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Woman's body found off Kalapana
Punaweb existed before this horrible crime, and will exist long after it is solved, unless Rob, who runs it as a community service, gets fed up and shuts it down. Punaweb is a multifaceted forum, with only one thread dedicated to this crime, this is only one thread out of hundreds, if not thousands; the rules Rob is enforcing and the standard of behavior he is asking for are the same ones he enforces on all threads: Keep it Hawaii, and keep it fairly civil, post no more than an average of 5 times a day, don't derail threads. These are not hard rules to follow.

The people who are only coming onto Punaweb to post on this thread need to understand that Punaweb is a bigger world than a forum devoted to finding out who did this crime. If people want a forum devoted to nothing except this crime they are free to start one, it sounds like some of the families have done that on facebook, but Punaweb is Rob's house and Rob's rules. All of the people who have been on here for years accept that, the people who didn't are gone, some even started their own forums and blogs. Please try to step back and get a sense of perspective about what Punaweb is and isn't.


Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb
I'm just curious, when did the lava tours start? I don't remember them happening when the flow was closer to the chain of craters end. I also did not notice or hear of tours much when it shifted towards the kalapana end. Not exactly sure when that was, maybe 2007? Then there was that whole period with the county viewing area and the yellow brick road, which was all highly regulated and organized, by what seemed like mainly local Hawaiians. That seemed to be a very well run affair with lots of good vibes. Then in 2010 I believe, the flow shifted even closer to kalapana, taking out the kipuka with the old jeep trail, some house in kalapana gardens, foxes landing, and other sections of that kipuka, almost reaching auntie kaawaloa's house. (That entire kipuka is called a horst by the way, which is a coastal geologic feature which describes a land facing fault. It's called the hakuma Horst and is the reason that kipuka survived the flows back in the 90s). After that series of flows is when the security seemed to change and the viewing became poor. That's when it seemed to me that the tours started up, possibly by some legal precedent that allowed then to take place, whereas before they could not. From what I understand about where the 10 acre parcel was, it seemed to be right near the Horst, closest to the lava field - a fairly advantageous place given the flow maps at the time, in addition to the longstanding history of kalapana.

Can anyone provide accurate clarification?
Allow me to inquire, for the sake of others that are posting, what exactly defines the derailment of this post?

Posts detailing the faults of prior/present local police investigative efforts in relation to the faults of the investigation of Boaz Johnson and Brittany Royal? Yes or No?

The "gray area" between locals and non-locals concerning the land that Boaz Johnson and Brittany Royal were purchasing or crossing? Yes or No?

The testimony by local citizens collectively indicating that "powerful" members in the local community are guilty of employing physical/verbal violence as a means to control so-called "territory" being bought by Boaz Johnson and Brittany Royal? Yes or No?

Specific information, names being censored, requested and/or replied by family members of Boaz Johnson or Brittany Royal? Yes or No?

Publically submitted comments posted by one family member to the website/page of another family specifically concerning the search for Boaz Johnson, or the discovery of Brittany Royals body? Yes or No?

All of these are seemingly very relevant topics to discuss in this particular topic of the forum, being that they all directly or indirectly concern the circumstances involving the investigative efforts given to Boaz Johnson and Brittany Royal. Upon considering that this is a thread dedicated to Brittany Royals murder and the disappearance of Boaz Johnson, this all seems, although speculative, helpful in assisting both community and family members resolve unanswered questions.

Furthermore, as another forum user stated, whether that information seems relevant or not is more or less up to the discrepancy of the family members involved, as opposed to other users or website moderators. Also noted on this forum, the family members have seemingly been very interested in using this information to help them understand the mysterious loss of their loved ones.

Originally posted by bluesboy

I'm just curious, when did the lava tours start? I don't remember them happening when the flow was closer to the chain of craters end. I also did not notice or hear of tours much when it shifted towards the kalapana end. Not exactly sure when that was, maybe 2007? Then there was that whole period with the county viewing area and the yellow brick road, which was all highly regulated and organized, by what seemed like mainly local Hawaiians. That seemed to be a very well run affair with lots of good vibes. Then in 2010 I believe, the flow shifted even closer to kalapana, taking out the kipuka with the old jeep trail, some house in kalapana gardens, foxes landing, and other sections of that kipuka, almost reaching auntie kaawaloa's house. (That entire kipuka is called a horst by the way, which is a coastal geologic feature which describes a land facing fault. It's called the hakuma Horst and is the reason that kipuka survived the flows back in the 90s). After that series of flows is when the security seemed to change and the viewing became poor. That's when it seemed to me that the tours started up, possibly by some legal precedent that allowed then to take place, whereas before they could not. From what I understand about where the 10 acre parcel was, it seemed to be right near the Horst, closest to the lava field - a fairly advantageous place given the flow maps at the time, in addition to the longstanding history of kalapana.

Can anyone provide accurate clarification?

To the best of my knowledge, there were not very many tours prior to the old ocean entry flow. As I stated in a much earlier comment (pg. 36)the owner of the company that is presently known as KCT, formerly known in the past as "the mean/local guide", ran most of the big tours.

When I began going to the lava for my own personal hobby, or to assist others in non-profit tours, there were only small handful of other tours that were active. They were mostly unlicensed, ill-organized, and generally conducted financially "under-the-table".

There were also active boat tours being done during this time, but I can't say whether they were "bootlegging" their trips in a similar fashion to the land tours or not. At that time, it was an extremely lucrative business for all, and well-guarded by "local" bullies once the Hawaii county guard clocked out.

Everything I've said pertains to 2007-2008. Prior to that, I have no knowledge.
I think that Rob is acting as responsibly as he can -- considering the topic we're discussing.
Just to clarify and trying to keep on topic my 2 previous posts concern the treatment I personally received by a few unpleasant fellow islanders, contrary to most everyone I have met here over the years who are kind, considerate, sharing and generous. I explained my attempts not to trespass on private property while exploring plus my understanding of what defines private property. Additionally the description of my hike to and from Fox's landing was meant also to indicate that I am surprised shocked even, that since there is a trail along the mauka side of the graben/horst, passing by what seems to be proximate to where the recent hanging body was found, that it is very odd that the investigation by the police, surely they have access to cadaver dogs, did not find the body, but it was instead found by hikers months later. The top of the horst/graben trail is easily found and accessible from either the Kaimu side or the national park side. There are off shoot trails into the kipuka. I stayed out of those as here one knows in "remote" areas pakalolo is often grown and protected even by traps. Thanks to those of you who have reinforced my understanding of what constitutes private property which I thought was pertinent to the whole story of the murders and potential reasons for those dark deeds as I cannot imagine that Bo and Brittany were welcomed as potential guides, campers, or landowners being new to our beautiful Hawaiian island by those few who are hostile and think they have ownership of touring and unimproved lava covered land. BTW I belong to the human race, that is the only race I personally recognize as legitimate. Like it or not many peoples of many different back grounds now live Hawaii and care deeply for the aina and the entire island and want to share aloha. In Satchidananda.
I truly do appreciate your post Amrita! And many others. I had brought up the trespassing topic in reference to Bo and Brittany going on the lava grounds and getting harassed. Not that i haven't thought this already from day 1! but now I completely believe that they were both victims of violence! It just makes me so furious that, the PD won't even look in that direction or even the possibility!
When locals are expressing the " threatning acts they've encountered, and those are the same concerns and fears that Bo and brittany were going through too. BUT the PD is completely looking the other way? WHY??
I know that these are my opinions, but one thing for certain I DO KNOW IS Bo did not do this! Someone hurt him TOO , And I have never thought otherwise!
has anyone ever gone to the pd about there threatning acts towards them, or do you think it would be useless, if not?? And If so how was the out come?
i don't know much about the police, but i have watched a bunch of police tv shows. sometimes the police say they are doing one thing, but are really doing another - not necessarily to deceive the public, but to deceive the suspect. they may know exactly who did it, but they need evidence, and if they don't have it, they may need to bait the suspect by using false leads.
Originally posted by bluesboy

i don't know much about the police, but i have watched a bunch of police tv shows.
After all that's been said in this long thread, I don't know if anything can go beyond this. You win, sir.
Certainly, it would be interesting to find out exactly how many complaints HPD has received in the last 5 years regarding aggressive lava tour operators, and what HPD's response was, if any. HPD wouldn't look so good if it became obvious they've known about the situation down there for years, and did nothing about it. In that case, no surprise they only want to focus on Bo.

The fact that this tragic event occurred on the very eve of Bo's purchase of 10 acres cannot be ignored. It would be a hell of a coincidence. Maybe we should follow the money. Obviously, the lava tour business and associated parking is very lucrative, and at this point, appears to be unregulated. Seems like a protection racket is also going on, with some companies having to pay a "fee" to do business. Combine that with the large number of documented threats, well, its not rocket science who would stand to loose.

If these young people were killed simply because they wanted to buy some land in a particular place, and some nearby neighbors didn't want any "outsider" moving in and disrupting their lucrative rackets, not only is this murder, but could be a violation of their civil rights. Combined with the racketeering allegations, that might be enough for the FBI to become actively involved.

That would probably be HPD's worst case scenario. The FBI looking into how HPD has handled this case, and other similar unsolved crimes. If that happens, watch out! Da fur gonna fly!

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