Ken / woods hole - same guy quoted in the earlier articles:

ok way late getting started - manana

Have you noticed that whenever you quote a reputable website it says there is no danger to Hawaii?

I think you're obsessing about this too much. Relax. There is a city of 23 million people just down the road from Fukushima and they seem to be doing okay.
Paul, Obie, you guys are amazing. lmao

Living on the side of creation.
Living on the side of creation.
There have always been health risks associated with eating deep sea, top-of-the-food-chain animals at least for the last few decades where our industrious activity mixes with the oceans and in some cases things like the heavy metals associated with eating tuna occur in nature. Moderation is a good idea. Freaking out is a waste of time.
See you soon Puna, Aloha!

"To alleviate fears that you may be glowing due to ingestion too many visits to your local sushi joint, Fischer et al. figured out exactly how much damaging radiation you would receive from eating a tower of tuna rolls. Seriously. Science is just that awesome. Supermarket tuna hunters would receive 0.9 #956;Sv of radiation, while the outdoors subsistence tuna hunter would receive 4.7 #956;Sv. These values are about the same or a little less than the amount a person receives from natural sources.
You’ll get the same amount of radiation by eating 9 bananas. Monkeys might be doomed, but you are not."
... me thinks the banal banana analogy has been explored - being your first post .... thanks for the deep insight - grin
Welcome to Punaweb, Ryan. Always good to see a fellow rationalist. Move here quick, we need you!
I aim to combat irrational alarmists everywhere.

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