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Woman's body found off Kalapana
Originally posted by kapohololo

lockin da forum? local kine r still talkin about this and interested in sharing opinion! Internet and forums are for freedom of speech bra, and even both da families still using da forum right now! shame on peeps asking to shut all dis down and all wanna be happy with da results. punaweb owner should keep dis open

Normally the OP (original poster) has that option to close a thread or at least request it to be closed. But it's not up to me. I agree it shouldn't be locked but sent someplace else on the forum. Maybe in a new one or something. Just like you that want to keep it open ... we all have the freedom to voice our opinions. I don't think there is any shame to ask for a thread to be closed by the OP (active or not).
No, I don't think you are crazy for posting and defending Bo and believing in his innocence.

Can family members request the original or get a copy of the notebook suicide letter, I think it is very important your family see and read it. You know Bo and his style of writing, there may be something about the way it was written or worded that can help answer the questions you have!

The autopsy report, anony_mouse brought up some good points. if you can, get a copy of the autopsy report and get a second opinion. If the police will not release the information to you, talk to Mitch Roth about getting the copies. If it is necessary, hire an attorney to fight for the release of this information to your family.
We are thinking of you and your family.
Originally posted by terracore

I started this thread at the second hand request of a direct family member involved. I went to lock or close it (like you can on some forums) and found out that I can't. But I wish that we can all move on now.

Terracore, in reality you started this thread 2+ days after the body was discovered, the day it hit the news like everyone else saw...., and before the body was Identified through fingerprint and tattoo.... so how DID you know direct family members involved before the body was IDed?

I know you have connections to AK before you moved here and raised rabbits and goats, but DID YOU know the BoazJ family directly beforehand?, or did you misspeak in the above quote??


save our indigenous and endemic Hawaiian Plants... learn about them, grow them, and plant them on your property, ....instead of all that invasive non-native garbage I see in most yards... aloha
save our indigenous and endemic Hawaiian Plants... learn about them, grow them, and plant them on your property, ....instead of all that invasive non-native garbage I see in most yards... aloha
This is without a doubt the saddest thread I've ever seen on Punaweb.
Puna: Our roosters crow first
This thread has outlived its purpose imho.

RIP Brittany-Jane, baby and Boaz.
Nothing left to do but
Very sad. Poor girl, poor confused young man. Mahalo to the posters that ask us to remember Occam's Razor. You guys anchor this crazy thread, somewhat, to reality. I know everyone has an agenda here, some defending the young man's memory, some honoring the young woman, some who just love a mystery and don't want it to end. I'd like to go on record as one who would like to congratulate the police for the job they have done, again offer deepest sympathies to family and friends who were directly affected by this tragedy, and urge Rob to close this thread. There may be more that others wish to opine, but they can always start a new thread, eh? Punatalk is still open for business. But the families involved are now working on closure. Let's help them. This story has ended.
There isn't just one family involved, there are two. As we have heard from at least one of Boaz' family, closure is not at hand for them. The community is involved as well and has a right to some reasonable answers; a right to feel safe and good about the final chapter of all this. This was a horrific thing for the families, and only a monster would not wish them peace and healing. I don't think anyone on here is a monster. This was a very traumatizing thing for our small community as well. Truth withstands questioning. Let's just be patient as things come to a close and the valid questions are given answers. People want to talk, need to process. This thread will close itself when it is time.

Melissa Fletcher
"Make yurts, not war" Bill Coperthwaite, 1973
Melissa Fletcher
"Make yurts, not war" Bill Coperthwaite, 1973
I don't believe that this thread should be stopped until the families of Brittany and Bo say, on this forum, that they are satisfied with the police work and findings, and that they want peace and don't want to talk about this anymore. Until then, I think it is healthy to keep asking questions.
ya...peeps keep forgettin bout the boys family....and locals that think the boy is murdered. who knows!
I just returned from Hilo court house and put in a request to inspect the now unsealed Boaz Johnson file. Was told it is not available because it is with a supervisor and I will be called when it is available. Curiously, I was also told it appears I am the only one to request it so far. Would love to acquire, and publish, the ENTIRE Grand Jury transcript. Unfortunately, this is beyond my current resources, so hopefully a more flush news outlet will see fit to do it. The families, and the public, have an interest to know EXACTLY what happened in this case.

Update: Hilo court just called to tell me the record will be available to inspect tomorrow.
Bringing Justice to the Islands
Bringing Justice to the Islands

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