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When, not If lava crosses 130...
How many would evacuate their home if a County order were placed to evacuate because lava was about to cross 130?

- Armed citizens provide security of a free State.
Interesting question, although my answer would depend on where the lava would cross the road. If it blocked off my access to Hilo, then yes, I don't think I'd have a choice and would evacuate.
A plan for this scenario should already be in place and evacuation is not a plan, that's irresponsibility.
Ferry landings at Kapoho and Pohoiki, Beach road connectors between the HPP and Hawaiian Beaches, lava canal diversion areas under 130 and or bridges over lava canal berm areas - those are "plans".
If these are not available alternative in/egress options, there will be very serious repercussions.

- Armed citizens provide security of a free State.
Having an inflatable Zodiac style boat with outboard for personal use can accommodate basic needs use, launched from Pohoiki and Kapoho and head into Hilo. Instead of allowing lower Puna to become a looters paradise in such an event. We need to make sure we have real alternatives in place.

It's irresponsible to say evacuation... the island cannot handle that many people dislodged from their homes. It would be a damn mess in more ways than one.

- Armed citizens provide security of a free State.
If all the flow is crossing Puna between Pahoa and Orchidland my guess is they will punch a crude road back into Volcanoes National Park and connect with the bottom of Chain of Craters road for a minimal level of connectivity.


Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb
Lava crossing the highway at any point on 11 is a very different scenario than lava crossing 130. With the population in this region being cut off at 130, there would be very serious problems for the County and it should not be ignored. This scenario would be the proverbial $hit hitting the fan. The questions would be put forth for years thereafter asking why the County or the State never addressed the issue. How can something so blatantly obvious never have been planned for? Of all the things on the fix Puna list... that should be #1 at the very top before anything else.

- Armed citizens provide security of a free State.
That might be an option. In the meanwhile having the connectors put back in on the old beach Road would buy valuable time for doing something like you mentioned or other things if necessary. Just the simple act of reconnecting the old beach road would be a giant leap in the right direction.

- Armed citizens provide security of a free State.
just a question, dont take this the wrong way, but....

if it truly is as big of a threat as punawebbers would make it seem, why have i not really heard people talking about this AT ALL out in the real world? if it was not for punaweb, i would not know about the new lava flow and its potential potential to come down to the pahoa area. i don't know it just seems most people i interact with are not thinking about this even once throughout their day.

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"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
I would evacuate too hilo,thats where my job is at.

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