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Woman's body found off Kalapana
Ted, the police are NOT doing the best job they can. That much is obvious. A body decaying in the woods for weeks? Months? Lack of interviews with Bo's family, their suspect, including those who lived there? Ed Elath effectively disappearing? Clearing threatening persons with a lie detector? Refusing to accept my affidavit (against the law, by the way)? Incorrectly stating GPS coordinates in several cases (check the search warrants, there are so many errors it's embarrassing)? No, you are absolutely wrong. The police are giving you the run around and you still honestly believe them, so be it. But the truth is there are honest men and women of integrity who work in law enforcement, and every line of work, and there are people who use their work to steal, cheat, kill and lie for narcissistic reasons and all others. LEs being capable, even prone to these behaviors is nothing new. They may be acting cooperative with you but are not consistent across the board. They are, have been acting deceptively since the beginning.
MarkP, I am not addressing theories at all. In fact my statement wasn't directed at you at all. I am addressing outright statements made by folks that claim they are facts, but in some cases are not. I am all for theories, hunches, what ifs, etc. Just for some I would say don't pawn off factual information without being correct. And don't blame the PD without knowing what they have done, are doing, and will be doing. I don't even know all they do and I talk to them all the time. Have been for over 7 months. So please I hope no one thinks I am talking directly to you...unless you are one of those who state fact without knowing the facts. So keep the hunches coming. It is true that a lot of crimes get solved by this kind of communication. All I ask is stick to facts and that statement is not directed at you Mark. It is directed at those hurling flat out garbage about the investigation. It's not a lie if you believe it only works in Seinfeld!

ted royal
ted royal
Here are links to the text conversation between Sarah and I about the your guide.

*tour guide

Just wanted to show everyone that I didn't make this up to defend Bo after the fact. It did indeed happen just like I said, whether it not the police will accept my statement. Thanks to Sarah for never deleting our conversations.
If Bo's body has been hanging in a tree (speculation), then I think people that have lived here have a right to question the conduct of HPD's investigation when it comes to bodies popping up on our shores and in cliffs. Being that some of us actually live here and are all-too-familiar with prior blotched police efforts, we aren't simply speculating out of thin air or aimlessly blaming the police out of spite. Most of us are judging from a LOCAL perspective, as being that we aren't family or friends with Boaz or Brittany, our judgements are non-biased.

Sorry Ted, many of us on the island generally don't trust the local police, and if you want our thoughts, tips, or advice, you're going to have to learn to accept where our positions come from in relation to our experiences living here.
Yeah I get that mistrust happens with all PD everywhere. But each case is not the same in most cases not investigated by the same detectives either. They do solve a lot of cases though. Just go to their website and see all the things they do solve in their press release page monthly. in any case I am not here to try to convince anyone to think the way I do. Just to stick to facts.

ted royal
ted royal
Have never heard about how long Brittany lived in Hawaii before she met Bo and who she knew or hung out with. Have heard she hung out at Uncle Roberts selling local produce or flowers? And that she had a boy friend before meeting Bo.Did she ever preform at Uncle Roberts?
She met Bo in Feb. 2013? So when did she arrive in Hawaii. Could who she knew, prior to Bo shed some light on other possible suspects and possible motives?
Originally posted by Punatickz

If Bo's body has been hanging in a tree (speculation), then I think people that have lived here have a right to question the conduct of HPD's investigation when it comes to bodies popping up on our shores and in cliffs. Being that some of us actually live here and are all-too-familiar with prior blotched police efforts, we aren't simply speculating out of thin air or aimlessly blaming the police out of spite. Most of us are judging from a LOCAL perspective, as being that we aren't family or friends with Boaz or Brittany, our judgements are non-biased.

Sorry Ted, many of us on the island generally don't trust the local police, and if you want our thoughts, tips, or advice, you're going to have to learn to accept where our positions come from in relation to our experiences living here.

She was dating a guy named Leif, I think. He gave a statement and it didn't seem like he had any hostility towards Bo or revengeful feelings towards Brittany or their break-up. Seemed like a pretty grounded guy from his words. I wish I could remember where I read that, it may have been a news link somewhere. Anyone remember? Bo arrived in late January, according to one of his sisters statements, but I'm not sure about Brittany.
Ted, when locals here discuss previous mistrust in police, it can't really be compared to the average amount of police mistrust you find on the mainland. Before deciding to settle here, I've lived in New Orleans, LA, Portland, and San Francisco, and seen my share of police mistrust. The level of mistrust on the Big Island is a completely different beast, in a far, far more complicated political/cultural environment. Our concerns aren't simply "fuk da police u can't trust them" type of naive mentality you see on the mainland. It's more of a "uhhhh ok I better not stick my nose in this business unless I wanna end up in a puka or in the ocean" sort of mentality, or fearful.

Also when some of us locals read that police started cooperating after you threatened a law suit and/or threatened to bring in outside authorities, that pretty much makes sense to us and doesn't surprise locals at all really.
I appreciate the feedback. I am learning as I go. But one thing I do know. Incorrect facts made up for whatever the purpose doesn't help. That is my only point. That's it for now. Thank you all again for caring. One day we will get the justice we seek, and I cant and wont give up my hope that all is being done to make that happen. For now at least that is all our family has.

ted royal
ted royal
Do police have pictures of the cell phone texts that Ruth uploaded?

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