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Woman's body found off Kalapana
Originally posted by Adam-I-Am

I'm really angry now. The murder suspect "committed suicide" is BS. This is so out of line that it's outright ... I guess I shouldn't say the word that I should say.

I am with you. With a badly decomposed body, the line from the campsite with blood evidence (DNA), who in their right mind thinks this was murder/suicide? I havent heard anyone mention them doing any kind of drugs that would Bo hallucinate enough to commit this crime?

Seriously. I just hope the news media got it all wrong, or even HPD spread the mis-information for a reason.

I refuse to believe this story and there is enough info out there that the public does know to make my disbelief very very probable.

ETA: I guess my belief is going to have to be suspended. I am very sad to see this :

Officer Kenda The Homicide Detective said many times that strangulation is a crime of passion. It requires the person being very close to the person they are killing. It usually is someone who they know who hates them so badly that they want to watch them die. Its overkill and it takes time. It is a slow death. who knows maybe he never intended for her to die just to take him seriously and he held on a bit too long so she knocked out and he dragged her to the I said OVERKILL..maybe not intentional though :/
I know it's difficult to believe evidence over hearsay, innuendo, and racist rumors of a mythical Hawaiian Mafia;

But seriously, get a life folks, and let both families have some closure.

First I would like to say I am sorry to the Johnson family for their loss. I do not feel that I need to apologize to the so called Locals, for I am one. For the locals who were being blamed for this?. Well that is your Karma, when you go around threatening residents, tourist, and anyone else who does not agree with your tactics. Your name or names should and will come up as possible suspects if there are murders in your area or territory.
AS sad as this has been for all, Hopefully this was the truth to what had happened that evening and our community can rest again knowing we don't have someone or some ones responsible for this still free. Maybe the Locals can learn from this and not go around harassing or threatening the lives of others?. I am VERY SORRY I doubted our local police department, Most of my doubting was stemmed from the past and how they had handled past tragedies. P.S. These newbies like Damien007, reallocal, and snorkel have showed their support strongly for their local alliance, but at the same time have shown their lack of aloha, support, or compassion for both families and the rest of the community who may have truly cared. Being that this tragedy was the only reason I even bought a family computer or claimed to be on this Punaweb, I will make this my last post for some time now. Sorry you all had to put up with my ranting and raving, and if I offended anyone I am truly sorry for that was not my intentions, only getting the truth was.
Quote gypsy69;
"These newbies like Damien007, reallocal, and snorkel have showed their support strongly for their local alliance, but at the same time have shown their lack of aloha, support, or compassion for both families and the rest of the community who may have truly cared"

Since you have singled me out (a 29 year Kalapana resident), Please show one instance where I have been disrespectful to anyone. All I have done is disagree with you and your wild, unsubstantiated, accusations about a "Hawaiian Mafia". Talk about lack of aloha..........
The police report said the body was found not far from the entrance to a kipuka, near Bo and Brittany's campsite.
The original police search warrants of the campsite described officers finding Bo's backpack with cell phone and knife following a possible trail leading to a forested kipuka.
After finding the backpack, which contained Bo's personal belongings, why the hell did the police not do a thorough search in that area and also bring the police dogs in!

This tragedy finally brings the Justice for the Royal family that they were seeking.

The Johnson family, I am so sorry about Bo.
This still leaves unanswered questions for both families and many of us who live in this area!
local here too! no surprise to anyone in Puna that police were gonna say the haole boy committed suicide! lotta people other than me was sayin so. we used to these coverups down here, happen all the time
who knows.. could be suicide... but then again if someone was holding a rifle to your head you would probably write whatever they wanted.. it's all very peculiar for many. many reasons.. deepest sympathies to both families.
They found his journal nearby with 3 handwritten pages, a confession and intent to commit suicide, and the handwriting has been determined to be his. Another mainland domestic issue brought to this island, then used to create racial division. There is racism, just that it is mostly white against brown people.

"This island Hawaii on this island Earth"
*Japanese tourist on bus through Pahoa, "Is this still America?*
Well said pahoated,sorry to say, sad but true.

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