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Woman's body found off Kalapana
If Boaz Johnson is indeed guilty, I believe PaulW's account is likely the most assumable timeline of how things likely transpired. Let's hope it happened this simple, but obviously a near majority of forum users have expressed doubts to Boaz's guilt. I won't side with either party, but I will raise a few concerns.

The suicide letter strikes me as odd, and I don't think I'm alone in thinking this. According to the official video release, police claim the notebook (letter) did not go into any detail about the actual "dispute" that Boaz Johnson and Brittant Royal fought about. Police continued to say that the letter only indicated how he killed Brittany Royal, and that he intended to commit suicide.

In my honest opinion, and in accordance to most murder/suicide cases, most suicidal letters left by a murderer are left for the primary reason of either justifying why you committed your crime, or apologizing for the reasons you feel remorse for committing your crime. This suicide letter left absolutely no indication of what the dispute was about, much less trying to justify it or apologize. n the otherhand, it would seem likely that if Boaz Johnson was "forced" to write this letter, likely under threat of torture, the killer(s) would only be interested in making him write explaining two primary things:

A) Admit intention of murder
B) Admit intention of suicide.

Whats missing here is:

C)an elaborate excuse/apology for why he murderd Brittany, and the topic of their dispute that drove him to such desperate acts.

Another thing that bothers me is that police could not answer how exactly he hung himself from the tree. The spokeman seemed quite nervous when it came to that question, and coudn't exactly confirm how the hanging occured. If the autopsy was a complete autopsy, the results would have included how the asphyxiation likely occured, including the possibilities of broken vertebrae, whether the rope could have been tied first-hand,etc etc. Although I'm sure there are answers for this, it's very odd that police obviously have little to no information pertaining to how the body was hung. This would be something they should be able to expertly answer, given a full autopsy.

I'll bring up one final point which strikes me as very strange.

Why would Boaz Johnson casually answer a call from Kalapana Ed hours after the body was found? If Kalapana Ed led investigators to the discovery of Boaz and Brittany's campsite (according to the search warrant), and the body was discovered hours before, why would Boaz Johnson be answering or making any calls at all, particularly from someone that would be very near the crime scene? This certainly isn't a time for a runaway murderer to make casual calls, and it's even more peculiar that such a call was made to a person very involved with assisting police efforts in the search of the campsite.

Furthermore, why would he answer a call from someone in the area that would likely already know that Brittany was discovered and police were searching the area, not to mention someone actively assisting the police in the search.

It doesn't make much sense for Boaz Johnson to make/recieve this call unless he was extremely stupid, or worst, forced to, which would correlate with other efforts to frame him, such as the notebook.

If Boaz was not forced to make any phone calls, a young man in desperate separation would almost certainly make a call to his parents or close friends.

Parents claim they received no call, as do close friends. Yet the one phone call Boaz did make was conveniently to the one person walking around the murder scene and assisting police officials?

That's quite strange, in all honesty. Very convenient, but even more strange.

Also, how did Boaz Johnson make these calls? The search warrants claim he left his cell phone and wallet behind at the scene of the crime. If that's the case, and the cell phone that Boaz Johnson left behind was the only cell phone contracted to his name, how did he make that call? Furthermore, how could that phone be traced? If the call was made from a secondary phone, such as a payphone, how did police confirm it was actually Boaz Johnson making the call? There's a few questions that need to be answered about that.

If this was a well-planned murder for high stakes of money or land, I wouldn't put it past a motivated murderer to force/fake letters and/or phone calls under the duress of torture. In fact, it wouldn't be the first time, at all.

As other users have stated, this may likely end up as another Puna murder that takes years to actually solve. There remains alot of questions, despite todays press conference.

I wish both families the best of luck in finding justice and peace.

Originally posted by islandlvng

I've found a partial credit card statement that blew out of my burn pile several months after burning it. Still very legible.

A burn pile? Seriously? Buy a shredder and recycle please.

Nothing left to do but
I feel that if I post anything more on here about Bo being innocent I will be considered a crazed family member who doesn't know when to quit. I will look as if I am not willing to ever believe that Bo did this even if I had absolute proof. We have heard of the confession letter written in the composition book. A confession/suicide letter can be forged and it can be forced. I am still trying to process all this recent information. I will need some solid proof to believe all this. Especially with all the other suspicious circumstances in this case. I guess that I am not ready to condemn my brother.

My thanks to all who have taken part in this forum. From the bottom of my heart I thank those who aren't ready to call it quits without more proof and full understanding.
Of course it doesnt make sense because he was not thinking clearly obviously it was not premeditated. Does murders ever make sense? Do Suicides ever make sense? you are looking for logic where there is none. He messed up took it too far and did not know what to do. YOu act like we got some brilliant criminals running loose here..Occam;s Razor..quit complicating it. The previous posters "Tazmania" and "here" there and "island" hit the nail on the head. I dont think he meant to kill her it just went to far.
Originally posted by dragon2k

Originally posted by terracore

I started this thread at the second hand request of a direct family member involved. I went to lock or close it (like you can on some forums) and found out that I can't. But I wish that we can all move on now.

Yep. One of the shortcomings of PW. You can start a thread, but cannot delete it, lock it or otherwise end it.

You can ask Rob to delete it or lock it. I think he would honor that as.... Hmmm, I agree about moving on. This is a sad thread and well... Should be moved or something ... It's kinda depressing to see it at the top on the main forum personally.
to all da family im local boy born and raised hawaii, most my life puna. seen PLENTY murders happen round here , no get solved for a long time. no lie, im not sure this haole boy killed himself. plenty plenty thing u can do to make someone say or write somethin fake. jus looks like another crazzzzzy insolvent save for puna!!!
did he have a history of violence? prior arrests for it? have there been any witnesses to confirm he and brittany were fighting or having problems? wouldn't there have been any previous altercations prior to him completely snapping and commiting murder? did he have any sort of history with the kipuka where he was found. I.e. did it hold some sort of significance for him and be a spot HE would chose to end his life? I do agree that it seems very strange there was no remorse in the journal as was confirmed by Tavares when he was specifically asked that question. I think the way the police "tried" to answer questions from the media was kind of a joke.
lockin da forum? local kine r still talkin about this and interested in sharing opinion! Internet and forums are for freedom of speech bra, and even both da families still using da forum right now! shame on peeps asking to shut all dis down and all wanna be happy with da results. punaweb owner should keep dis open
[quote]Originally posted by w00tl00ps

in the gazillions articles that was made about this case. He was going to put it as a down payment. Money he saved and also his family loaned him.

Af for the notebook you honestly think it was there 7 months? im telling you he commited suicide sometime in december when the money ran out. Im betting some people were aiding him and basically extorted him to death. You act like people are so clever as to frame someone like that..every murder has a calling card. There is no such thing as a perfect murder and one knows how long the body was you know how fast things decompose ............
Tavares says it appears he commited suicide about 2 days after the murder in this press conference:
Where did w00t find this report about $10,000.?

He claims it was in a news article, but there are no news articles indicating anything of the sort.

Meanwhile, family members confirm that realtors were receiving the money electronically.

Perhaps w00t could share exactly which "gazillion" articles covered this suddenly unknown stack of cash?

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