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I don't believe that the anecdotal evidence falls into the category of "complete trash", so what if he is a lawyer - what do lawyers do? In fact they attempt to discern the truth with the evidence gathered , which is what he has done . Say what you will the
anecdotal is overwhelming, imho,as well as the enactment of Japan's State Secrets Act , considered all together in my view amounts to a valid source of information, and the fact that with all the fish, bird, and mammal, die offs, and nary a word about "radiation", indicates the complicity ( for whatever reason), of .gov/msm
And the post ( at link, see side bar) also is very informative about many other events of dire importance to a MSM befuddled audience
Originally posted by Opihikaobob

I don't believe that the anecdotal evidence falls into the category of "complete trash"...
anecdotal is overwhelming, imho,...

See, there's your problem... you don't understand that anecdotal information, by nature, is unproven, and therefore useless as proof of anything. It's fundamentally just stories that people tell, and they can be truthful or complete fiction, with no way to tell which is which.

In this specific case, for example, the lead item, about polar bears losing their hair, sounds really damning, except for the fact that the reports of polar bears losing their hair were circulating BEFORE the Fukushima disaster, and have been attributed to many different things, including climate change and bacterial infection.

I could do the same kind of takedown on every item on this guy's list, but it's just more of the same... guilt by association, not by examination. As the classic rebuttal to this fallacy says:
Correlation does not imply causality.

IOW, just because B follows A doesn't mean that A caused B, or even that they are related events at all. As a lawyer this guy should know that none of his "evidence" is admissable, because it's all just heresay, with no proof to back it up.

TEPCO: "We are not currently able to say clearly how much groundwater is actually flowing into the ocean," Tokyo Electric Power spokesman Noriyuki Imaizumi told Reuters when asked for an estimate."

Glow in the dark fish fish, good read:

our yellow tail and bluefin eat these as well - aggregation

yesterdays news: "Tokyo Electric Power Co. has withheld 140 measurements of radioactive strontium levels taken in groundwater and the port of the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant between June and November last year.

TEPCO has been releasing the combined levels of all radioactive substances, including strontium, that emit beta rays, at the crippled nuclear plant. But strontium levels exceeded the all-beta readings in some instances, leading the utility to decide they were “wrong” and to withhold them from public releases, TEPCO officials said Jan. 8."

one more from RT - about strontium 90 being discharged - and lied about for THREE YEARS.....

and we are in the middle of the pacific are we really ok with it being used as a dumping ground?

"Earlier, TEPCO said it detected 2.35 billion becquerels of cesium per liter in water that is now leaking into the groundwater through cracks in the plant’s drainage system. This radiation level is roughly the same as that measured in April 2011.

The normal level is 150 becquerels of cesium per liter of water.

For the past two years, TEPCO has claimed that it managed to siphon off the excess water into specially-constructed storage tanks. However, the company was forced to admit late last month that radioactive water was still escaping into the Pacific Ocean. These consistent failures are testing the patience of Japanese authorities."
When you read on down,you come to this.

“The concentrations of radionuclides, which are going to the Pacific or have been injected to the Pacific, by the time they get to the US, and to China and to South East Korea and so on will not be enormously high,” Busby told Voice of Russia.

Yet the scientist warned that nuclear contamination of Japan could result in 400-800 extra cancer cases in Japan in the next fifty years.

More good news,the ad in today's paper from Foodland,they have fresh flown in Atlantic Salmon.
"“The concentrations of radionuclides, which are going to the Pacific or have been injected to the Pacific, by the time they get to the US, and to China and to South East Korea and so on will not be enormously high,” Busby told Voice of Russia. "

my question all along has been - If we dont know how much is being released - either through lack of quantifiable amounts....ormis information by TEPCO (proven)

How can we predict the results? .... this whole deal has been not based on logic, science or truth..... did we know are they reporting these are GE reactors?..... for instance
one more - this codifies the dog and pony show - word has it the law was prompted by the us.....makes one wonder if we had any involvement / projects going on..... meanwhile its being reported the the #4 reactor building has settled 31 inches below ground level as the foundation is failing .....

ge reactors - 1st generation learning curve.....
did we know are they reporting these are GE reactors?..... for instance

Isn't that the same GE that gets a multi-billon-dollar tax refund from IRS?

Don't worry, citizen -- everything is perfectly safe, because (redacted).

fuel rods still inside - not good
And then there is this side of the story:

Is it possible that all life in the Pacific Ocean is on the verge of being wiped out but that knowledge is being kept from you by an unholy alliance of international governments, corporations and a compliant news media?
No. But that doesn’t stop people from believing it. Just when it seemed those scary Facebook posts had gone away, they came back again last week.

again....if TEPCO is not truth full about the release by their own admission - how can anyone provide a valid study either way

its not the first time we have been manipulated remember Colin Powell at the un?

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