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Woman's body found off Kalapana
Originally posted by hikatz

He also kept a promise he made during his 2012 campaign, arresting Dawn Gambsky's husband for her murder (5 years we have been waiting!)

Ohhhhhh yeah, the lady that got murdered in Orchidland! Can't even believe I forgot to link that story as another example of corrupt Puna police work. That was an open and shut case if I have ever seen one! The guy buried his wife in his yard, and for a long time didn't even report her missing, and it was friends or family that forced police to look for her! Then police dug up the body in the husbands backyard, and didn't even rule it as a murder! In fact, they hinted that she may have committed suicide, by burying herself in a hole! Then when they were forced to rule it as a murder, they would not even consider the husband a suspect. Took like 5 and a half years to even arrest the guy. Talk about a train wreck of an investigation that whole fiasco was!

Do you know how long Brittany was in (Hawaii) Puna before she met Bo and who her friends and acquaintances were?

Originally posted by Britts MOM

Seekingforanswers: did you personally know Brittany? Bo?

seekingforanswers, we will not be giving out ANY information regarding this case. The PD has all it needs to investigate as far as information goes from us. This case will not resolve itself on a blog or even in the National media. So please don't take it personally that we wont give out any personal information. We only owe Brittany and only Brittany the information requested ONLY by the authorities..We watch closely what is said over and over. And even in the last days we see again false information posted. No matter. Cops don't take their leads from here anyway. They know as we do that much that is posted to our case is only speculation and theory. And they also take into account the source of that information.

ted royal
ted royal
You called the police corrupt and their investigation was a train wreck.They turned their information over to the prosecutor's office in 2009 !!

Here is the murder rate and cases cleared by the police.Not quite as dire as you report.Why not let them do their job ??

Murder Rate, Hawaii County, 2002-2011

Rate per 100,000 Population

Percent of Murders Cleared since 2002

Originally posted by Obie

You called the police corrupt and their investigation was a train wreck.They turned their information over to the prosecutor's office in 2009 !!

Here is the murder rate and cases cleared by the police.Not quite as dire as you report.Why not let them do their job ??

Murder Rate, Hawaii County, 2002-2011

Rate per 100,000 Population

Percent of Murders Cleared since 2002


Obie, when I provide definitive links that directly reflect past police corruption, public opinion of local police, and murders that were obviously blotched, that's not my opinion. It's information that is based on prior court records, certified survey/polling, and accredited news articles.

Why don't you address the survey results done by HPD? Why don't you address the local cops that covered up the officer that ran over his wife and threw her in the van? Why don't you the address article in which 25+ local cops filed a lawsuit against Hilo Police Department for high level corruption? Are all of these stories, surveys, articles, and court cases now totally obsolete because you post one single report? And by the way, I love how half of those numbers hover around 60%, real convincing.

By the way, if we want to talk about "suicide hangings" in the puna area, does anyone remember that body (Steven Elliot) that cops found 5 months before Brittany's body popped up? From what I remember, they found the guys body in a truck off the side of the road, and he had been asphyxiated (strangled) according to the coroner. Police then announce they aren't ruling it as a homicide, and that the guy may have hung himself. How exactly do you hang yourself in a truck on the side of a road? Are police still working on this case or what?

Link to story:

Punatickz, it strikes me that you would be a perfect candidate to be a police officer with the police department, then you could do something too clean up the corruption in the department..
I am going to require that general discussion of our police department take place on a new topic. I am of the opinion that a number of you are hijacking this thread which is rather thoughtless and inconsiderate.

Next posts off topic will be deleted.

Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
If that is in reference to me, I will definitely clarify:

Anything that I have posted concerning prior cases were meant specifically for the family members to look through so that they can compare past local investigations to the efforts of the current investigation. It got a bit carried away as others joined in, but I certainly didn't say anything with the intent of "hijacking" a thread. I thought it would be useful information, however (ir)relevant certain cases may be in comparison to this one. Two of the family members of the victims family personally thanked me for providing the links, and has been researching them individually. I felt inclined to provide validated evidence as opposed to mere rumors and more speculation. I believe if the Johnson family (this is about the family members, right?) found my comments to be a form of hijacking, as opposed to a local citizen being helpful/informative, they wouldn't have bothered to thank me along with other forum users.

If the comment wasn't referring to me, I apologize. But if it was, I feel inclined to express that my posts were submitted in a sincere effort to help the families, and they will be happy to confirm that. I have not, in any way whatsoever, submitted anything with the intent to be "thoughtless" or "inconsiderate"
To all: Thank you for your comments and caring about my daughters case. But the end is soon I believe and all these other cases are discussions for you all to continue on with. I will always thank those who honestly had no bias and who cared about Brittany and her unborn child. I wish you all the very best Aloha. Hopefully the pain of my daughters murder will subside and hopefully the local community can figure out a way to work with the Hilo Police Department and the local state Prosecutors office. You have that choice. As for me I will get the justice I have been seeking and will move on. God Bless you all. Ted Royal

ted royal
ted royal
Ted, my heart breaks for you and Julie, but also for the Johnsons. It is obvious the pain, confusion, grief and nightmare of this tragedy is taking it’s toll. I do pray for you. Your original instincts could be right, maybe Bo didn’t do this. If not then who, who else would have a motive? Follow your instincts, gather your strength and fight the fight for justice and truth for you and the Johnsons. For Brittany, the baby and Bo.

Posted - 10/08/2013 : 10:22:47
There is nothing for the local folks to do. All is being done by the authorities. The US Marshal's service can hunt down the killer on the mainland or other countries and the FBI can assist in the overall case locally. Sit and wait is all any of us can do.[/u][/red][/b]
**This was your position in October.

Posted - 10/13/2013 : 12:12:18
Everyone should get off the idea that Bo did it! We the family of Brittany no longer think he did. You should be looking locally for the killers. NOT KILLER.....
**5 days later

Posted - 10/15/2013 : 06:13:09
TruthSeeker11, I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt they don't have enough evidence or that would be the first thing they would do. That shouldn't be a surprise to anyone. The state and detectives go round and round on this issue with us. Beyond frustrating. But only if you think Bo did it. Now we aren't so sure and that might be the reason they to date haven't come up with one. Only the authorities know for sure. They are getting other leads and they have to track all leads down. That also is something to consider. Lots going on in this case. The local PD has to turn the case over to the state and they have to turn it over to the FBI. If that doesn't happen then we have to make it happen. I would guess that the Johnson's would be hot on that trail too with the PD and the state since they obviously think their son was murdered with our daughter. We havent heard from them on these blogs now for a long time so maybe they have been pursuing that all along. I know I would be if I was Bo's family.

ted royal

**The local police still haven’t asked the FBI or Marshal’s office to step in. I have checked their websites and Bo is not listed in their most wanted data bases for Hawaii, Alaska or anywhere else in the USA.

Posted - 10/21/2013 : 04:55:48
Gypsy, and anyone else for that matter, there are others you can go to at the State level. They reside in the Prosecutors office. They are working on our daughters case and are driving the PD's actions in this investigation: Prosecutor Mitch Roth, Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Jack Matsukawa, Investigator Kelly Mayne. They are all located at 655 Kilauea ave. Hilo. 800- 961-0466. The US Attorney General's Office is also involved with this case. So you can always send them your thoughts, or hand deliver a note too. Thanks to anyone who can help solve this case and bring a MURDER ONE conviction to Brittany and her baby's...and possibly Bo's killer(s).

ted royal
**Isn’t it possible that someone Brittany knew prior to Bo might have motive to kill them both?

Posted - 11/19/2013 : 13:52:28
If enough people get behind this locally and are willing to spend a day in front of the Prosecutors office, and if it can be coordinated with the local media, dateline, People magazine, and the Investigative Discovery Channel who is also covering this now maybe we can increase our pressure for justice....I will fly there to lead the way if that ever comes to pass!

ted royal

**You want people to help you, locals, the media, the police. You seek information, yet do not want to offer information that might be relevant or critical to solving this crime like who Brittany knew before Bo. I understand you might not want to offer that information on this site but I pray you are providing the police with this information.

Posted - 11/20/2013 : 09:55:10
There is the Investigative Discovery channel that is going to do a story on it. It is the Murder In Paradise series. They have contacted both Julie and I and we will see where that goes. I think if this ever gets to a court room then Nancy Grace and others will probably have more interest. Right now we are in a quiet time again with nothing be told to us other than they still think Bo did it, and the DNA results are in. But no word as to what that means to the case. We hope to have something breaking by the end of the year but we have heard time and time again they are getting close to a major announcement and it never happens. So we wait...

ted royal

**It’s now November still no word. DNA is in and no arrest warrants issued, not enough evidence? Still only looking in one direction? No man hunt or reward to catch a murderer?

Posted - 12/09/2013 : 06:42:28
There is no such thing as fluff to us. Every conversation matters. We have very little to cling too in this case. So talk no matter what the opinion means something to us. I can only say that this case over the last 6 plus months has been a roller coaster of emotions. Finding our daughters killer (s) is the only thing that matters and as far as I am concerned everyone that has been implicated as a possible suspect has been investigated to by the Detectives.
Except Bo. I now believe they are doing all they can with what they have to give us a fair investigation. And that is all I can hope for. So keep talking and we will keep following. For those who don't like fluff or the topic don't have to log on to this subject. But my sincere thanks for those who do want the truth...and are open minded to any and all possibilities.

ted royal

**nothing is fluff, you want the truth, opened minded. Again who did Brittany know before Bo? You don’t have to answer here but it could be a clue to who the killer(s) is/are.

Posted - 01/05/2014 : 06:13:02
To the great folks who care so much I say thank you. I have sent reward money requests to both Senators, and to the state with no response. I did that over a month ago as I am unemployed and our families don't have that kind of money for either a meaningful reward or a PI. We have had PI's contact us and they aren't cheap. So if this gets started by the locals I am grateful. And will do whatever I can to be there at least to show support if it gets somewhere. I too feel horrible for Bo's family as I know what it is like to lose a child. In a recent interview I was only partially quoted and I think he too could have been murdered and it could very well no be Bo's remains at all. Personally I hope that is the case. In any case thank you all again for your thoughts and prayers. I spend a lot of time in the background talking with all the authorities involved. Months ago I filed a request with the FBI to get involved. Again with no luck. But I can say that we don't know a whole lot about the actual facts of the investigation. I hope that will change very soon. But I have been told that for over 7 months now. So we wait and pray and give hope for justice. As of now that is all our family can do.

ted royal

Posted - 01/06/2014 : 06:30:07
I have no problem explaining my original, past, and current position. Originally I thought Bo was murdered along with Brit and to this day part of me still believes that. During the course of the investigation I had serious doubts about a fair investigation. I felt at the time that there might be critical conflicts of interest (that I wont explain here as this case is still ongoing) and I went so far as to threaten a law suit against the state and PD if this case was found to have had these conflicts and nothing was done about it. I even went so far as to file a complaint with the FBI and I even went as high as calling the State of Hawaii Attorney Generals office. All I wanted and still do for that matter was a fair investigation. This was my way of making sure pressure of a big lawsuit gave our family a fair investigation. That was a few months ago and you can see my comments publicly if you chose to look them up on this forum and BIC as well. The PD took my concerns seriously as well as the prosecutor locally and they assigned an Assistant Chief to deal directly with us. He addressed my concerns to my satisfaction a while back. Since then they have been super responsive to our calls and have given us what they can regarding information. Which again isn't much. But they do let us in now to more information that isn't reported or in print. And we will not under any circumstances reveal private conversations until the time is right. That time is not now. I hope this explains things a bit. And one last time, that report where I am only quoted as saying if Bo did it and he committed suicide then it is over and justice has been served is only one quote in the interview. I also said he could have been murdered too. I said as well that it may not even be him. They didn't print those two comments.. I have this very sentiment on my facebook page as well. This is a roller coaster of events, not to mention emotions. It is as I have said over and over and will continue to say a very sad event for both families and I too feel for the Johnson's. No outcome is good for them.
Finally, I cannot explain why the authorities will talk to us and not the Johnsons. Maybe because of their positon about Bo. The Prosecutor will represent our families side in court as we are the victims family no matter who they bring to justice..if they ever do arrest someone. At some point in time I am sure the authorities will give their side of things. But only when the time is right. And since this case is still ongoing to expect them to explain publically anything is not reasonable for obvious reasons. So that's my original, past, and current position. I am going to sit back and see what transpires with the findings of the body like you all before I change my position, if I do at all. I have that right. Thank you all for caring, sharing, and hopefully this tragic event gets solved one way or the other. As for me I can't wait to put this part of this miserable journey behind me so I can spend more time remembering the good times with Brittany and not focus on this time. No more questions for me please at least until we learn more. Thank you.

ted royal

**I mean no disrespect but the previous post on the 5th you said you were unemployed and couldn’t afford a PI or to offer a reward. Not being able to retain a lawyer or file a lawsuit seems obvious. Police and state officials are not intimidated by lawsuits and threats. They get them all the time. In fact, they kind of get upset at people that make such threats. They do respond to legal suits filed by lawyers so I doubt they folded to your threats of a lawsuit. What kind of suit could you have threatened them with? And why would you do that when you said they were doing their job and to be patient in earlier posts.

Posted - 01/10/2014 : 13:23:42
MarkP, I am not addressing theories at all. In fact my statement wasn't directed at you at all. I am addressing outright statements made by folks that claim they are facts, but in some cases are not. I am all for theories, hunches, what ifs, etc. Just for some I would say don't pawn off factual information without being correct. And don't blame the PD without knowing what they have done, are doing, and will be doing. I don't even know all they do and I talk to them all the time. Have been for over 7 months. So please I hope no one thinks I am talking directly to you...unless you are one of those who state fact without knowing the facts. So keep the hunches coming. It is true that a lot of crimes get solved by
this kind of communication. All I ask is stick to facts and that statement is not directed at you Mark. It is directed at those hurling flat out garbage about the investigation. It's not a lie if you believe it only works in Seinfeld!

ted royal

**Keep the hunches coming? Sincerely. Who did Brittany know prior to Bo? Again you don’t have to answer here but it could be significant.

[quote]Originally posted by brits dad[/i]

seekingforanswers, we will not be giving out ANY information regarding this case. The PD has all it needs to investigate as far as information goes from us. This case will not resolve itself on a blog or even in the National media. So please don't take it personally that we wont give out any personal information. We only owe Brittany and only Brittany the information requested ONLY by the authorities..We watch closely what is said over and over. And even in the last days we see again false information posted. No matter. Cops don't take their leads from here anyway. They know as we do that much that is posted to our case is only speculation and theory. And they also take into account the source of that information.

ted royal


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