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If only Puna knew about Punaweb ...
At least there would have some variety here.

Apparently Puna got with the times and went to Facebook (at least that's what I hear). Got to assimilate if you want to mingle with the masses or accept settling into the fringe with the few.
Yep on " mingle with the masses or accept settling into the fringe with the few "

Well spoken Ironyak.

Most of the people I know left PW because of the unfriendly atmosphere... because of the inability to share differing opinions without being attacked for them.
[}Smile]Yeah dakine you are spot on, the atmosphere here sucks and so do the rude people! Just saying!
Enjoy life, smile, show compassion and most importantly be grateful for the things you have!
323 pages X 15 per ,,, Last page not 15 + some ZERO post nevas' HERE ( On Punaweb )

generic look up

I'm on several different types of social media with different types of communities. I don't know of one where people don't get attacked. They certainly get attacked if they stray too far from the pack but often for no apparent good reason. Rob's moderator style is generally more hands off than most, as long as the threads and/or posters remain at least peripherally Hawaii related. His social and political views have influenced his moderation style at times but seemingly only on a narrow range of topics that generally fall within the "pack" norms on those topics. Otherwise, the forum provides a format that doesn't seem to function as well on the other social media types, that of being more helpful "community interest" oriented as opposed to community news or gossip although "gossip" does rear it's head. The forum originally seemed geared more towards the now seemingly hated malihini and helping them with moving, building and blending into their new community. That has certainly changed to a large degree. It does seem that a lot of the earlier members have gone inactive. As to who was being rude or intolerant to who (whom?) and for what reasons, good or bad, well I'm a bit confused on that one. I don't think there has been consistency there. Some brought the rudeness or intolerance on themselves with their own intolerance and/or rudeness. Others not.????

Big Islander to be.
Big Islander to be.
I do not use faceTook your identity and sold it to all the pump and dump advertisers and hacker/virus across the globe. And people who come here then complain about the moderator or site owner need to get a fricken life. As the old saying goes, 'you never look a gift horse in the mouth.'

Trolls looking for an alternative to their otherwise, in real world, boring, dull, useless life. The internet phenomena, what goes on behind the back, in closed doors, secrets which had been otherwise unseen, exposed since the mid 1990's, has roared it's ugly head with anonymous idiots who've discovered an outlet.

On one hand; exposing people who'll smile in your face and stab you in the back, there's something positive by having learned the truth of how certain people behave. How ugly the few who use this type of outlet really are. Yet in Anonymity on sites like this, FaceTook is no comparison as, within some reason it verifies identity through personal friends and hook-ups. It's a whole different perspective when people can't hide.

Moderators or site owners usually maintain a sense of liability and or moral responsibility by preserving some forms of these anonymous dopes signatures or e-mail which can be traced to their IP address which is or can be traced straight into an idiots living room, or the cave they've just crawled out of.

Yet have the nerve to expect those responsible people will not cross the same line they do at will.

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