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Woman's body found off Kalapana
As a former harbor patrol officer on the mainland. Always interview and get a written statement from the person who found the body! I don't care if he is fragile!
The person you are asking about (person that media/witnesses claims made the phone call to Bo) has moved to California, or so I've read. Has a rather localized nickname and I assume he was a long-time resident of the area, so not sure why he moved.

The fisherman that found Brittanys body has also moved off-island also, from what I've read, if thats worth noting...

Also, do either members of Britt or Bo's family know who made the phone call to whom? Did "Ed" make the phone call to Bo, or vice versa? Was it possibly a voicemail left by Bo on "Ed's" phone? Anyone know?
I believe the fishing boat had 2 people abaord. From what I've read, the lava tour boat suddenly heard a scream from a worker on the fishing boat, and then approached the fishermen (plural) that found the body. The lava tour boat that waited to give the body to police apparently had 3-4 guests on it, one of which took videos of recovering the body, and remains in contact with one of the families. Maybe someone from the families can correct me if I'm wrong on this, and confirm those numbers.

Fishing that early in the morning isnt unfamiliar, but the location combined with the timing that he was fishing in the vicinity of the body, the campsite, and the other lava tour boat does raise some legitimate questions.

The peculiarity of him accidentally snagging a floating body encircled by a shark is a looong-shot for an experienced fisherman, and his departure from the scene just magnifies those questions ten-fold.

Sad. Just examining the case from the very first clues/facts leaves one to question the integrity of the local police's investigation at the very start, to say the least.
Punatickz, youre accuse me of killing Bo and Brittany, I know your MO... my girlfriend also is on this site and has clued me into this lol
you asked why I was out there looking for a body and it happen to be the same general area a body was discovered 2 weeks later.. OK
I'll be happy to answer this and SOME... even though its funny what keystone cops you all are (all, being the ones with blinders on still thinking of illogical excuses to point EVERY DAMN thing away from Bo... (the Polices only suspect BTW)

OK, why was I out there looking for a body? In reality I wasnt looking for the body (but also knew I was very close to where all this went down within a few hundred feet too... its going to be in the back of any of your minds if you go to the lava flow NOW, for years to come you will all think of this NOW when you visit that place (just like the fishing trail in WaaWaa where Ireland was murdered or the road into Vacationland where she was hit by that purple VW Bug, these fact will stick forever!!!) just like I did on that hike and others close by...,I was hiking alone and that kipuka is very very dark and a bit spooky with the wind blowing through the ironwoods, I mainly hikes around it as going anywhere inside the forest is very very difficult because of how thick the vegetation really is! Believe me its thick! (Ive shown pics of this exact hike on facebook on the Brittany memorial page) OK a few times I did peek into some darker areas a bit from the outer edge (ocean side), mainly just to see what was in there (camp sites fire pits etc...) I found an umbrella and many old campsites, also found cherry tomato plants and a lot of lilikoi (go out there, youll see them)... I can ID every single plant out there BTW its easy for me...
....but back to why I was there... I GROW NATIVE PLANTS for a living among other things I do for $$, I hike to collect seeds weekly (all the time really EVERY damn HIKE!), that week I was collecting Ohai seeds (Sesbania tomentosa) a beautiful rare endangered species , there is a single Ohai plant out there... its only a 10-15 minutes hike from parking at Uncle Roberts going out to the 'New Beach' then along the shore to Fox's Landing, it is a very beautiful exotic kipuka in the middle of desolated land, I also know exactly where Bo's property he wanted to buy is, exactly down to almost the foot... I have seen google images earlier in these posts with the white line around the 10 acres next to the kipuka, I have them on my computer because I do follow this case (go back to nearly the beginning of this thread and you will see a link to the google satellite image if you want to know)...
I can also easily follow this case and have been surprisingly right all along (IMO)... I will tell you NOW my thoughts again in full... since YOU NOW want to accuse ME of the murders (your MO again Punatickz and others, I would call you a name here and want to give you a 'dirt nap' aka arse kicking... but its funny too in some ways so I just laugh at you Smile ) YES that is what you are doing you have your blinders on and are looking at every illogical excuse to not blame the BF..

you asked for it here it is blunty... Bo stressed out about a new life beginning the next day (maybe he found out the baby wasnt his??) (maybe stress about $$ for the land??) He argues with GF, he flips out and kills his GF with a rope cut from their clothsline next to their tent (a garotte), its a BF MO, ie hands on and not that gruesome... unlike a knife (bloody), or gun (which he doesnt own, and loud) a common crime of passion (BFs are usualy the #1 suspects). he is a small man (140 lbs) he has to drag the body at times to get rid of it over cliff (leaving flesh/hair behind) so he can use the alibi of "she got mad and left to live at an eco-village down by Kapoho blah blah blah, I dont know where she is" he tosses body off cliff (easy), he expects no one to ever find it, and thinks he has some time before people cant get a hold of her and file missing person report (maybe a month or more) so heads into Hilo answers a phone call by a friend (same day body discovered) (one early clue), body is found by fisherman, but is not IDed yet (posts go out about the tattoo on her lower back) and he has no news source so doesnt really know body has been found, so he heads to Pahoa checks into the hostel behind the old Pahoa Museum under the name 'Jeffery Allen' has basic stuff like bags annd water containers, pays for the room in advance (talks to mgr in person, prob more than once??), a few days later the body is IDed, Bo is also all over the internet as a MISSING PERSON with his AK drivers photo.. sometime around June 1st) I saw this the first day on facebook and remember distinctly laughing at my girlfriend and telling her this... because usually you have to be gone for 2-3 months before they list a WWOOFer as a missing person, if ever!! not 3 damn days!, he sees this info somehow (wanted poster maybe?) he jams from his prepaid hostel room and leaves everything behind, the mgr hears and sees the story of him being wanted and recognizes him from the pictures/description, she calls police and they come down and take the info down and retrieve the items he left behind (maybe finger print and DNA evidence?) dont say this is not true it is listed as evidence with the court about the mgr IDing him and picking him out of photos etc.) So Bo jams immediately, he has only been on the island for a few months and doesnt really know the rest of the island well, so goes back to the place he knows best, Kalapana, but there is still heat there looking for him (dead or alive) so he camps out (maybe?) nearby, feels remorse, feels like his life is now over, and eventually within days to a couple weeks decides to kill himself, how do you do that??? you dont jump in ocean, you dont commit harikari, you dont jump in lava, that may be a slower painful way to die, what you do is get a rope, tie it to your neck, climb an Ironwood tree (why Ironwood?, I saw a large one in the kipuka when they showed the police gathering evidence in the video on Hawaii News Now last week, I think I can ID almost the spot exactly just from the video alone), well he climbs the ironwood its the easiest and largest tree to climb out there, there are many there and a coconut tree is not easy to climb, and a melochia tree is too week to hang yourself from.. OK he tied the rope around his neck, climbs up the tree, ties the rope to a branch and jumps... end of story really, but it takes many hikers to explore that kipuka over about a 6-7 month time (most, including ME, dont go in middle of kipuka, they go around it) before someone actually explores the inside of the kipuka, notices something on the ground (prob gross) and looks up and sees him... a decomposed body will/should drip (sorry for the visual, not hard to figure out really) so that 34 year old hiker finds him last Thursday, he is semi complete (not just bones) as being in a tree there are no ground bugs or worms (just flies) and the wind and lack of soil around the kipuka keeps the bugs and animals away from body also the salt air heat and dryness may mummify it to a point (??) otherwise the tattoo of the horse thing on his side and his hair may be good clues to the ID (this is if the body is him, Id put that at a high %% but it really could be anyone who decided to take their life in that area, I highly doubt a Japanese tourist would think of that IMO and to lynch some one like some of you have brought up you need to do it from the ground ie like the wild west days...

but you never know we dont know, until the cops release more info

you accuse me of a murder (I was actually waiting for that lol, as thats your brainless MO) youre going to get my story (Sorry Mr. Tucker) the hike part is true fact, the other stuff is basically a 'scenario' in my head... laugh all you want, Its my $1,000,000 GUESS! Ive already heard many of your wild guesses over the last 48 pages..... aloha

save our indigenous and endemic Hawaiian Plants... learn about them, grow them, and plant them on your property, ....instead of all that invasive non-native garbage I see in most yards... aloha
save our indigenous and endemic Hawaiian Plants... learn about them, grow them, and plant them on your property, ....instead of all that invasive non-native garbage I see in most yards... aloha
where da kipuka at?? i know this area too
I'm not really sure. I heard it was pretty close to the ocean according to Bananahead, but I've also heard around town that it happened two miles mauka. Bananahead seems to know more about the area around the lavaflow than most of us, so maybe he can describe where it is.
edited to say I was mistaken on accusing someone of editing their post.. my mistake, I found the post where I was basically being accused of murder in my eyes by hiking to where the body was eventually found. I went back and found the post I was referring too it was 1 page farther back 47 sorry, there are so many posts by the same people now... aloha
save our indigenous and endemic Hawaiian Plants... learn about them, grow them, and plant them on your property, ....instead of all that invasive non-native garbage I see in most yards... aloha
save our indigenous and endemic Hawaiian Plants... learn about them, grow them, and plant them on your property, ....instead of all that invasive non-native garbage I see in most yards... aloha
Kapohololo the Kipuka I was referring to is the only real Kipuka out there (its known as Fox's Landing, you can easily see it on google earth), its west of the 'new black sand beach' right on the shore... if walking fast you can get there in 10-15 minutes from the new beach...
Im not 100% positive its where the recent body was found but looking at the Hawaii News Now video and the description its prob it... Cops and the hiker that found body (and who he told) will know for fact...
like noted above, some of the description was off ie '2 miles' but then again the first bulletin said end of Chain of Crater Rd too but was changed in release, also the GPS placing of the 2 tents was off too if I remember right

save our indigenous and endemic Hawaiian Plants... learn about them, grow them, and plant them on your property, ....instead of all that invasive non-native garbage I see in most yards... aloha
save our indigenous and endemic Hawaiian Plants... learn about them, grow them, and plant them on your property, ....instead of all that invasive non-native garbage I see in most yards... aloha
It would be nice if someone could upload an aerial map marking the location of the campsite, location of Brittanys body, location of backpack/cellphone/wallet found belonging to Boaz, location of property to be purchased, and location of the new body. Anyone capable of doing this, maybe bananahead or someone else familiar with the area?
If it's 2 miles mauka, that would put it at the Kipuka just west of the people who own Poke-A-Stick lava tours. They must have some sort of "contract" with KCT, because Poke-A-Stick allows them to park their white vans on Poke-A-Stick property.

Question 1: Why would a tour company allow a rival company to park on their property to conduct tours?

Fact: Bo wanted to build a parking lot because he was aware of people not having a safe place to park their personal vehicles. KCT shuttles their customers in white vans (past our old house).

An interesting occurrence: After the threat made by the lava tour guide, in uniform, by the way, I convinced Bo that we should bring the issue up to the lady up the hill who owns the land. I thought that any decent person would at the very least reprimand this man for threatening neighbors. Or even just for good business Public Relations. At this time, I mistakenly thought that there was only one company being conducted from her property, and that she was the owner. This was not the case. Anyways, we had been up on the mountain hiking, and saw her by her coconut trees. Bo had talked to her before, I hadn't met her though. Anyways, we took the wave as an invitation and chatted for a bit before broaching the subject of the tour guide's threats and trespassing. She completely disregarded our concerns, basically saying that it was his personality, and everyone just let him be, stepped aside for him to run his mouth. She then offered us a ride down on her 4-wheeler, it's actually a very long road down from her place. The original road to that house has been covered by lava. Oddly enough, the next day, our neighbor told us that she had told him that we had trespassed on her property and her daughters had seen us trying to steal, I'm not sure what though. I never spoke to her again, and we stayed out of their way as much as possible. This was the first indication that something odd was going on. Here you have a man, who is clearly easily angered and possibly violent, as testified from his own mouth, and people just let it slide. No one stood up to him, except us when we ordered him from our yard, and I fetched my camera and threatened him with that.

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