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Wave Painting
This is a long shot, but since there seems to be a lot of local people on here, I thought I'd give it a try.

A couple of years ago while in Pahoa, there was an internet cafe/coffee shop in one of the buildings on main street. On one side of the cafe there was a couch and a place to "hang out" while drinking your coffee.

Above the couch there was a painting for sale, I assume by a local artist. I didn't get the name. The painting was of a breaking wave, and was beautiful. I didn't buy it cause I was on vacation and didn't know how I was going to get it back to the mainland.

On the next vacation the cafe and painting were gone. I was wondering if anyone on here remembers this and/or who the artist was. I figure even if someone bought that particular painting, if it was a local artist, they probably have other work I would be interested in.

Again, I know this is a long shot, but probably the best one I have!
Was it this one by Grace Kaiulani Spilman?

It was not this painting, but I am wondering if she is the artist of the one I saw...

Thanks for the reply.

EDIT: I found her webpage and I don't think it was her. The painting was more realistic, less impressionist. Again, thanks for the info.
Steve Irvine is a prolific and successful local artist that has displayed in Pahoa. There are some wave paintings seen HERE at his website.
Hmmm... don't think it was Steve Irvine either.

Lots of artists on the island!
How about Tom Rissacher?

Good luck!
google Pahoa internet cafe/coffee shops and look at the the older posts, once you have the coffee shop name, you may be able to track down the owner.

Oh wow! Those are insanely beautiful!
i think the shop was called the aloha outpost. they later moved into the space near the malama market. it was owned by a guy named Lamar. He later sold it to a guy named Mike Hale. Mike changed the name to the punatic cyber cafe. it was open for a couple years, then shut down. that space is now a chinese barbq place, i think.
Wasn't there also a coffee shop in the building across from Luquins where the Pahoa museum was? It had couches as I recall.


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Polish Proverb

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